Which paintwork manufacturers risk downgrading

Production of varnishes and paints

The Sensex index, which is used in world economic practice to assess the quality of doing business, calculated how world ratings of manufacturers of varnishes and paints will change by the end of this year.

In 2016, experts predict that the ratio between the volume of paint and varnish products consumption in the industrial and individual sectors will change. It will be 70% against 30% in favor of the latter. At the same time, the number of sales of varnishes and paints for rural residents will increase.

It is expected that the production of varnishes and paints in the United States for the first half of this year will increase by 2%. This is a bit, given that the current growth in sales was caused by the long rainy season, but the upward trend in consumption is noticeable, which forces businessmen to increase production volumes. At the same time, costs for the purchase of raw materials and related products (in particular packaging) have also increased.

Even more noticeably, rising costs will be affected by ever-increasing costs in the US oil sector. Crude oil prices, in particular, will increase by 50-80%. Therefore, those manufacturers who do not use mineral components in the manufacture of paints can noticeably lose in their ranking.

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