
How to make self-hardening plastic from glue and starch

Self-hardening mass is a plastic substance for modeling, from which you can make many crafts. The material dries quickly in the open air and has other advantages.

Consider them:

  • does not require heat treatment;
  • does not shrink when solidified;
  • finished products have high strength, do not crack;
  • hardened figures can easily be processed with a stationery knife, sandpaper, other devices;
  • to give products an aesthetically attractive appearance, you can cover them with any paints and varnish.

Self-hardening mass

To prepare such a composition at home is very simple. It is enough to take just a few components that are present in almost every home.

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What is needed

To make the material you need to take:

  • starch (potato, corn - any);
  • glue "Titan" or other universal polymer-based adhesives;
  • any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive);
  • plastic bag;
  • a blank sheet of paper;
  • silicone molds, stencils, stationery knife, sandpaper and other devices to choose from.

Clay titanium, soda and mold

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Manufacturing steps

Step 1. Pour the starch onto a table or any other flat surface, pour the adhesive on top.

Stage 1

Step 2. Thoroughly knead the mass, like dough, until a thick elastic material with a texture similar to plasticine or chewing gum is obtained, if necessary, add starch.

Stage 2

Step 3. Put the mixture in a plastic bag.

Stage 3

Step 4. After 5-7 minutes, remove the mass, add a little vegetable oil and knead thoroughly again.

Stage 4

Step 5. Fashion the figures manually, using silicone molds or in another way.

Stage 5

Step 6. Finished products must be laid out on a blank sheet of paper and left to dry completely (for 1-3 days).

Stage 6

If necessary, remove all the flaws of the figures with a clerical knife, sand with sandpaper. After hardening, the material can be coated with any paint and varnish, decorate with sparkles.

Trim the excess and paint

Self-hardening plastic has many advantages over other materials. It is easy to manufacture, does not require large material and time costs. Finished products are strong and durable, they are easy to process. Write in the comments what you managed to make from homemade plastic?

The material was prepared with the assistance of the YouTube channel Master Sergeich.

Comments and reviews (2)
  1. Vika

    And what kind of glue can I take yet, I don’t understand glues, I live in Germany, how can I replace “titanium”?

  2. Peter

    Any liquid for ceiling tiles

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