of varnishes

Features of application and review of the characteristics of varnish FL-98

In order for electrical products and equipment to serve for a long time and in good condition, they should be installed in accordance with all the rules. For the durability of the winding, it is coated with special means. For this purpose, it is often recommended to use varnish FL-98.

Material Description

Impregnating insulating varnish FL-98 is produced according to GOST 12294-66. It comes in bottles, buckets and drums of 10-20 kg or more. The composition, according to the standard, includes a mixture of solutions of AK (alkyd resins), RB (resol-butanolized resins) and organic solvents.

Varnish FL-98 is supplied in 20 kg drums

After working with the varnish and drying completely, a strong coating is created that is resistant to damage. Impregnation increases the operational properties of the winding of electrical products and allows them to be used for a longer time. The main qualities of this material are as follows:

  • cementing ability;
  • thermoelasticity;
  • heat resistance;
  • hardening even in a thick layer;
  • resistance to gasoline, industrial oils, high humidity and temperature;
  • ease of application.

Thanks to the use of the product on the surface, an elastic gel hardens, which does not rub, does not crumble, does not chip, does not become softer.

Motor winding coated with varnish FL-98

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This paintwork material has the following characteristics:

  • the coating texture after application is smooth, with no cracks, bubbles, wrinkles, inclusions;
  • conditional viscosity (measurement with a VZ-246 viscometer, temperature +20 degrees) - 35-60 s;
  • concentration of solid residue - 50–54%;
  • drying time up to 3 degrees (temperature +120 degrees) - up to 2 hours;
  • drying time of a thick layer (temperature +120 degrees) - up to 16 hours;
  • acid number - up to 10 mg KOH / g;
  • film strength at + 15 ... 35 degrees - 75 MV / m, at +130 degrees - 40 MV / m, with 93% humidity and +23 temperature during the day - 45 MV / m;
  • film resistivity at + 15 ... 35 degrees - 10 * 12 Ohm / m, at +130 degrees - 10 * 8 Ohm / m, when exposed to 93% humidity and +23 temperature during the day - 10 * 11 Ohm / m;
  • thermoelasticity of the coating at a temperature of +150 - 30 hours.
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The purpose of the varnish

The tool is used to create a protective coating for the windings of electric motors, the insulation of which belongs to class B in terms of heat resistance. Also, the material is suitable for improving the winding properties of tropical machines.

Dipping electric motor rotor in varnish

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Use of funds

Before applying varnish, the treated surface is cleaned from dirt, dust, grease. The base is pre-dried. The varnish is sold ready-made, with increasing viscosity it can be diluted with xylene. There is only one way to create a coating - dip the product in varnish. After that, drying is carried out at high temperature (+ 120 ... 140), the process lasts about 2 hours. This allows you to create a smooth, even film.

Safety during work and storage

Lacquer should be stored only in its original packaging with preservation of its integrity, its shelf life is 6 months from the date of manufacture. After opening the varnish is used immediately.

The material is flammable! Do not store and work with it near any sources of fire. During use, it is necessary to wear a respirator and gloves, it is forbidden to allow the penetration of vapors or the substance itself into the mouth, respiratory system. If it comes into contact with the skin, wash it immediately with soap.

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