
Properties and technology for the use of adhesive brand 888 for the passenger compartment

Glue 888 is a very powerful tool with which you can glue coatings from a variety of materials. Ideal for car upholstery, various wooden parts and many other purposes. The composition of the product includes additives, diluents, high-quality rubbers, and other targeted additives.

Glue purpose

Glue 888 Ultra is produced in a volume of 1 liter, intended for gluing dashboards, other parts of the car with leather - natural, synthetic, eco-leather, microfiber, and other modern materials.

Glue 888 is used for gluing materials in the passenger compartment

The tool is designed to work in a wide temperature range - it can be used at -40 ... + 120 degrees Celsius.

Using the tool you can stick:

  • various automotive materials - upholstery of any type, foam rubber, autoline, carpet, carpet, attaching them to plastic;
  • products, individual parts from all types of wood, fiberboard, particleboard, glass, rubber, plywood.
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Blue glue

Glue 888 Ultra Blue has a number of features in properties, use. It has high strength properties and is perfect for gluing plastic surfaces with suede and leather details. The composition is selected so that the glue does not cause damage to materials, including genuine leather.

The product is suitable for use in tropical climates, polar conditions, that is, it can be used in almost any climate. It can be implemented both in the form of a single-component material, and in a two-component form. If a hardener is added to the glue, its heat-resistant qualities increase.

Glue 888 ULTRA Blue

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Red glue

Glue 888 Ultra Red is useful to glue various products, to paste over the interior of the car with fabrics, suede, leather. This material can be operated at even more extreme temperatures - from -70 to +120 degrees. All other properties of the product are the same as for glue marked "Blue".

Adhesive 888 Ultra Plus

Glue 888 Ultra + is available in the form of a two-component product, where one of the components is a hardener, the other is the main composition. There is a ready-made product on sale - glue aerosol Ultra plus in the form of a spray, which is ready for use.

The material is unique - not every glue can be used at temperatures of -70 ... + 300 degrees. It can be combined with absolutely any materials, it is widely used on complex terrain - dashboards of aircraft, sea transport, cars. The material is combined with any primers.

Its disadvantage is that gluing is too strong - it will only be possible to disconnect the material using the special U35 cleaner in a short period of time after application.

888 Ultra Plus with hardener

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Composition dilution

Adhesives marked “blue”, “red” must be mixed with 888 Ultra U35, taking 2 parts of the base material and 1 part of the diluent.The latter is added to the glue in small portions until a remedy of the necessary density is obtained.

How to dilute 888 Ultra Plus material is indicated in the instructions for use. Suitable hardener 888 Ultra. Take 10 parts of glue and 1 part of hardener. The resulting mixture was diluted 888 Ultra U35 3: 1. Pour liquid into the glue in small portions until the desired consistency is obtained.

Ultra U35 in a plastic container

Note! Unsuitable substances cannot be used for dilution. Acetone, toluene and other liquids are not suitable!

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Surface preparation

An important condition is that all surfaces to be bonded must be dry and clean. They should be manually cleaned of dirt, dust, grease, and washed if necessary. It is advisable to clean with fine emery cloth (grain index - 100).

At the end of the preparatory work, degrease the base with 888 Ultra U35 and allow the product to dry completely.

Material application

Without some skill, gluing the car upholstery will be quite difficult. To achieve the desired result, you need a building hair dryer.

The procedure for working with glue marked "blue", "red" is as follows:

  • grease the plastic with glue with a thin brush for 2 to 3 layers, until a characteristic shine appears, each layer should dry for 20 to 30 minutes;
  • gently apply one layer of the product to the material to be glued, without passing space - for this purpose it is better to use a spray gun;
  • you need to keep the spray from the surface of the product by 30 - 40 cm;
  • apply leather, suede to a plastic surface - glue at this time does not have a strong stickiness, so you can carefully decompose the material;
  • after half an hour use a hair dryer with heating up to 300 - 380 degrees, warming up in small areas;
  • In parallel, carefully smooth, level the surface, be sure to use a protective mitt.

Glue application with a brush 888

Glue 888 Ultra + has some features in the application. Its activation should occur no later than 12 hours after application to the surface. In the future, the composition will become solid, its heating with a hairdryer will not produce results. Pressing is done until the temperature drops, all actions are performed in small areas.

It is important to install the hair dryer nozzle at such a distance so as not to burn the skin, tissue. After finishing work, you should carefully review the entire upholstery to exclude the presence of non-glued areas. The latter must be reheated with a hairdryer.

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Glue consumption

If you take into account one layer of the product, a liter is enough for 3-5 square meters of skin and a plastic surface. This volume should be multiplied by the estimated number of layers, in the presence of highly porous materials, multiplied by a factor of 1.5. It is better to buy funds with a margin so that in the process of work you do not encounter any inconvenience.

Peeling off material and removing glue

It happens that the skin or other materials were glued unevenly, incorrectly. There is a need for peeling. It is much easier to do this if adhesives 888 Ultra Red, 888 Ultra Blue were used. It should start heating at a temperature of about +400 degrees from the edges of the material, which will allow the glue to be brought into a liquid state, after which it will be possible to separate the coating. A new layer of glue is not needed, just smooth the coating or eliminate inaccuracies in the pasting.

If a problem occurs near the edge of the coating, you can solve it easier. You need to wet a cotton swab in a U35 cleaner, gently dissolve the glue and tear off the material. After it is warmed up and re-glued.

888 Ultra Plus does not respond to warming up because it contains a hardener. It can only be peeled off after a short period of time after application with U35. Unsuccessfully glue is removed from the surface using this thinner-cleaner.

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Storage and transportation

Materials are stored at 0 ... + 45 degrees in a closed container. Before printing factory packaging, the expiration date is not limited. Material is transported at the same temperature in closed vehicles.

The storage room should be dry, there are no sources of heat, fire (including sparks from tools, smoking) nearby. Work with the product is carried out in a well-ventilated place, a respirator should be worn to protect respiratory organs.

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