
How to use a wallpaper roll for joints?

Modern roller for joints are a convenient and common tool that is used for painting wallpapers, walls and other surfaces. A feature of this tool is the ability to work at the joints. With this roller, you can easily paint the wallpaper.

Wallpaper roll for joints
The selected joint roller will provide good wallpapering

The main purpose of such a tool is rolling joints of wallpaper. Due to its characteristic appearance, the device was called the “barrel”. Externally, the tool is a conical roller equipped with a handle. It is very convenient for rolling the junction of two wallpaper towels. This allows you to hide the junction of the sheets so that it is not visible. Such a tool is also used to apply glue and paint at the joints of wallpaper or drywall sheets.

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Features of working with the tool

To paint wallpaper or apply glue to the wall, you must either dip the roller completely in the paint, or simply paint on one side. Next, the substance should be rolled out in a special bath. This is necessary so that the paint material is evenly distributed over the cylindrical surface of the device.

Next should start paint wallpaper or wall. For this purpose, it is best to use a rubber roller. After finishing the painting process or applying wallpaper glue, the roller can be washed, or better just replace the nozzle and put a clean one in its place.

It is important to ensure that the tool is as well debugged as possible. To do this, regularly clean the roller for wallpaper, so that it rotates evenly without jamming. It is recommended to precisely center the tool along the axis of the inner shaft. If you do not follow this, then the paint will be applied in stripes. Accordingly, the quality of painting will decrease.

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Convenient roller for joints of wallpapers
The joint roller should be easy to use
  1. Ease of use. This type of roller is an indispensable tool in many situations. In particular, it is used for Putty on plasterboard for painting or under the wallpaper. It is especially useful when it is necessary to carry out work in hard-to-reach places, where it is difficult to approach the distance of a bent limb. Such a tool has a long handle, which makes it convenient for use in these situations. Therefore, in general, it is much more convenient to work with a roller than with a brush.
  2. Safety of use. No matter how you protect your hands when working with a brush, paint can still get on them. At the same time, with accurate work with the roller, contact with the skin of paint and varnish substances or glue is practically excluded. This is also a clear advantage of the tool.
  3. The speed of painting and air removal. Roller operation is faster than other tools.To apply glue for wallpaper or painting, it’s enough just a couple of times to draw over a surface more than a meter long and more than 0.3 m wide and it will be ready.
  4. Ability to work at the joints. Unlike other tools, the joint roller can be used to process the wall in internal corners. Then, when finishing one wall, you will not touch the adjacent one.
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  1. Difficulty working with soft surfaces. For fiberglass wallpaper or other embossed materials, a conventional roller will not work. Although, if you choose a tool with soft nozzles, this will allow you to control the level of pressure on the surface to be painted and it’s nice to paint the relief materials. True, this procedure requires gentle handling of the instrument and a certain professionalism. Therefore, if you do not feel confident, then it is better to take a rag or a softer tool to qualitatively paint the wallpaper.
  2. High paint consumption. It is believed that the roller leads to the consumption of a large amount of glue or paint. Indeed, controlling the consumption of paints and varnishes when working with a roller is not easy. This is especially true for people who have little experience in painting wallpapers. Therefore, if you do not have too much paint, it is better to take a brush.
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Strengthening the joint between drywall sheets

Using a specialized roller, you can strengthen the joint between the sheets of drywall. How to do this is up to you. Here is the most effective and simple technique. Initially, a primer of this place should be done. Next, a reinforced mesh or a paper tape is applied to this area. In this case, you should not wait for the complete drying of the primer. To press them along their entire length, a conical roller should be used.

Conical joint roller
Conical roller can be an indispensable tool for the builder

If you take an ordinary tool for this purpose, the tape will stick to it and move away. In addition, to prevent this from happening, you can wait until the primer dries. Of course, you can work manually, but using a specialized roller.

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