of varnishes

What varnish can the wallpaper be coated with?

Wallpaper should be durable, cheap and beautiful! Unfortunately, this statement is far from reality. After just a few months, the glued material loses its flawless appearance. You can solve the problem if you cover the walls with wallpaper varnish. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this solution? How to choose a suitable varnish?

Wallpaper polish
You can update the wallpaper and give them a more presentable appearance, varnishing them

Why open the wallpaper with varnish

After opening the wallpaper with varnish, you can give the surface of the finishing material certain protective properties. Provided that the work is carried out correctly, the following advantages appear:

  1. Paper and any other varnished wallpapers become moisture resistant. After the layer dries, the surface can be washed with a damp sponge.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage. The paint under the varnish layer does not fade, the top layer becomes impossible to erase or damage due to sticking tape or touch.
  3. Appearance. Having varnished the surface of the wallpaper, the varnish changes the color of the surface, makes it glossy.

Before applying varnish to the wallpaper, you must take into account possible negative effects. Among them:

  1. The material may become transparent and begin to shine through the wall.
  2. If you cover the surface with glossy varnish, you can emphasize all the bumps and imperfections of the wall.
  3. When drying, the paintwork material, decreasing in size, can undermine the wallpaper at the joints or voids.
  4. If you need to remove the old wallpaper, then after opening it with varnish, this will become a real torment.

Important! Paper wallpapers that are planned to be coated with paintwork can be glued even in the bathroom, corridor, hallway and other rooms with high humidity.

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What trellis can be varnished

The following types of wallpaper can be varnished:

  1. Paper. Water has a bad effect on the coating, so a special varnish VAK-A-104 is used for paper. It is allowed to use some varnishes on wood, for example, nitrocellulose NTs-228. The composition is easily applied with a soft bristle brush and dries quickly.
  2. Liquid. The surface is hygroscopic and cannot be washed. The manufacturer of the coating usually also produces protective equipment. For liquid wallpaper, you can use matte varnish.. The protective layer will not change the appearance, but will allow you to acquire water-repellent properties.

  1. Vinyl. They are made on a moisture resistant basis, so it makes no sense to apply a protective water-repellent layer.
  2. Natural. Varnish can be used for bamboo and any other wallpaper. Durable material is able to withstand any paintwork. It is necessary to cover the wallpaper pasted in the bathroom and hallway with paintwork material.
  3. Non-woven. Varnish is applied to a pre-painted surface. For work, paint and varnish is selected on a water basis.

Advice! If you cover the non-woven material based on the protective layer, it will become transparent. To prevent this, it is recommended to pre-paint the surface of the trellis.

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We choose the composition for varnishing trellis

In most cases, water-based varnish can be used for wallpaper. LKM well impregnates a surface, when drying has less load on the glued strips. Wallpaper for the bathroom is treated especially carefully. The varnish must have a high resistance to moisture.

When choosing a paintwork material it is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  1. Direct destination. Most manufacturers indicate on the bank the method of application and the materials recommended for processing. In particular, it indicates what types of tapestries can be used for paintwork, as well as whether they are suitable for use in the bathroom and other rooms.
  2. The foundation. Must be water. This rule applies even when choosing what should be the paintwork material for the bathroom. Moisture resistance is enhanced by special additives and additives.
  3. Manufacturer. The best solution is to purchase paints and lanes from the same manufacturer. So you can guaranteedly get a high-quality protective coating and avoid unpleasant surprises.
Wallpaper should dry
It is very important to let the wallpaper dry well before varnishing.

During the application of the varnish coat, some rules must be observed:

  1. For work it is better to use not a paint brush, but a velor roller.
  2. The quality of work largely depends on properly prepared walls. Serious defects are not allowed: pits, bumps. As a rule, the wall should be plastered and treated with a deep penetration primer.
  3. Before applying the varnish coat, let the wallpaper dry well. Under the seams, it is better to glue a special docking tape.

When applying varnish coating, the process should be strictly observed and not rush to work.

Applying varnish may be warranted, especially in the case of rooms with high humidity, as well as high throughput. Be sure to process the paintings in the bathroom, hallway, common corridors. The environmental friendliness of water-based coatings makes it possible to safely use them in the children's room and bedroom.

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