of paints

What to choose paint for the kitchen?

When choosing a finish coating for walls in the kitchen, it is worth considering that it should not only be beautiful. The finish must be resistant to moisture, fire, chemicals, temperature extremes, not absorb fat, easy to wash and maintain its original appearance for a long time. All these requirements correspond to paint for the kitchen, which has a number of advantages over wallpaper and tile.

Paint Profilux for bathroom and kitchen

Benefits of painting

This type of finishing work has the following advantages:

  1. It does not require professional skills. To apply paint, you only need to carefully study the instructions for its use, choose the right brushes or rollers, and then show diligence, accuracy and patience.
  2. Security. Modern paints are non-combustible material, do not contain toxic and poisonous substances, have bactericidal properties, prevent the growth of mold microflora on their surface, and also dry quickly enough.
  3. Abrasion resistance. It is worth choosing paints that can withstand the effects of not only water, but detergents and cleaners, since in the kitchen it is impossible to do without it.
  4. A variety of color palette. Using multi-colored paints, you can create a unique kitchen design that will delight owners, and create a good mood.
  5. The ability to decorate walls with patterns, pictures or ornaments, made by hand or applied using special technologies.
  6. Variety of textures. After painting, the walls can remain smooth or acquire a relief structure. Despite the fact that it looks quite impressive, do not forget about hygiene. The fact is that a rough surface can be very difficult to wash, and tiny particles of fat or other food may remain on it.
  7. Profitability. The surface of the walls, carefully treated with a finishing putty, cleaned and primed, reduces paint consumption.

We grounded the walls of the kitchen before painting

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Varieties of modern materials for coloring

Painting the walls in the kitchen should be carried out only with materials for internal work that have a high coefficient of moisture resistance. For this purpose, suitable types of paints, such as:

  • water emulsion;
  • alkyd;
  • latex;
  • water dispersion.

There are two other types of paints, such as epoxy and polyurethane. Despite the fact that they create a beautiful washable surface, the limitation for their use is the high cost.

In order to save money, you can use your own hands to finish the apron for the kitchen.

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Water soluble

Water-based paint is the most common due to its low price. Also its advantages include:

  1. Lack of smell.
  2. Quick drying.
  3. Security.
  4. Easy to apply.
  5. Use of water as a solvent.
  6. Ability to create your own color palette. To do this, just add multicolored pigment to the white water-based paint and mix these two components.

Water dispersion paint

To create a kitchen interior design with your own hands using this paint, it is enough to purchase only a roller and a brush. Finishing material can be applied in two or three stages. The last coat is always applied in the vertical direction. A brush is used to color corners and hard to reach areas.

Still-dried paint can be easily washed off with ordinary water from hands and other surfaces, but after several hours, thanks to latex, acrylic and adhesive additives, a washable protective film forms on it, which does not allow the material to wear out.

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Oil alkyd paints create a beautiful glossy surface that does not lose its color and gloss even with prolonged use and frequent use of detergents. Also, this paint is used to design the floor and ceiling with your own hands. The material is based on alkyd resin made from soybean, tall oil and linseed oil with the addition of various acid components.

The use of alkyd paints makes it possible to create a bright kitchen design using their wide color gamut. Wall decor in the room can be made in one calm color with the use of contrasting accessories, and can combine two or more shades.

Since alkyd paint has a fairly viscous structure, it is applied in two layers. The first of them is distributed with a brush in all directions or zigzag, and the second - with a roller only in the vertical direction. Before applying each subsequent layer, it is necessary to wait until the previous one has completely dried, which somewhat reduces the speed of finishing work.

The paint dries within 12-14 hours, during which the room needs to be aired.

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Latex based

Latex paints are made from synthetic rubber. They form a durable, glossy or matte washable coating that can withstand the frequent exposure to chemicals contained in household cleaners. Such paints add shine to the walls, which visually expands the space of the room and adds sophistication to the interior design.

Presented paint is applied in two or more layers. To do this, it is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. Moreover, the first layer of water requires slightly more than the subsequent ones. The material is applied using a roller, spray or brush. Each coat must dry well before the next coat is applied.

In case of use latex paint for the ceiling, the composition before the second application can not be diluted. Drying of the last layer should be carried out in the absence of drafts in order to exclude the appearance of strips on the painted surface.

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Water dispersion

They are distinguished by a high coefficient of moisture resistance, they are not washed off by water, they are produced most often in white, practically have no smell and are environmentally friendly materials. They are used both for outdoor and indoor work in rooms with high humidity, where it is necessary to create a washable surface. Affordable prices and excellent quality characteristics make them quite popular in the market of finishing materials.

To give the desired shade to the paints, you can add multi-colored pigment with your own hands. The saturation of the shade depends on the amount of pigment.

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Color scheme

Choosing what color to paint the kitchen should be based on your own preferences.However, creating the design of this room with your own hands, it is worth listening to the opinion of experts who say:
The kitchen is painted red

  1. Red color stimulates appetite and can provoke quarrels between family members.
  2. Yellow raises the mood and tunes in an optimistic mood.
  3. Orange contributes to the generation of ideas and creative development.
  4. The blue color is ideal for dieters. It also helps harmonize internal energy and soothes.
  5. Chocolate color and all shades of beige symbolize coziness, warmth and comfort. Therefore, it is worth using it to bond family ties and traditions.
  6. Purple and purple contribute to the development of intuition and creativity, so the dishes in such a kitchen will be varied, sophisticated and original.
  7. White color is ideal for the kitchen. It doesn’t matter if the washable wall surface is matte or glossy. However, bright contrasting accessories should be present in the design of the room, which will dilute the monotony. The fact is that the abundance of white color negatively affects a person’s vision and does not allow to completely relax. To avoid this, you can paint the facades of the kitchen in a more contrasting color.

The abundance of paints for walls in the kitchen helps to create an interior that meets all the needs of the owners regarding the color and quality of the material. The ease of application allows you to not attract professionals to work, but to do everything yourself. This will help to save not only material resources, but also your nerves.

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