of varnishes

What is zaponlak and why is it needed

In the process of construction and repair, a large number of a wide variety of paints and varnishes are used. Some of them play a decorative role, while others are needed to create a protective coating. But there are those that can be considered universal. One of them is Zapon varnish. What is this substance? Where does it apply?

General characteristics

Especially popular is tzaponlak from the Tekhnohim company. In its composition, it belongs to nitro-varnishes, it is a liquid solution of nitrocellulose mixed with dyes and plasticizers. All these substances are safe for the human body. Technical characteristics allow the use of “Tsapon” varnish for interior decoration, when working with cars, to create decorative elements, etc.

Zaponlak of various colors

Unlike other similar materials, this tool has many useful properties and advantages:

  1. It dries very quickly. Due to this feature, it can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  2. Easily copes with the effects of negative environmental factors. The use of zaponlak is possible at temperatures from -30 to + 150 ° C. Neither heat, nor frost, nor precipitation do not affect the quality of the coating.
  3. The tool has a low price.
  4. The finished coating will be very durable and reliable.
  5. Another property of zaponlak is its good connection to any work surface.
  6. The ability to use for coating wood, concrete, glass, metal and other surfaces.
  7. A wide range of shades. You can buy transparent varnish and just mix it with special dyes.

According to the description, zaponlak Tekhnokhim is a hazardous substance because it contains solvents. In this regard, its storage, use and transportation require special attention:

  1. The product must not be heated and stored near an open flame.
  2. Store only in a closed container that is protected from the sun, water and heat. How long can this material be stored? On average, its shelf life is 1 year.
  3. In the process, hands should be protected by gloves.
  4. After work, the room must be well ventilated.
  5. Do not allow the product to enter the mucous membrane, stomach or eyes.

On sale you can find red, green, blue, yellow, purple, transparent, etc. It is available in 30 and 500 ml containers. The workflow depends on which surface you have to work with.

Universal nail varnish

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Decorative items

You can consider the features of working with zaponlak by the example of coloring wooden products, for example, decorative crafts. The use of “Tsapon” varnish in this case has one feature. If the wood product was previously coated with an oil substance, it must be well dried. This usually takes several days. If the drying process does not take place in fresh air, it may take more than a week.If this rule is not observed, the varnish coating will deteriorate, and after a while it will have to be removed. In view of this, it is better to impregnate the tree with a mixture of drying oil and sunflower oil in a ratio of 2 to 1.

The workflow consists of several parts:

  1. Decide on the color. You can buy a color zaponlak, or you can take a transparent one, and then mix it with dyes to create the desired shade.
  2. Next, 2-3 layers of varnish are applied. A couple of hours should pass between applying the first and second layers, 2-3 days between applying the second and third.
  3. If you get a perfectly even coating, you can do without grinding. Otherwise, if dust particles or any other dirt remain on the painted surface, you will have to perform grinding.
  4. If the product has some kind of pattern, for example, thread, it is necessary to apply at least 10 layers of varnish. This is the only way to make a smooth and shiny surface. However, some intermediate layers will need to be sanded.
  5. The last layer is subject to grinding without fail. This is done using a special paste or ordinary sandpaper (fine-grained).
  6. The final step is polishing the product with a soft cloth.

Painting of light bulbs with a zaponlak

Although this varnish dries very quickly, a certain amount of time must pass between the application of the layers. A brush is used for work. However, if necessary, you can use a regular cotton swab.

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Wood surface

The action algorithm when covering with Technonim zaponlak on a conventional wooden surface is a bit simpler.

First you need to do the preparation. The following items will be needed:

  • sandpaper with varying degrees of granularity;
  • long wand;
  • small beam;
  • piece of rubber.

First, the surface must be well sanded. You can speed up the process by wrapping the prepared bar with sandpaper. The same can be done with a piece of rubber or a stick. They are useful if there are holes or convex parts on the surface.

Grinding movements should be smooth. It is necessary to move along the fibers - this is the only way to protect the surface from scratches. Firstly, coarse sandpaper is used. The fine-grained process ends.

If scratches do appear, the surface should be slightly moistened with water and dried. After again walk through the sanding paper.

The second stage is priming. A primer will reduce pores and consumption of zaponlak. Experts recommend paying attention to liquid wax, which is usually sold in cans. In addition to it, you can use:

  • wax dissolved in turpentine;
  • PVA with wood powder;
  • a solution of wood glue with water;
  • a mixture of chalk / talcum powder with water.

Wax impregnation of a wooden surface

Start applying varnish only after the primer is completely dry. How much time does it take? Depending on what tool was used. Typically, such data is indicated in the instructions.

The most important part of the workflow is applying the Zapon varnish. This is usually done by spraying. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. In order for the finished coating to be even and smooth, intermediate grinding can be done.

Zaponlak can safely be called a universal substance. It is used to create a protective or decorative coating on any surface. The finished coating copes with external influences, is durable and reliable.

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