with paints

What is shagreen leather - when is it needed and when is it not?

In general terms, the effect of shagreen leather is visible to the eye irregularities and roughness of the painted surface, arising from the use of low-quality materials or surfaces with defects. When painting shagreen, it resembles a kind of “orange peel” that appears when painting walls, doors or cars. In some cases, they try to avoid the appearance of such an effect.

The effect of shagreen
Here is the shagreen effect

Effect classification

The manifestation of the effect of shagreen leather can be classified according to the size of roughness and roughness.

  • large bumps;
  • average irregularities;
  • minor irregularities;
  • barely noticeable roughness.

In the first case, the size of individual defects can reach several centimeters. Roughnesses, as already mentioned, are only slightly distinguishable. Their size is tenths and hundredths of a millimeter.

So why does the shagreen effect appear when painting? There can be several answers to this question. Here are the most common ones.

  1. The use of low-quality materials, namely: paints, varnishes, primers.
  2. Incorrect or insufficient adjustment of equipment for painting - for example, a spray gun.
  3. Defectiveness of the painted surface.
  4. Improper operating conditions for materials and equipment.

If during painting materials with an insufficient degree of quality are used, then when leaving the spray gun the substance can instantly dry out, forming a separate cluster. The bunch flies further and gets on the necessary subject. From above, all this is fixed by non-sticky microparticles of the coloring matter. A large number of such clusters creates a roughness on the surface to be painted.

Painting a wall with a spray gun

When layer-by-layer painting of the product, when the dye is applied to the layers of varnish and primer, the effect of shagreen can also occur. This can be especially pronounced when using materials from different companies and manufacturers. The problem of incompatibility of substances is one of the most acute in modern production.

In any case, shagreen leather after painting is formed because the coloring microparticles do not merge and do not form a coating on the surface with the desired degree of smoothness.

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Tips for Preventing the Effect

We can say that the effect of shagreen leather, or “orange peel”, is inherent in absolutely all painted surfaces. The only question is how noticeable this roughness is, and whether it is appropriate in a particular case. Most often, they try to prevent shagreen leather or remove it from the item to be painted.

To do this, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the applied material and the manufacturer. Each layer, whether it is a primer, varnishing or direct painting, must be carried out extremely carefully and accurately.Before use, you need to check and configure all the tools used in the work.

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Required roughness

But there are situations when it is desirable or even necessary to achieve the effect of shagreen leather on the painted surface. Walls decorated under shagreen leather look very aesthetically pleasing and attractive. This trend has become quite fashionable lately.

Shagreen leather on the wall
Purposely Shagreen Effect

In addition, with the help of shagreen coloring materials, it is possible to hide some defects of walls and other surfaces. For example, welds, kinks, small recesses or local roughness are easily decorated using shagreen paint. In this case, all defects become less noticeable, and seem like an interesting design move. While when painting without shagreen, irregularities will remain in sight and will spoil the overall picture of the interior.

The most popular shagreen leather is considered polymer powder paint. The surface for which powder shagreen leather is used can be any. This is a plastered or primed plane of the walls, and various pipes and communications.

Shagreen leather has a good grip on metal surfaces. Therefore, the paint can be used for decorating doors, safes, as well as objects and equipment made of metal. In addition to a texture pleasing to the eye, shagreen paint has protective properties and is designed to preserve surfaces from adverse environmental conditions.

Surfaces or objects painted with shagreen leather have a very aesthetic appearance. In addition, they are extremely pleasant to the touch. And as mentioned above, this type of paint helps to hide many defects and irregularities, turning them into a conceived design move.

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Kinds of powder coloring matter

The composition of shagreen paint may vary depending on the direction of use. First of all, shagreen leather is distinguished by the type of the main component. Paint can be:

  • polyester;
  • epoxy;
  • polyester-epoxy.

Polyester paint for shagreen effect

Polyester shagreen paint is designed to cover objects and surfaces that are directly affected by natural factors: rain, snow, wind, frost and direct sunlight. If the painted object is threatened by acids or alkalis, it is better to choose an epoxy paint. For surfaces that are constantly indoors, polyester-epoxy shagreen paint is suitable.

In the market of paints and varnishes, polyester-epoxy shagreen paint with a color gradation effect is often found. This means that the upper part of the resulting “grains” - roughnesses - will differ in color from the main shade. So, for example, you can get silver tops on a white background, or golden ones on black. The name of the paint in this case speaks for itself. Antique shagreen leather illustrating the above examples:

  • "Silver on white";
  • "Copper on black."

Distinguish shagreen and the size of the resulting roughness. Depending on this, the paint may be coarse and fine-grained. In this case, the choice of shagreen is determined only by the quality and type of the desired coating. However, it is worth remembering that to obtain a coarse-grained pattern, the consumption of powder paint will be much greater than for a fine-grained pattern.

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Aesthetics and protection

But regardless of the purpose and appearance of the coating, shagreen powder paint will be an excellent protection for the painted surface. The quality of the protective and decorative layer is determined by the properties of the constituent substances. Therefore, it is better to choose a paint whose manufacturers are well-known companies on the market.

The use of powder paint, in particular shagreen, allows you to get a durable, reliable and durable coating.In addition, the range of shades of paint presented in stores can satisfy any, even the most demanding, taste. The protective properties of the paint are such that it can withstand fairly high temperatures, and is also able to resist the effects of certain types of solvents.

In this regard, shagreen leather can be difficult to remove from the surface if the result does not meet the stated requirements.

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Most often, the appearance of the shagreen effect is undesirable when painting products and surfaces. But often the appearance of the “orange peel” makes the walls and objects much more attractive, hiding minor imperfections. In any case, it is necessary to carefully choose dyes and pay attention to the composition and manufacturer.

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