Greek firm won carbon credits

Carbon loans

The Greek company Neda Maritime Agency Co Ltd won the so-called carbon loan under the AkzoNobel program for the first time in the history of navigation. The decision was announced by the largest Dutch manufacturer of paints and varnishes in May 2016. The prize amount is 60 thousand US dollars.

Carbon credits represent compensation for reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the environment. Under the AkzoNobel program, they are awarded a company that, as a result of the use of effective coatings, has reduced exhaust flue gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Kostas Mikropoulos, technical manager of Neda Maritime Agency, noted that the result was the merit of a whole team of technical services of the enterprise, which purposefully worked to increase the efficiency of power plants on ships owned by the company. In particular, the anti-fouling coating was replaced on the bunker tanker. Its new composition not only does not contain environmentally harmful components, but also allowed to reduce fuel losses by 9%, since the resulting value of the coefficient of friction of the underwater surface of the tanker with water was significantly lower.

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