
10 ways to customize the glue gun. Part 2

You can do a lot of things using only one tool - a hot glue gun! After all, he is the king of all craft supplies: if you already have this tool, you will like the selection. We previously published 10 ways to use a glue gun, today we provide the second part: another 10 life hacks. Go!

Case for mobile phone

If you do not have money to buy a new case or you like original things - use our advice.

Step 1. Fill the thread in the gun.

Step 2. We glue the phone with food paper.

Step 3. Apply lines with glue: first, parallel vertical lines, then horizontal and around the perimeter of the mobile phone.

Step 4. Cut the thread with scissors.

Step 5. Let the glue harden.

Step 6. Carefully remove the finished cover from the paper.

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Shower filter

What to do if the drain of the shower or bath is constantly clogged with hair? We have a solution.

Step 1. We take a square from a suitable size paper.

Step 2. We put a candle on paper by turning the sleeve upside down.

Step 3. Apply glue to the sleeve in the shape of a snowflake, completing the application along the perimeter of the bottom of the sleeve and at the junction with the paper. Let the glue harden.

Step 5. Carefully disconnect the sleeve from the paper.

Step 6. Remove the filter from the cartridge.

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Shadows on the wall

Original night lamp from a flashlight on the phone and a lampshade made of hot-melt adhesive.

Step 1. We collect a small amount of water into a ball and tie a knot so that water does not leak.

Step 2. Coat the ball with hand cream.

Step 3. Apply glue patterns throughout the ball.

Step 4. Let the glue harden.

Step 5. Cut off the tail of the ball with scissors and drain the water.

Step 6. We take out the ball through the hole.

Step 7. Turn on the flashlight on the mobile phone, put the phone on the table and set the form on top.

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Laptop Overheat Stands

Step 1. Take the form and fill it completely with glue.

Step 2. Let the glue harden.

Step 3. Carefully take out the resulting star.

Step 4. Take a laptop and turn it over.

Step 5. In 4 places of stops we glue a square of double-sided tape.

Step 6. Glue the resulting stars to the tape.

Step 7. Turn the laptop over.

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Terry bath mat

Step 1. Thread a strip of cardboard from one end to the other.

Step 2. Apply a strip of glue on one side.

Step 3. Glue the strip to the rug parallel to one edge.

Step 4. Cut the threads along the cardboard strip.

Step 5. Take out the cardboard.

Step 6. Repeat the same steps with subsequent strips.

Step 7. The mat is ready.

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Mobile phone stand

Step 1. On an even smooth surface we apply glue in the form of a capital Latin letter L with a thickness of about 1 cm. - 2 pieces

Step 2. 2 more in mirror image.

Step 3. Let it dry.

Step 4Remove from the surface and glue the gun first in pairs, and then at an angle of 90 °

Step 5. Let it dry and install a mobile phone on it.

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Case for felt-tip pens, cosmetics and other items

Step 1. Cut 2 gum lengths of about 15 and 30 cm.

Step 2. Fold together and fasten the gum stapler from one end.

Step 3. Then we make a loop from a long elastic band and fix it with a stapler.

Step 4. Repeat the same steps until the end of the short elastic.

Step 5. We release the folder-folder from the paper and glue the resulting strip with loops on the right half.

Step 6. Glue 3 single loops on the left half.

Step 7. Fill the pencil case with felt-tip pens, put glue stick, elastic.

The pencil case can be adapted for cosmetics.

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Fragrance in a wardrobe

Step 1. Lay out the paper and on it glue draw a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Step 2. Fill the circle with parallel strips of glue in the form of a mesh.

Step 3. Let's freeze.

Step 4. Remove the mesh.

Step 5. Glue the hook sequentially to the mesh, a circle of fabric and another mesh.

Step 6. Spray perfume on the fabric and hang it in the closet.

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If the elastic for the hair was not at the right time - hot glue can help. But they do not need to glue their hair - show imagination.

Step 1. Apply color glue to the pencil in the form of a spiral.

Step 2. Let's freeze and gently remove.

Step 4. Glue the ends of the resulting spiral.

Step 5. We use.

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Tailor's pin

Step 1. Take a needle and apply a small ball of colored glue.

Step 2. Let's freeze.

I hope you enjoyed this release. Write in the comment what methods of glue gun application you want to see more.

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