Types of primers

A primer for bricks is an effective way to solve the problem of poor adhesion of paint, plaster or wallpaper to the surface. Such primers differ in their basis - alkyd, acrylic, mineral, there are universal ones.
The primer under the tile has become simply an indispensable step in the performance of facing works. This material strengthens and removes dust, provides better adhesion of the cladding to the base material.
Bitumen primer allows you to strengthen the foundation, whether concrete, metal or wood, to increase its adhesion with subsequent coating. Often used before laying roofing material on the roof.
The primer for OSB-plates is selected taking into account the subsequent finishing. It is imperative to carry out priming so that you do not have to redo the flaws that have arisen due to negligent preparatory work.
Adhesive primer - a solution that improves adhesion of the treated surface to any type of building material. Such primers are applied to walls, floors and ceilings before finishing.
A correctly executed preliminary primer for screed will provide good adhesion of the floor to concrete, protect it from moisture, and remove excess dust. For priming, acrylic, alkyd, epoxy and polymer compositions are used.
Primer for aerated concrete and foam concrete allows to reduce their moisture absorption, increase adhesion and performance of porous materials with subsequent coating, and protect them from weather conditions.
Alkyd primer, despite its high toxicity and unpleasant odor, is excellent for priming a wide variety of surfaces for painting - metal, wood and even concrete.
Primer for plastic is an obligatory step in painting plastic surfaces. Conventional paint does not fit well enough on plastic, may become cracked and lag.
The primer for plywood helps protect the tree from decay and fungus, as well as improve adhesion with coatings later applied - varnishes, paints.


