with paints

We paint the tulle yourself: instructions for choosing and applying paint

Tulle and curtains are the first to catch the eye when entering the room. It is the design of the window that provides the interior with a complete look, gives it comfort and “zest”. Often with a radical change in design, the old curtains no longer fit into it, but there are no funds to buy new ones. You can get acquainted with the methods of how to color the tulle: they will help transform the window without unnecessary costs.

How to dye a tulle at home

Dyeing tulle can seriously save money, and also reduces the time to search, select and sew new window frames. If there is a desire or need to update the interior, painting will be the most suitable option. With the help of dyeing, you can return the attractiveness of the old, which began to turn yellow or darken the fabric that you wanted to throw away before.

Pink curtains

First you need to decide on the color in which you plan to dye the tulle. There is a large assortment of dry and liquid pigments on sale that will paint both thin nylon and thick curtains.

It is important only to choose the right dye according to the type of fabric, carefully reading the instructions on the package or consulting the seller. There is also the option to dye the tulle at home using natural pigments, which can be obtained without any financial expenses.

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Chemical dyes

Industrial dyes are usually available in powder form or in the form of pastes and emulsions. They are easy to use, although they require precise proportions and strict adherence to technology. The choice of chemical dyes by color is huge, if desired, they can be mixed with each other to obtain new shades. Various aniline dyes also belong to chemical ones, including those used in medicine (for example, brilliant green).

Chemical dyes

Among the disadvantages of pigments of chemical production are:

  • aggressive attitude to thin, delicate tissues, the risk of damage;
  • the presence of a pungent odor;
  • danger of molting after staining, the need for fixing agents.

Often after dyeing with chemicals, the fabric becomes rather coarse. In this case, you have to rinse it additionally with special washing rinse balms.

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Natural remedies

There are a lot of "folk" means of natural origin that could dye the tulle. Their shades are not as bright as synthetic pigments, but it’s easier to get them, sometimes it does not require any costs. Food products, juices and decoctions of herbs are distinguished by a gentle effect on tulle, they are odorless, or their aroma is light, it quickly exhales. The disadvantages include the unpredictability of the staining result, low durability and limited choice of colors.

Natural dyes for fabric

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Preparation of tulle for dyeing

You need to paint only a clean thing that has been previously washed and degreased. Otherwise, the paint for tulle will lie unevenly, and the matter will become stained. The preparation technology will be as follows:

  • remove the tulle from the window, remove the hooks and decor, knock out the product in the air from dust;
  • fill the matter with hot water;
  • after a few minutes, the water is drained, repeat this manipulation 2 more times;
  • wash the product with washing powder in a delicate mode in the car or manually;
  • rinse the tulle with the addition of lemon juice or citric acid, allow to dry in the fresh air, away from heating appliances;
  • pick up the dye by color and begin to stain.

Coloring curtains from tulle

Before drying, do not squeeze the tulle, twist it or have another mechanical effect. This will cause creases, and subsequently the product may stain unevenly.

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The process of dyeing tulle with different means

The painting technology is approximately the same, but has a number of differences depending on the means used. It will be a little more difficult to work with nylon fabric. With any dye used, it is worth injecting a little salt into the solution (a tablespoon in a bucket of water). Without salt, paint will not be able to fix on matter properly.

Aniline dyes

These dyes are aromatic substances that are well suited for dyeing fabrics. With their help, you can make uniform coloring or perform an abstract pattern on the tulle, arrange interesting transitions.

Aniline dyes

Work with dyes is performed in this way:

  • dilute the dye with water to obtain a liquid of the desired brightness, saturation;
  • place the tulle in the solution, leave for 15 minutes;
  • to obtain a chaotic pattern, the tulle is laid out, a coloring solution is poured onto it, as it happens;
  • to fix rinse the tulle in water with salt or vinegar (1-2 tablespoons in 5 liters of water).
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If you plan to design a window in green, you can dye the tulle with the usual medical green. Dilute a little agent in water, mix well, place the tissue there for 30 minutes. During this period, the product is turned over a couple of times in water. Usually a teaspoon of zelenka is enough for a 10-liter basin of water. The main thing is that the matter should be completely soaked in the liquid, otherwise some part of it may not be stained.

Dyeing tulle with green

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Potassium permanganate

Painting with potassium permanganate is carried out according to standard technology. A small number of crystals of this pharmaceutical preparation are dissolved in a glass of water, and it is better to take hot water. The product is poured into a basin, diluted with water until the desired shade is obtained. Tulle is soaked completely for 30-40 minutes, then washed in 3-4 waters and dried.

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Tea and coffee

These products will give the fabric a pleasant beige or cream shade. Using them is easy. In a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of ground coffee or tea brew are brewed, the solution is well brewed, then filtered through cheesecloth. Add the right amount of water to the basin, pour the tea leaves, lay the tulle for 50 minutes. After rinsing 1 time and iron.

Dyeing tulle with coffee

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The vegetable gives a beautiful burgundy juice, which will provide the substance with a pleasant pink color. Unfortunately, after a couple of washes, the shade will fade, but the procedure can always be repeated.

The procedure is as follows:

  • rub the beets on a grater, add vodka - 500 ml per kilogram of grated mass;
  • heat the product until the vegetable softens;
  • filter, let cool;
  • a little water is poured into the finished solution, dipped in tulle for an hour;
  • rinse and iron the product.

Beet tulle painting

The longer the tulle is in the coloring solution, the more intense the new tone will be. This rule is true for any dye - synthetic and natural.

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Staining in the washing machine

The tulle in the washing machine is stained much more uniformly than with the manual method. If an old machine is available, using it can seriously facilitate the process of dyeing tulle. A modern machine can also be used for this purpose, however, after work you will have to start a cycle of "empty" washing with the addition of bleach. It is also recommended that you wipe the drum with a damp cloth and any detergent before doing so.

Curtains in the washing machine

The process proceeds as follows:

  • a clean, pre-washed and dried thing is placed in the drum of the machine;
  • according to the instructions dilute the dye, pour it directly into the drum;
  • choose a washing mode without spinning (at least an hour);
  • after washing, they take out the tulle, rinse it by hand.
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Fancy Dyes for Tulle

If you want to make the tulle bluish, blue, you can use the usual blue, which was previously added to the lime. To obtain yellow matter, use calendula, dandelion. Orange or brownish color of the fabric will give carrots, onion husks, green - grass sorrel, spinach, yarrow. Blackberry juice will color the white matter black.

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Product Care Tips

In order for the colored tulle to please the owners for a long time with its updated look, it is worth following the recommendations for proper care of it:

  • do not pour in too much powder during washing - this harms the structure of the fabric and quickly dries the paint;
  • for the first time when washing clothes, add a color fixative to water (sold in hardware stores);
  • wash thin tissue manually or in the most delicate mode, otherwise it may be damaged, or put into a special bag when washing;
  • do not wash the tulle in hot water - use only warm or completely cold;
  • Do not iron the tulle with a hot iron, as it may turn yellow.

Tulle Material

Using inexpensive dyes, you can completely transform the look of the curtains, give them a new color, brightness and juiciness. The process does not require much time, but it will allow you to fully show your taste and imagination.

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