of primers

Choose a primer for OSB boards

Before painting, puttying or wallpapering of any surface, its preliminary treatment with special compounds is required. This process must be performed to more securely adhere the subsequent layer to the base or antifungal treatment. The primer process for OSB is also necessary to protect the sawdust base of the plate from moisture.

Primer OSB slabs

Types of primers

More recently, PVA glue, which was diluted with water, was widely used for the preliminary treatment of walls, ceilings, and any other base. It was a salvation from any problems - wall-paper stickers, problem ceilings or chipboard processing. Sometimes paint was used, which was diluted with solvent in large proportions before application. For wood, treatment with drying oil was used. Now, among the paintwork products, there are special primers for surface pretreatment.

For the main purpose, primers are divided into two groups:

  1. Concrete contact. It contains quartz sand and cement, synthetic polymers act as binders. It is used for pretreatment of poorly absorbent substrates.
    Primer concrete contact station wagon
  2. Penetrating compositions to increase adhesion, protect against moisture and consolidate a loose base.

Types of primers available on the market:

  1. Antiseptic mixture to prevent the formation of fungus.
  2. Alkyd primer for paints of similar derivatives. Suitable for both metal and wooden surfaces. It is used for pre-processing not only metal, plastic and concrete, but also brick and laminated surfaces, even at subzero temperatures. Not recommended for plastered, porous surfaces, as it does not penetrate deep into the internal structure. Dries more than 4 hours.
  3. Corrosion-resistant primer is used in metal processing to prevent rusting.
    Two-component anticorrosive soil
  4. Acrylic primers based on polymers are universal. They are used for any surface texture. Quickly dry, dissolve in water. Widely used for OSB boards. The industry produces acrylic-based primers of deep penetration and strengthening. Not only any paints, but also many types of putty are very well laid on the basis after primers. There are anticorrosive primers of this type, which are applied directly to rust.

Acrylic Strengthening Primer

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OSB application

Recently, due to the uniqueness of its properties, oriented particle boards (OSB, OSB or OSB) have begun to gain great application. In the field of construction, OSB are used in the following operations:

  1. Flooring. Since the OSB has a strong and even surface, they can be laid on a concrete base and subsequently covered with linoleum, tile or laminate. Also used as a rough floor.OSB is also used for pouring with a self-leveling concrete mixture.
  2. Perform the function of internal partitions. In the future, they can be covered with any kind of paint or glued with wallpaper.
  3. Used as exterior walls or partitions. Then they are faced with materials for external coatings.
    Interior decoration with OSB tiles
  4. Since OSB is a strong material, it can be used as a continuous roof lathing. It can withstand heavy snow loads.
  5. Furniture manufacturing. The only restriction applies to products from OSB is the lack of direct contact with water.
  6. Manufacturing containers.

On sale, OSB-3 was most widely used due to its versatility in use. Sandwich panels are made from the same type of material for quick construction of houses. The surface of such OSB panels is coated with paraffin or wax, giving high water-repellent properties of this product.

OSB-3 boards

However, in view of this, simply paint the OSB panel will be problematic. Paint without a paraffin hitch will drain. Sticking wallpaper without pretreatment can also result in poor results.

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Surface preparation for further decoration

After installing the plate on its surface, wallpaper can be glued, paint is applied or tile is laid. For each type of work, preliminary treatment of the entire working plane with priming mixtures is required. However, for different coatings, you need to take into account your subtleties and nuances.

When performing any type of finish, one job will be the same - preliminary seaming. It is required to prevent the possibility of increasing the distance between adjacent sheets due to shrinkage. Also, the sealing of joints will partially dampen the vibration processes of the building, transmitted to the joints between adjacent OSBs. All other work is carried out according to its technologies.

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To keep the wallpaper on the walls of OSB, you need to do the following:

  1. Attach the net to the seams with putty.
    Grid for gluing joints
  2. Perform priming work.
  3. Apply a layer of putty on the walls and after drying process with sandpaper.
  4. Reapply the primer.
  5. Wallpapering.

If the sealing of the joints can still be skipped in this order, then the second and fourth paragraph in order to avoid unpleasant consequences is not recommended to be ignored.

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For painting

When performing this work, a negligent attitude to the primer work will manifest itself especially quickly. The process is carried out by a roller, however, when the roller moves along the OSB plane, partial overlapping of the primer mixture strips occurs. In case of uneven wetting of the roller surface, strips will be visible due to double wetting of the same place. They must be eliminated by repeated passage of drier areas.

Primer OSB plate roller

When leaving such double-moistened places and performing further staining, the appearance of light and dark stripes. In the future, you will have to spend a lot of strength and skills to eliminate such a defect. And it can be avoided - this requires careful performance of the preliminary surface treatment.

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Under the tile

To perform the installation, the tile must be laid on the treated surface. This process can be performed in several ways:

  • a double layer of primer mixture;
  • sticking tiles on plywood and further fastening to OSB on the exposed lags;
  • installation on a reinforced mesh.

The easiest way is visible immediately. However, the choice is up to the installer according to circumstances.

Priming work is a prerequisite for OSB facing work to be carried out without further unpleasant consequences.The same event extends the service life of OSB boards and preserves the interior of the building for many years.

One comment added
  1. Alla

    Hello! Tell me, please, if the OSB was covered with concrete contact (Alpina), and then puttyed with ordinary gypsum putty, is it likely that the putty will fall off over time? She swollen behind the battery ... I plan to wallpaper.

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