with paints

How to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint?

It is customary to begin the arrangement of any house or premises with painting the ceiling, since even a small amount of paint will be enough to spoil the freshly glued wallpaper or an expensive floor covering. Long gone are the days when whitewashing was the only acceptable type of ceiling finish. And today, painting the ceiling with acrylic paint is the best way not only to give it an appropriate and neat appearance, but also to emphasize all the advantages and features of the interior.

Paint the ceiling with high quality acrylic paint

Acrylic-based paints are quite popular today due to their excellent qualities and decorative characteristics. But not everyone knows how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint and make it so that it can maintain its characteristics and the corresponding appearance for a long time. Acrylic coatings have many advantages, among which are:

  • excellent resistance to pollution;
  • elasticity, due to which this coating makes it possible to cover even the smallest cracks, sizes up to 0.5 - 0.8 mm. But to achieve such a result, the material must be applied in several layers;
  • acrylic-based materials do not lose color, are resistant to ultraviolet and abrasion;
  • acrylic compounds are completely not afraid of moisture, and thanks to this, the surfaces formed with their help can be easily washed and put in order;
  • acrylic paint can be used in various rooms of the house and even in the kitchen, due to the fact that it has excellent resistance to friction and can easily tolerate even high temperatures;
  • the simplest application;

Acrylic paints belong to the materials of the water-emulsion group and, due to this, do not have an unpleasant odor, which is typical for compositions based on organic solvents.

Painting the ceiling with such paint when trying hard will not take much effort and time. In addition, this coating has an affordable cost and a wide color palette.

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Paint selection

To date, the best is considered acrylic emulsion ink, the basis of which are acrylic resins. Its main advantage is excellent strength and elasticity. Options that are considered more affordable are: acrylic silicone, vinyl-acrylic and styrene-acrylic compositions based on acrylic copolymers.

White acrylic paint for the ceiling

There are a huge number of coatings based on acrylic, which can have a different texture, texture or composition. Today, there are paints on sale that are intended for application in ordinary dry rooms, as well as paints for bathrooms, which have improved moisture resistance characteristics. Experts do not recommend the use of such paints for other purposes. And if you opted for moisture resistant material, then you need to use it in rooms with such characteristics.

Most often, acrylic paints are sold in white, but if you want to get the right color, you can use additives of other colors. Depending on the color requirements, the required amount of color can be added to the paint.

Depending on the degree of brightness, all acrylic paints can be divided into 3 varieties - white, super white and milky white.But manufacturers can mark their paint in different ways and it can be written on a can of milk or snow-white paint that it is simply white. Therefore, buying the next can in the store, you can independently verify what kind of white color it contains.

Paint for Cover ceilings

The ceiling after drying can have a matte or glossy surface. However, when buying paint, you must remember that the matte surface is a very important indicator along with whiteness and can become a criterion for its impeccable appearance. On the matte surface various defects and irregularities of such paint will be less noticeable.

If you plan to make a colored ceiling, then it is best to use glossy paints for its design. This paint composition is perfect for rooms with large areas and perfectly even ceilings.

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Ceiling preparation

In order to get the perfect ceiling without streaks, you need to be patient and prepare the ceiling surface well for future decoration. The surface of the ceiling must be cleaned from previous coatings. Damaged and peeling areas can be cleaned with a spatula or other tool.

Ceiling Putty

Particular attention is best paid to those places that are covered with mold or stains. It is best to remove them completely, and if necessary, treat them with special solutions. It is imperative to treat rusty and greasy stains, which can subsequently appear through a new painting.

Acrylic paint can be applied on various types of surfaces:

  • stucco or stucco;
  • drywall bases;
  • wooden surfaces;
  • metal surfaces.

The future condition of the ceiling is largely determined by the quality of preparation of the surface itself. An unprepared ceiling should be covered with a finish mixture, and ceilings that are made of drywall should be putty with a finish mixture. Only such preparation will ensure the creation of a coating without stains, stains and bumps.

In order to eliminate stains from the surface of the ceiling, any irregularities or imperfections, it is necessary to process it with a special brush or fine emery paper. At the very last stage, a primer mixture is applied to a well-sanded ceiling. The primer layer will help improve the strength of the substrate and provide a lower absorption rate. This, in turn, will help reduce its consumption. Soil and paint for all work are chosen with the same basis.

Ceiling grout

The type of primer must also be selected based on the type of surface. Freshly plastered ceilings are best treated with deep penetration primer, and reinforcing primer paint can be used to process drywall sheets.

All varieties of primers must be applied to previously cleaned from dust with a brush or brush. Immediately before use, the composition must be mixed well.

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Tool selection

In order to quality and without stains paint the ceiling You will need a mixer for mixing paint, a supply container, a brush and an angle roller. If the consistency of the paint allows, then for its application, spray guns or special spray guns can be used.


If it is necessary to register large areas without stains and bumps, it is necessary to control that all the material used is from one batch. The same rule applies to water used for breeding. It must be from one source. This rule must be observed in order to ensure a uniform coating and uniform color on the surface.

Ready paint is poured into a special tray. The roller is dipped in paint, rolled several times on the tray and excess paint is removed.We begin to paint the room along the contour lines. Drops that fall onto other surfaces are immediately removed using special formulations. If there is little material and there is a need for savings, then the paint for the first layer can be slightly diluted with water. This will not affect the quality of future coverage. The first layer can be applied in any direction, trying to avoid chaotic streaks.

Rules for painting the ceiling

The last and most important layer is applied from the side of the window, strictly in the direction of light. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve a uniform and perfect coating. Be sure to take into account the fact that the entire ceiling area should be covered in one go; otherwise, dried strips will be visible and form an uneven top layer.

The main thing to remember when painting the ceiling with acrylic paints is accuracy, diligence and uniform application of the material to the surface.


There are no special difficulties when working with this material, and therefore even a person with minimal skills in performing construction work can perform such a task.

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