of varnishes

Overview of epoxy varnishes EP-730, EP-2146, EP-55 and EP-741

Varnishes - a type of paints and varnishes, which are composed of film-forming substances, water, organic solvents. When dried, the varnish gives a transparent film, and this layer will reliably protect surfaces and emphasize their structure. Typically, the product is used as a top coat, providing a beautiful, complete look to any product.

Epoxy materials are named for their epoxy resins. The greatest application in the economy is received by means of EP brands. They include special hardeners, target components that provide the desired properties.

Epoxy varnishes consist of two components - resin and hardener

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EP-2146 varnish

Parquet varnish EP-2146 is used to cover parquet, wooden floor, it can also be used to paint any wooden surfaces (furniture, stairs), decorative paper. The coating must be operated indoors. Production is regulated by the standard TU 2311-055-56041689-2007.

Composition, properties

The composition of the product is epoxy resin, colloxylin, plasticizers, curing accelerators, an additive to improve the spreading, solvents. The material forms a glossy coating, resistant to mechanical damage, which protects the floor from abrasion, scratches. The surface can be washed with water, with SMS.


The main technical characteristics of the brand are given below, are regulated by TU:

  • the film is homogeneous, without impurities, inclusions, transparent;
  • color - 80 mg I2 / 100 cubic meters see on the iodometric scale, darkening EP-2146 is unacceptable;
  • viscosity on a VZ-246 viscometer at a temperature of +20 degrees - 40 - 120 s;
  • solids content - 31 - 37%;
  • drying time at a temperature of +20 degrees - 2 hours;
  • hardness on the TML device - 0.15 at. e .;
  • gloss - 55%;
  • resistance to water at a temperature of +20 degrees - 8 hours;
  • consumption of 1 kg of material - per 10 - 14 square meters. m cover.

Parquet varnish EP-2146

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The tool has a feature in use. Before work, it must be mixed - to connect the basic composition with a hardener. On sale there is a finished form of the product, one-component. If necessary, varnish is diluted with solvent No. 646.

To prepare the base, you need to clean it from grease, dirt, dust, sand, dry. The tool is applied with a brush, roller, between each layer is dried for 2 hours. Perform 3 layers, after drying the coating for 24 hours. Work is carried out at a humidity of up to 65% and at a temperature of about +20 degrees.

It is important to wear gloves, a respirator, and paint products only with good ventilation. After drying, the film is safe for humans.

Parquet coating with varnish EP-2146

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Epoxy varnish of this brand is produced according to state standard GOST 20824-81. It is used for application on surfaces made of aluminum, steel, and other (non-metallic) materials.

The product withstands the effects of humidity, high and low temperatures, tolerates the effects of alcohol, gasoline, alkali. The varnish can be used for outdoor work for those products that are operated under a canopy.

The properties

The material is characterized by high strength, resistance to mold, hardness, protects products from scratches, scuffs.


The main technical parameters of the varnish:

  • the appearance of the film is glossy, transparent;
  • drying time at +20 degrees - 2 hours;
  • fraction of solids - 30 - 33%;
  • layer thickness - 18 - 22 microns;
  • number of layers - 1 - 3;
  • consumption - 65 - 80 g / sq. m

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Work with varnish

The surface is prepared in the same way - it is cleaned, ground, dried. Material preparation: mix the base and hardener in the proportion specified in the instructions. After holding the material for 1 hour at room temperature. If necessary, use solvent P-5.

Staining is carried out in bulk, by direct application with a roller, brush, using a spray gun. Drying is done for 2 hours on each layer.

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The agent brand EP-55 is used for coloring concrete, metal, which are susceptible to atmospheric factors. Protects products from aggressive environments.

Usually, the material is used after primers of the EP series, after putties, anti-corrosion enamels. The composition includes the base and hardener. The varnish gives a beautiful glossy coating that dries within 12 hours.

Processing of concrete surface with EP-55 varnish

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The tool EP-741 provides corrosion protection to metal with a phosphated coating. The material will provide resistance to salts, alkalis, water, acids, gases, temperature changes. It is applied in any climate up to tropical.

The product is prepared by mixing the base and hardener, applied in bulk, dipping or using a spray gun. The varnish dries for 12 hours at room temperature, it is applied in 2 to 3 layers.

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