Manufacturers of paints and varnishes broke the record for production

Paint production line

In relation to the figures of January-August of the previous year, the growth amounted to 14.4%. As noted by Rosstat, during this period there was a rise in all industrial production. The general dynamics index in August amounted to 102.9%, in July - 102.5%. In general, in January-August 2019, an indicator of 102.6% was achieved. All data are estimates of growth relative to the same months of 2018.

One of the most important areas of development of domestic industry is chemical production. The following ratios were recorded here: August - 106.7%, July - 103.7%, the first 8 months of the year - 103.4%.

Among the key drivers of the dynamic growth of the chemical industry, the paint and varnish industry stood out. The volume of production in this area amounted to 770 thousand tons of products. This is 14.4% more than last year. In August, the market received 103 thousand tons of paints and varnishes. For comparison, in 2018, these figures amounted to 84.2 thousand tons. Despite the fact that in July output decreased by 12.9%, in August it, on the contrary, increased by 21.8%.

These indicators broke records in 2017, when 694 thousand tons of paints and varnishes were released to the market in January-August, and 95 thousand tons in August.

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