Substitute concrete - a new material in the construction and repair

Any owner of a private house, cottage is faced with the task of creating a fence, gazebo, terrace or other small buildings. For them, almost always have to put columns, for which cement is most often used. Despite its durability, this material has many disadvantages. The modern concrete substitute has a huge list of advantages, therefore, in many situations it replaces the "classic" mixes.

What is a concrete substitute

These are special composite compositions that include two components for mixing among themselves, or one-component products. This material is considered innovative, therefore, only a few brands are represented on the market.

Composite composition for concrete replacement
Composite composition for concrete replacement

The finished mass for pouring is formed when the filler and hardener are combined, after which the composition is applied to the surface, expands in volume and quickly solidifies. As a result of polymerization, it forms a homogeneous, monolithic structure, which surpasses any cement mortar in technical characteristics.

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Application area

Composite is used where it is difficult to fill traditional concrete solutions. Usually it is used in hard-to-reach areas, in mountains, forest zones, although it is suitable for absolutely any climatic conditions. Most often, with the help of concrete substitutes, supporting structures and individual elements (horizontal and vertical) are prepared. The material is used for fixing, repair, installation, restoration:

  • fences made of wood, metal, concrete, brick;
  • columns, arbors, lamps, terraces;
  • playgrounds and attractions;
  • road structures - signs, pointers, barriers;
  • parking lots;
  • water, gas supply lines;
  • masts, flagpoles.

Use of a concrete substitute for repairing parking coverage

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Relevance of use

To achieve a stable position of the pillars during the installation of the fence, they have to be buried in the ground and poured with concrete. For this purpose, a hole is dug, a pillar is placed, after which the gap is filled with a liquid concrete (cement-sand) mass. Such a solution quickly hardens and reliably fixes the columns in the soil. However, the final strength of the cement mixture takes only a month, and during this period it is impossible to make the final installation of the fence.

Concrete mixtures are difficult to prepare. The place of work is very dirty, and the connection of cement and sand is best done in a concrete mixer. Manually it is possible to make only a small portion, but thoroughly mixing it is still problematic. Concrete substitutes are rapidly displacing traditional mortars for the following reasons:

  • the site remains clean;
  • the finished mixture starts without much effort;
  • stability of supports will be higher.

Composite compositions are easier to prepare and use than cement mortars.

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Advantages and disadvantages of composite material

To use composites is much more profitable and more effective than concrete, since they have a number of advantages:

  1. Speed. When using substitutes, the total time for all work is reduced by 80%. The agent after pouring becomes durable in 5 minutes, finished structures can be operated in a couple of hours.
  2. Purity. On the site you do not have to do a “general” cleaning, which is especially important for forest areas, parks, recreation places.
  3. Low labor input. For pouring, it is not necessary to hire a team of workers, and the simplicity of the process allows you to do it yourself. Violating the proportions of the components is almost unrealistic - everything is already measured and packaged in convenient packaging.

Substitutes for concrete are stronger than traditional formulations

  1. Strength. Mixtures based on composites after polymerization become much more resistant to harmful factors than concrete solutions.
  2. Environmental friendliness. The compositions do not include harmful components, they are completely safe for people and the environment. In addition, composites do not damage metal, wood, do not cause rot and corrosion.

It is possible to use concrete substitutes even at subzero temperatures (up to –25 degrees), which can be important under certain climatic conditions in the region. Of the minuses, it is worth mentioning only a higher price than that of cement, but it is offset by savings in labor costs and pay for the work of the hired builders team. High temperatures negatively affect the strength of the solution, so overheating during its manufacture should be excluded.

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Material Technology

Using the composition is not difficult even for beginners. The work is done in this way:

  • dig holes of the required size (slightly larger than the diameter of the support);
  • prepare the components of the solution, open the packaging (if it is frosty on the street, they must first be kept for 2 hours at room temperature or heated to +25 degrees directly at the place of work);
  • connect the components according to the instructions in a clean plastic container, beat them with a drill with a mixer nozzle for 45 seconds, no more;
  • at one time it is worth preparing no more than 4 liters of solution, which is enough for 8 medium pits;

  • set the column in the hole, align it vertically, pour solution;
  • after 4-5 minutes, the product will increase in volume like a mounting foam;
  • if necessary, remove excess composite or add it;
  • after 5 minutes, you can stop holding the support, and after 2-3 hours, start operation.

If the product is sold in one-component form, it does not need to be mixed, but can be poured directly into the wells from the package. Polymerization will occur due to contact with air. On average, a packaging weighing 1,100 g replaces 50 kg of dry cement.

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Popular brands

On sale are concrete substitutes Hilst, Fast 2K, Quikset, which are considered the most effective.


This brand has appeared on the market recently, but managed to take a leading position. On sale there are three options for concrete substitutes (depending on the packaging), and all of them are well suited for strengthening vertical supports, pouring medium and light buildings, laying pipelines:

  1. HILST Standart. Suitable for installing columns, includes 2 packs of 500 ml of each component. One bottle is larger in size - it is possible to mix the components in it.
  2. HILST Professional. The package contains 2 canisters of 5 liters. Mixing will have to be done in a separate container. The funds will be enough to install a long fence, pile field.
  3. HILST Expert. It includes two buckets of 20 liters each, intended for solving difficult tasks - pouring heavily loaded towers, power lines, strengthening foundations.
HILST Expert concrete substitute
HILST Expert concrete substitute

The compositions of this brand must be kneaded for 30 seconds, since the chemical reaction begins further, and after 3 minutes the composition reaches full expansion. For a final set of strength, a concrete substitute needs only 3 hours. The finished coating can withstand loads up to 660 kPa.

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Fast 2k

This composite is produced by the Canadian brand CHEMQUE and is intended for quick and reliable installation of supports, fence posts, and other vertical structures. The product is available in 1.1 kg bags, replacing two bags of plain cement.

Mix for installation of posts Fast2K
Mix Fast2K

The composite is a two-component polyurethane mixture with hydrophobic properties. Protective gloves are included with the package. Before kneading, the separation bar is removed, the liquids are combined, shaken for 30 seconds by turning the bag over. After the corner is cut off from the packaging, and the mass can be poured into the wells, other types of holes for fixing the structure. After 5 minutes, the product is cured by 50%, after 20 minutes - 100%. After that, you can proceed to the final installation - hang the gates, install the harness, etc.

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QUIKSET concrete substitute is used as an alternative to concrete mix when installing various types of structures to a depth of 60-150 cm. The composition includes modern materials based on polymer resins, which are characterized by a high curing speed. The product must be kneaded for no more than 20 seconds, and after pouring it gains strength within an hour. This composite material is sold in packs of 300, 700, 1000 ml.

Polymer mounting mass Quikset Pro q1000
Polymer mounting mass Quikset Pro q1000

Concrete substitutes are fundamentally new compositions that greatly facilitate the installation of fences, fences and other lightweight structures. For a small price, you can do all the work yourself, without unnecessary labor and buying special equipment, so the benefit for the user is obvious.

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