
Characteristics of Moments "Joiner" and instructions for use

Repair work often requires glue. On sale there is an excellent tool for wood - glue "Moment Joiner", which is well known to the masters. The brand has several varieties, so choosing the best option is realistic for each individual case. Using this tool, it is possible to repair products made of walnut, oak, beech and other wood species, as well as to glue the skin and other materials.

Glue application

Clay "Joiner" is a universal PVA, ideal for working with different wooden surfaces. Unlike conventional PVA, this product does not have a white, but a brownish tint, but in terms of consistency both adhesives are approximately the same. There are varieties of glue with a transparent texture, which are used on bright substrates.

The moment Joiner is made on the basis of PVA

This carpentry glue can be used on wooden foundations of any origin and type: timber, veneer, boards, products from laminate boards, MDF, particleboard. As for wood species, there are no restrictions; the glue is well suited for each. Other materials that can be glued using the "Moment":

  • the cloth;
  • some types of plastic;
  • leather;
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • straw;
  • foam rubber;
  • felt;
  • other upholstery materials.

Due to the quick setting, heat resistance, versatility, the product is widely used in everyday life, repair and assembly of furniture, its hauling and restoration, when gluing accessories. "Moment Carpenter" is used in the manufacture of wooden doors and windows. Also, the tool is suitable for creativity - gluing applications, creating children's crafts. Adhesive is also suitable for construction work: it allows you to mount a variety of facing materials. As with ordinary PVA, you can make a slice of this glue. The result is an interesting lizun toy of excellent quality.

Suitable for creating slides.

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Features of the tool

There are several types of Moment Stolyar line products, they differ in fillers, but in principle they have the same basic composition. It includes a dispersion of polyvinyl acetate (PVA), dyes, plasticizers, and targeted additives. It is the latter that determine the strength of the glue, increase its moisture resistance, heat resistance.

The ability to withstand moisture in different adhesives of this series is not the same. Some can only endure short-term contact with water, others have an extremely strong degree of moisture resistance. In any case, the adhesion to the surfaces of all adhesives is high. A distinctive quality of the products is their environmental safety: they do not contain toxic, poisonous substances, can be used even in children's rooms. All Moment Stolyar adhesives have hygienic certificates, quality certificates and compliance with European standards. The color of some line products is not the same as that of PVA, and even after drying, the place of application of the classic glue will resemble a patch of light wood.

Other properties of glue:

  • shortened setting and drying periods;
  • lack of substances that attract pests;
  • complete invisibility after drying.

Not visible after drying

The composition can be applied at any temperature above +10 degrees, humidity also has a limitation - not more than 80%.Installation of wooden products at low temperatures causes a decrease in adhesion, therefore the recommendations of the instructions must be observed. The approximate consumption of the material is 150 g / sq. m, in some cases it may increase. After complete drying, the adhesive joint becomes suitable for coating with varnish, paint.

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Different adhesives are unequal in cost, setting time and time until the products are ready for use, in shades. Types of adhesives of the Moment Stolyar line, which are presented in construction and hardware stores:

  1. "Moment Joiner Express." Universal tool suitable for all types of wood. Glue proved to be the best when working with wood-fiber, particle boards, natural veneer. The composition is moderately moisture resistant. It has an accelerated drying rate, setting time depending on the humidity of the wood, air temperature varies from 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. “Moment Carpenter Super-PVA” (class D2). This tool is no less high-quality than the previous one, glues all types of wood, as well as laminate, particleboard and fiberboard. A can of glue is bright red in appearance, therefore it is easily recognizable. Its texture is transparent, after drying, the composition is not at all noticeable on the products. You can work with the product only in dry rooms or at moderately high humidity, it has low moisture resistance. It takes 20 minutes to fully set.
  3. “Moment Carpenter Super-PVA Waterproof” (class D3). This glue retains the properties of the previous one, but the moisture resistance is increased. Also, the “Moment” of this class has excellent cold resistance: it withstands many cycles of defrosting and freezing, without losing quality. It is possible to work with glue on a tree and the laminated bases. Most often it is used to work with products in the bathroom, bathroom, in the kitchen.
  4. "Moment Universal Joiner." The classic glue, which is a water-dispersion composition, is suitable for any type of wood, wood processing products, combined materials. Consistency - translucent, color - beige. The initial setting rate is 30 kg / sq. see. After drying, the product does not remain cloudy spots, stains, color glare. The tool provides a strong, durable connection of parts. To improve grip, you need to fix the surface for at least 20 minutes.
  5. "Moment Carpenter Instant Grip." The composition of the product contains acrylic additives, due to which the time for setting the glue is reduced. Only 10 seconds is needed for this mounting tool to hold the products together. It is easy to apply glue, after drying, no traces will remain on the surface. The adhesion of the composition is enhanced, so it can be used for gluing wood to other materials, for example, plastic, metal. The product can withstand at least five freezing and thawing cycles.

Types of adhesives Instant Joiner

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Advantages and disadvantages

With different types of means, dignity is also not the same. For example, the level of moisture resistance of Super-PVA Waterproof is very high, it practically does not react to a humid environment, and Universal Glue cannot boast of such a property. Most adhesives can withstand a rise of up to +70 degrees, which is very convenient when working with veneers that need to be heated during installation. The cost of "Moment" is low, it can be applied in a thin layer, this determines the cost-effectiveness of the tool.

Other advantages of the composition:

  • universality, suitability for a huge amount of materials;
  • stealth after drying, no need to remove stains, stains, smudges;
  • quick setting;
  • environmental friendliness, lack of harm to health;
  • excellent adhesion rate;
  • reduction of time for repair or installation of products.

Easy to use, reduces installation time

The glue contains no components that could damage the structure of wood, artificial or combined materials. The glue line is very durable, it will not be destroyed during many years of operation.

"Moment" also has flaws. The moisture content of the material before starting work must be strictly controlled. If it exceeds 18%, it is better not to use gluing: adhesion, the quality of the adhesive joint will greatly decrease. The air temperature during installation must be sufficient (from +10 degrees), otherwise the drying time will seriously increase. The disadvantages are also the low water resistance of class D2 glue, which can be used only for products that are indoors and not in contact with water.

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Instructions and rules of work

Before gluing the parts, you need to properly prepare both bases. To do this, the surfaces are cleaned of dust, dirt, old paint is removed from them, the fat is removed by wiping with alcohol, acetone. The optimum moisture content of wood is 8-10%, the limit of this indicator is 18%. With a moisture content of 12-14%, you need to be prepared to increase the setting time of the glue. It is desirable that the temperature in the room was about 20 degrees.

The procedure for working with glue is as follows:

  1. Cut the tip of the tube nozzle to the size corresponding to the width of the required seam. If “Moment” is purchased in a jar, bucket, open the packaging.
  2. Make sure that the glue and materials to be bonded are at room temperature. It is better if they are warmed up to + 23 ... + 25 degrees.
  3. Apply the product in a thin layer with a brush, roller or rubber spatula. To achieve better adhesion, both surfaces should be glued.
  4. Fix the products for 10-15 minutes to set the glue. With increased humidity of the wood, this time needs to be increased. As clamps, you can use a vise, heavy objects. It is best to leave the product in this position for a day - as much as the glue line needs to be ready for use.
  5. Remains of glue that have gone beyond the seam must be removed mechanically (for example, wipe with a damp cloth).

Care must be taken when working with Instant Grip adhesive. Parts should immediately be correctly folded, because they will catch almost immediately. High-quality initial fixation is important for all adhesives of the Moment Stolyar line, therefore, immediately after applying the agent, the strongest pressure is ensured.

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Packing and storage

Glues are available in a variety of containers. In everyday life, the most popular are 125 g tubes, as well as 250 g jars. Small packages are equipped with caps, therefore it is more convenient to work with them (you can tightly tighten the tool at any time). Typically, this glue is used to create crafts, minor repairs of furniture, home decoration, for gluing wallpaper corners.

Also on sale there are cans of 750 g. They are used for repair work, often added to wallpaper glue to enhance adhesion (to hold heavy cloths). Professionals usually choose 3 kg buckets, and furniture factories choose 30 kg buckets. 3 kg packages have a sealed lid, like a larger container, although glue does not have to be stored for a long time under production conditions. Additional packages of 100 and 200 g have the “Instant snap” glue, since it is often used for small jobs that require fast and reliable bonding.

Composition Instant Grasp

Store the product at + 5 ... + 30 degrees in the original packaging, tightly twisted, closed. It must be protected from high humidity, direct sunlight. Despite moderate frost resistance, it is better not to freeze the glue without special need. Otherwise, the frozen product must be brought into a room with room temperature, let it melt in a natural way. With the correct application, Moment adhesives from the Joiner series will become reliable assistants in construction and repair.

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