of putties

Varieties and features of the use of hardy putty

What is the role of exterior decoration of building facades? In the aesthetic design of the building in a single architectural ensemble. Each element emphasizes the beauty and harmony of the building and reliably protects the walls from external negative factors. A variety of materials are used for cladding, and not the least place is taken by frost-resistant putty, which is used to pre-level the surface of the walls and eliminate small flaws.

Features and purpose of the material

Quite often, putty for facades is confused with plaster - these are two different building materials. Plaster is used mainly for finishing, and putty is used to prepare facades for facing work, in particular for painting. Putty is necessary for the following purposes:

  1. Alignment of the surface of the walls. Putty is a dry mixture, which is diluted with water to obtain the desired consistency, or the finished composition. With its help, eliminate any defects, bumps and small cracks.
  2. Rain protection. In severe winters, the use of frost-resistant facade putty is especially relevant. The material protects the walls from freezing cycles, temperature changes and moisture.
  3. Protection against fungus and mold. In a damp climate, fungus and mold often form on the facades of buildings. They spoil the aesthetic appeal of the walls and negatively affect their structure. Putty prevents the formation of rot and mold.
  4. Natural ventilation and vapor permeability. If finishing building material is applied over the putty or the facades are lined with wood, plastic, brick, it is very important to ensure the removal of moisture and create such conditions that the walls “breathe”.

Frost-resistant putty for the facade of a country house

Frost-resistant filler material has all the necessary qualities. Manufacturers offer putty in a wide range, and the materials differ in component composition, but in general they equally effectively protect the walls from freezing and protect the facades from the effects of weather conditions, rainfall and other negative factors.

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Varieties and composition of putties

In an effort to satisfy the demand of consumers for frost-resistant building materials for facade decoration, manufacturers produce a wide range of putties, which are based on different components. Each type of material has its own purpose, advantages and disadvantages. To protect the walls from moisture and frost, you can choose the following putties.


It has good indicators of moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, frost resistance. The material is familiar to everyone who is at least somehow involved in the construction work.It has a low cost, excellent adhesive properties and an acceptable flow rate. The coating has the necessary mechanical strength. It happens starting type, universal and finish. The disadvantages of compositions based on cement include weak vapor permeability. Also, with very strong shrinkage, the wall treated with a cement mixture can “crack”.

Frost-resistant cement-based mortar

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It has high ductility, is sold ready-made, that is, the composition can be applied immediately to the wall prepared for decoration. Acrylic material has good adhesive properties, hiding power, frost resistance and moisture resistance. It withstands temperature extremes, freezing / freezing cycles. Can it be used as a topcoat for outdoor use? It is possible, and on any surface. This is a great composition for the final decoration.

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Acrylate (latex)

It features improved characteristics of moisture resistance and frost resistance. It is available in the form of a ready-to-use paste with good elasticity and high adhesion. Reliably protects walls, has a large operational resource. The putty surface receives effective protection against precipitation, frost, sudden temperature drops. The façade "breathes", so mold microorganisms and fungus do not form on it. The disadvantages include only the high cost of the material.

Acrylate facade putty

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Manufacturers use liquid glass as the main component. Water-resistant putty literally repels moisture, especially effectively protects wall surfaces from shell rock, lightweight cellular concrete. It has excellent vapor permeability and frost resistance characteristics, it is often used where other compounds will not be effective. Silicate mixtures are delivered ready-made, so they can immediately be putty facades. The only drawback when using silicate putty is the formation of cracks over time.

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Manufacturers also produce gypsum mixtures. But when choosing them, you need to pay attention to which plasticizer is used. For example, polystyrene increases the frost resistance and moisture resistance of the mixture. This option is suitable for outdoor use. If latex is included in the composition, the resistance of the coating to mechanical stress and cracking is improved. Gypsum putties have a good density, are easy to apply, have high ductility and reasonable price.

Gypsum putty mix with plasticizers

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On the market you can find oil-adhesive putties. Their only advantage is the low price. The mixtures are very heavy, can fall off in pieces, so you should abandon their use for outdoor work.

Rules and application steps

When working with facade frost-resistant putty, you should strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

When choosing a material, you need to decide what tasks the coating should solve and in what conditions it will be used. So, silicate compositions are relevant in a wet, humid climate - they prevent the formation of fungus and mold. Cement putties are ideal for severe frosty winters and can withstand any negative indicator, and acrylic and latex are suitable for various surfaces.

The basic rules that must be followed when working with putties:

  1. The surface of the facades is checked for deep cracks and flaking pieces of wall material.
  2. At what temperature should facade mixtures be applied? It is recommended to finish at + 10 ... + 25 ° C - these are optimal conditions for drying.
  3. Before applying the putty layer, you need to clean the surface of the walls from dirt, dust and debris, if necessary, treat with a primer.
  4. For work, metal spatulas are used, the starting layer is applied as evenly as possible, after drying, the walls are covered with a finish.
  5. Moisture-resistant and frost-resistant material can serve as the basis for another coating or be the final facade finish.

After the walls have completely dried, the surface is treated with a fine-grained abrasive to smooth out irregularities and traces of a spatula. Putty consumption is completely dependent on the selected type of material. If you want to finish, a possible option is painting or plastering. For better adhesion, the walls are primed again before the finish.

Using the cold-resistant facade putty, you can protect the walls from the negative effects of the environment, give them a beautiful, perfectly even appearance and protect the structure from freezing. It can be used for different types of surfaces as a start or finish decoration of building facades.

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