of paints

Characteristics and features of applying oil paints on wood

The paint and varnish industry annually adds more and more new names for its products for interior and exterior painting, which is used for painting all surfaces, including wood. But the love of the familiar oil paint on wood turned out to be as sound as she herself.

Painting a tree with oil paint

Composition and characteristics

The standard set of substances included in this paintwork:

  1. Pigments, inorganic components - mineral powder particles insoluble in oil, as well as aqueous, medium. They give color, purity of the declared tone, the coloring ability of the material for external staining.
  2. Drying oil: natural, combined, glyphthalic or pentaphthalic.
  3. Various fillers, such as ground talc, sand, asbestos dust, silica fume, andesite or other materials. Fillers give special properties: resistance to fire, acids, strength, resistance to weathering, protection of wood.
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Paints and enamels

These terms are very close, but not identical, although they play one role - they are used when applying a high-quality, aesthetic coating on a tree that is sufficiently resistant to mechanical and atmospheric effects. Both are intended for interior as well as exterior paints.

Enamel for wood application

Main difference of enamel from paint in that enamel is a mixture of pigments and fillers based on varnishes, and paint is a suspension based on oils. There are major grades for oil painting wood. They are indicated by letters and numbers:

  1. MA-015, MA-021 - red iron, mummy, ocher based on natural sunflower or linseed oil, which determines the high quality, high price.
  2. MA-025 - pigments based on combined drying oil, one third of which is a synthetic solvent. Affordable price. Decent paint quality.
  3. GF-023 - glyptal drying oil plays the role of a solvent. This is a mixture of a synthetic solvent, natural oil, glycerin. The quality of the coating is difficult to distinguish from an expensive analogue. It is popular.
  4. PF-024 - the composition is identical to the previous one, but pentaerythritol is used instead of glycerol, which gives the coating the greatest hardness and wear resistance.

All this paint can be used both for exterior and interior decoration. This is indicated by the number "2" in the marking. Work in the room should take into account the strong smell of the material, it is necessary to provide workers with fresh air or personal protective equipment in advance.

Oil paint MA-15 Economy

Oil-based paints and varnishes are available in two types:

  1. Liquid ready for immediate use. Before work, mix thoroughly to get rid of sediment.
  2. Thickly grated, which must be diluted with vegetable oil before use, it is better to use special linseed. In case of emergency, you can dilute with any. Ratio: Grind 50 grams of grated mass with a liter of oil.
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Preparation for painting

Wooden surfaces are prone to chips, cracks, and bumps. High-quality painting requires a complex of simple preparatory work:

  1. Carefully check the painted surface, putty potholes, cracks, indentations with putty on wood, and grind excesses or remove them with a spatula.
  2. Clean off dust, dirt with a brush or whisk. The surface must remain dry.
  3. Primer the surface before painting in order to reduce the consumption of paints and ensure their smooth application.

Primed wood before painting

If you need to apply a new layer on a once painted surface, you must first clean it of the remnants of old paints. There are several ways:

  1. Mechanical. Scraping old paints is done with a scraper, spatula, and other devices. An excellent result is given by a grinding machine. Carrying out work requires caution, it is better to wear safety glasses.
  2. Heating. Old paint is softened with a building hair dryer.
  3. Flushing. A special solution covers the surface, waiting for the necessary time. After that, paint residues are easily eliminated.

Preliminary work in the room is carried out only with excellent ventilation, as well as in the presence of personal protective equipment. It is important that toxic substances do not enter the respiratory tract.

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Performance characteristics

The main requirements of the consumer for any product are its high quality indicators. No exception - paints and varnishes. They are issued not only for decorative reasons. Wood needs protection against bacteria, fungal formations, weathering. Oil-based paint does an excellent job of this. It provides wood surfaces:

  • durability;
  • light fastness;
  • insensitive to changes in temperature and humidity;
  • resistance to the reproduction of bacteria, fungi and pests;
  • breathability;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • ability to repel water, which prevents decay.

Oil-based paint for wooden surfaces is an excellent decorative coating for interior and exterior surfaces.

They can be washed, they do not lose their aesthetic and utilitarian properties, sanitary work only makes them brighter, more beautiful.

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Quality definition

There is no such person who would like to buy counterfeit. But we buy! Partly to blame for this themselves. Tempted by the low price of an expensive brand, we won’t take an interest in the manufacturer, seller, or be embarrassed by the strange place of trade. There are generally accepted rules, compliance with which will help to acquire high-quality paints and varnishes for finishing works:

Oil-based paint for wooden surfaces

  1. High-quality goods are not half cheaper than their counterparts, the difference in value can be no more than 10 percent.
  2. Make purchases only in specialized stores, large shopping centers, from trusted sellers.
  3. Pay attention to the ease of use at the beginning of work: high-quality paint should not spread, splatter, easy application of a layer on wood provides good adhesion.
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Helpful information

When calculating the amount of material needed for exterior stains, it is useful to consider the color properties:

  1. Red The most economical color scheme for outdoor work: when painting a square meter, 65 grams is enough.
  2. Blue, green, brown, brick, gray, blue. The most common shades color a square a little more - 100 grams.
  3. Beige. It will need almost twice as much as red.
  4. White, ivory. An excellent result can be achieved only by spending 200 grams of paint per square.

Rollers for painting wood with oil paint

The roller will help to save. Painting a tree with a brush is the most wasteful option.

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Tips from experienced finishers

  1. To make the surface smooth, shiny, after drying the painted wood, wash it with a weak solution of ammonia or soda.After dry, wipe with a soft cloth.
  2. So that the paint does not drip anywhere, put on the handle of the brush half of the cut medical syringe.
  3. To make the smell disappear faster after repairs, place several cans or buckets of salt water in the room.
  4. To prevent the remaining paint from drying out during storage, pour a layer of any vegetable oil on top.
  5. The remains of different oil jars cannot be drained together, because when used for external stains, such a mixture may simply never dry.
  6. Concentrated soap solution easily removes unwanted stains accidentally dripping oil.

The oil-based wood stain was first proposed by industry in the 70s. Then it was a real breakthrough for construction and repair work. Modern paint and varnish production is trying to move our centenarian with new tools for exterior painting of wood, but it is too early to be scrapped. Oil-based paints are popular, loved by many for their affordable prices, the comfort they create and their familiar appearance.

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