of varnishes

Characteristics and features of applying varnish PF-170

Varnish PF-170 is a weatherproof protective coating containing alkyd resins, organic solvents, vegetable modifiers and fatty acids with the inclusion of the NF-1 desiccant.

Application area

Varnish is used to protect the surface from the influence of the external environment and to give it a shine. Suitable for application on products made of the following materials:

  • metal;
  • solid wood;
  • Fiberboard, particleboard, MDF, OSB, plywood;
  • ceramics.

Plywood painting with varnish PF-170

It is also used over pentaphthalic enamels and glyphthal soils to give them greater resistance to wear and external factors.

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Basic properties

After application to the prepared surface, PF-170 forms a silicone heat-resistant coating. Visually, this is a thin transparent film that protects the material from the influence of the external environment and gives it a glossy shine.

On a note. When applied to wood, thanks to its components, varnish penetrates deeply into the structure of the material, emphasizing the natural pattern and increasing the life of the product.

PF-170 can be mixed in the right proportions with aluminum powder, getting a silver. Such a composition has a high resistance to corrosion of the surface.

Varnish PF-170 is used for the preparation of silverfish

Among the technical characteristics of the PF-170 are the following:

  • the content of volatile components is 50%;
  • drying time at a temperature of 20 ± 2 ° C for at least 72 hours, and at t = 90 ° C - only about three hours;
  • the varnished surface is water resistant with constant exposure during the day;
  • the elasticity of the solid layer PF-170 reaches 1 mm;
  • the approximate consumption of the composition per square meter of coverage is 70-75 g.

On a note. PF-170 is produced in containers with a volume of 0.5 and 1 liter (plastic containers) and 0.8 and 2.5 liters (can).

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Surface preparation

Before varnishing the product, it must first be prepared:

  1. Clean the metal surface from contamination.
  2. Remove scale and rust. To do this, use a sandpaper or cord brush (if necessary). The surface should be equally rough and have a metallic luster over the entire area. Light dimming is allowed in areas where there was scale.
  3. After that clean the area of ​​varnishing of dust, fatty and biological pollution. Wipe with a rag dipped in white spirit and then with a dry cloth.

Preparation of a metal surface for applying varnish PF-170

When working with products from solid wood or wood shavings, the surface must be cycled (if necessary) and sanded. When the coating becomes even and smooth, it must also be degreased and dusted. Before applying varnish, the wooden element can be treated with a filler, stain or drying oil.

On a note. If unprocessed wood is to be varnished, then it must first be coated with an alkyd primer for protection.

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Varnish preparation

Before applying to the surface, PF-170 is diluted with solvents to a certain consistency.To do this, use a mixture of xylene and white spirit (2: 3) or solvent and white spirit (1: 1). Xylene / solvent can be used separately.

White spirit is used to dilute PF-170 varnish

After storage of paintwork at low temperatures, it should be kept in room conditions for 24 hours. If after that a film has formed on top, the composition must be filtered.

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It is recommended to apply varnish on the finished and cleaned surface in the following ways:

  1. Pneumatic airless spray. The most common and practical method. It implies the most economical consumption of coatings, which are applied in a thin layer. Allows you to quickly process large parts.
  2. Dipping. It is used for varnishing small streamlined products of various shapes. After this procedure, the varnish is evenly distributed on the surface of the part, and the excess flows off. It is possible to obtain a sufficient film thickness after a single application of coatings.
  3. With a brush. This method is most suitable for home use. The cost of the tool, in comparison with the above, is minimal. It is used for varnishing small parts. After applying the varnish, drips and brush marks may remain.

Aluminum powder with varnish in the composition of silverfish is applied to the surface at a temperature in the range from +5 to +25 ° C. Humidity should not exceed 80%. To get a high-quality surface, it is necessary to apply the composition in 2 or 3 stages. The coating obtained after the first staining should be sanded.

Application of PF-170 by airless spraying

Important. PF-170 can not be used on top of nitro enamel, NBH and oil paints.

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It is important to remember that until the bottom coat dries, the next should not be applied. It is possible to start each stage of varnishing no earlier than 24 hours after the previous one, then the coating will be uniform, without cracks and areas where the material has “peeled”. The surface will completely dry after 72 hours at a temperature of 20 ± 2 ° C.

After painting work, the tool must be thoroughly washed with excess material. It is recommended to use a solvent (xylene, solvent, white spirit). The remainder of the varnish is closed in a factory container until the next use.

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Storage and safety

Varnish is a toxic material, so it is important to ventilate the workroom well during application, as well as after completion of work. Do not neglect the means of protecting the eyes, skin and respiratory tract when applying PF-170. In case of contact with skin, wash immediately with soap and water.

Transportation and storage of coatings are carried out in tightly closed containers at a maximum room temperature of +30 ° C. The guaranteed shelf life from the date of production is 12 months.

The varnish is kept away from food, heating equipment, electrical appliances, in places inaccessible to children. It is important to protect it from heat, direct sunlight and moisture.

PF-170 is certified and manufactured according to state standards (GOST 15907-70). The achieved quality and durability of the coating can be achieved only by observing the operating rules. Deviation from these standards can lead to premature erosion or other defects.

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