of paints

Overview of popular types of odorless floor paints

Floor painting is a rather long and laborious process. I must admit that with ordinary paints and varnishes it is even more difficult to do because of the caustic, poisonous smell. In such a situation, it’s impossible to work indoors. Therefore, in order to avoid such inconveniences, an odorless floor paint was created, quick-drying, easy to use.

Painted wooden floor in the bedroom.

Quality and benefits

Many consumers do not know that the odorless paints and enamels for a wooden floor have long appeared on the construction market. Such coatings made a real revolution in the construction and finishing works due to many advantages:

  1. Dry quickly enough.
  2. Environmentally friendly.
  3. After painting, the floor does not slip.
  4. Toxic smell is completely absent.
  5. There is no need to wear a respirator to protect against toxic fumes.
  6. Bright color lasts long enough.

Choosing floor paint

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Types of paints

Quick-drying, odorless paint and varnish for painting a wooden floor is divided into 3 types: acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane. Each of them has its positive and negative qualities.


They are made on the basis of water, pigment and acrylic resins. Actively used when painting wooden floors. The consumption of material for processing the base of wood is greater (compared to concrete). Everything is explained by the porosity of wood and its active absorbency.

Paints and enamels vary slightly in price. Inexpensive alkyd is applied in several layers, it costs less, less wear-resistant. Acrylic is more expensive, but less spent, respectively, has a higher quality.

Wood floor painting

A floor painted with quick-drying acrylic paint has several advantages:

  1. Non toxic
  2. It is odorless compared to staining with oil formulations that smell even after drying.
  3. Fireproof (due to water component).
  4. It resists low temperatures.
  5. Moisture and heat resistant.
  6. Keeps color long.
  7. It is very convenient in leaving.
  8. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation.
  9. It has a wide range of colors.

Acrylic flooring made of wood is very popular because of the good price / quality ratio, in addition, it is very easy to wash off such paint from hands and tools.

The drying speed of the first layer is 4 hours, after which you can apply the second and subsequent layers.

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Such paints are well known to customers as a relatively cheap material with high water repellent properties. The multi-colored, water-dispersion enamel has alkyd resins as organic binders - organic substances obtained from vegetable oils.

Alkyd Floor Enamel

In the drying process, a sufficiently strong polymer film is formed up to a few millimeters thick. In addition to alkyd resin, enamel contains a coloring pigment and a reagent (desiccant), with which the drying process slows down or accelerates.

Alkyd enamels for a wooden floor are more and more distributed both in everyday life and in industry due to their advantages:

  • resistance to moisture and light;
  • convenience in work;
  • speed of drying;
  • bright, not fading in the sun flowers;
  • harmlessness to humans.

Important! Saturate the floor with a primer before painting. It is better to choose it from the same manufacturer, so that the coating turns out to be of high quality.

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Such compositions have good adhesion, dry relatively quickly, and form an elastic, but at the same time durable coating on the surface of the wooden floor. Polyurethane enamel is quite durable, has a high thermal stability, which allows it to be covered with warm floors.

Polyurethane floor paint

The benefits of polyurethane paint include:

  • high wear resistance, including to shock and vibration loads;
  • resistance to organic acids (acetic, lactic, tartaric).

Advice! If you manage to buy 100% polyurethane paint in the store, be sure to dilute it with a number solvent according to the instructions.

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On the Russian market you can find odorless coatings from different manufacturers. The most famous are "Tikkurila" ("Tikkurila"), "Dyulyuks" ("Dulux"), "Teknos" ("Teknos") and, oddly enough, the domestic "Leningrad paints".

The Finnish concern Tikkurila has several recipes for the production of odorless paints, not only for wood, but also for surfaces made of other materials. LKM from "Dyulyuks" differ in excellent moisture resistance. Therefore, they can be used in bathrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.

Teknos paints are universal. They not only do not smell, but also dry quickly, have a high hiding power and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. “Leningrad paints” produce relatively inexpensive, but high-quality products without volatile substances and odor, in a wide range of colors.

Odorless water-based paints almost do not differ in price from coatings on organic solvents. If you seriously care about your health, choose environmentally friendly products.

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