TSU employees invented a new formulation of water-dispersion silicone varnish

new silicone varnish formulation

Teachers of Tomsk State University have developed a unique technology that allows you to get environmentally friendly, water-dispersed silicone varnish. It is worth noting that in no country there is an enterprise that produces such products.

The recipe and technology of the new varnish was carried out by scientists from the University's Institute of Biology and Biophysics.

The main advantage of this varnish is its absolute harmlessness, since it is considered non-toxic. In addition, the material can be applied on surfaces that heat up to 400ºC, and it is also resistant to aggressive chemical environments.

Alexander Yagovkin, an employee of the biotechnology laboratory, said that before, organosilicon varnishes were produced using organic solvents. Such varnishes are very effective, but have a toxic effect. The development of new technology is not inferior in quality and is harmless.

The technology is based on the use of emulsifiers, which create an emulsion of liquids immiscible with each other. Initially, an aqueous emulsifier solution is mixed with an organosilicon base, which was previously dissolved in toluene. The result is an emulsion similar to milk. The manufacturing process is completed by the fact that the solvent is evaporated from the finished product, and they are separated from each other.

Thanks to this process, the toxicity of the varnish is reduced to the lowest possible values. The solvent can be used repeatedly, which significantly reduces the cost of varnish.

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