of paints

Pros and cons of matte black paint

In recent years, spray paints in cans are used almost more often than conventional paints and varnishes. The wide spread of aerosols is caused by many of their advantages, among which the uniformity and speed of surface treatment are especially prominent. Especially popular with buyers is black matte paint in spray cans, the application of which we will consider in this article.

Matte black paint on a car

Advantages and disadvantages

Matte black paint is characterized by many advantages:

  1. Versatility (paintwork materials can be used for coloring a wide variety of products, including cars and plastic products).
  2. Ease of application.
  3. Particles are well sprayed unlike many other paints, where the same effect can be achieved only with the help of expensive professional equipment.
  4. Resistance to ultraviolet radiation, due to which the surface retains saturated color even after many years.
  5. Heat resistant.
  6. Resistance to humidity and other environmental factors.
  7. Low cost.
  8. Non-toxic (this still does not mean a waiver of safety when applying paint).
  9. When applying the spray, you do not need a solvent to create the desired degree of viscosity.
  10. Fast drying.
  11. Black color well emphasizes the shape of the subject.
  12. Black matte color makes mechanical damage and dirt less noticeable.

The disadvantages of matte paint are relatively few, but nevertheless they are:

  1. The cost of painting services is quite high. But even if you do the work yourself, painting will be expensive.
  2. Matte coatings often change tonality after application to the surface. Therefore, the right choice of paint is a very responsible task that requires experience.
    Paint spray black opaque
  3. The matte finish is difficult to sand. After grinding, the surface, as a rule, does not look very attractive.
  4. A matte background, as opposed to a glossy one, is easily contaminated. Such a surface will have to be cleaned more often. In addition, mud stains always stand out against a matte background, which does not add appeal to the painted product.
  5. Black in itself also has a drawback - it attracts the sun's rays, since the reflectivity of this color is very weak. In a black car, all other things being equal, it will always be hotter than in a white or red one.
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Fields of application

Matte coatings are used for painting almost any type of surface:

  • wood (including furniture);
  • metal;
  • concrete;
  • plasters;
  • plastics.

Matte coatings are very popular when painting cars. Most often, this paint is used for processing racks and thresholds.

Matte black car

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When painting, the following requirements must be considered.

Necessary materials

Before you begin, you need to prepare a number of materials, including:

  • primer composition;
  • a respirator for respiratory protection and gloves to protect the skin from paint;
  • rag;
  • masking tape, paper (you can use a newspaper) or oilcloth to prevent paint from entering undesirable areas.

Paint masking tape for work with paint

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Foundation preparation

Before applying the paint, we equip the workplace, protecting the areas that need to be left unpainted with paper or oilcloth. Next, we prepare the surface for applying paintwork on it.

Work execution order:

  1. We remove the old coating layer (if any) from the surface.
  2. We clean the material from dirt, dust, rust and other contaminants. The cleaner the material, the better the adhesion (adhesion of dissimilar materials). If the dirt is not cleaned with a damp cloth, we use household cleaning products.
  3. If the surface is polished, you will need sandpaper to give the material some roughness. Sanding is designed to improve adhesion.
    Sandpaper for surface treatment
  4. We glue with masking tape the boundaries of the area on which we will apply the paint. We stick the adhesive tape carefully to prevent ink from flowing under it.
  5. Apply a layer of primer to the surface. When choosing a primer, we proceed from the type of paint and the base material.

Note! It is possible to start applying coatings only after the primer has completely dried.

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We carry out the painting work in the following order:

  1. Wear safety glasses, a respirator and gloves.
  2. Shake the can so that the paint inside gets the same consistency.
  3. We apply a test layer on the rough surface (an unnecessary plaque, a piece of metal, etc.) to assess the quality of the spray.
  4. Apply the first coat to the primed base. We hold the spray at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the surface. We move the torch slowly, but the paint layer should not be too thick.
  5. Wait for the surface to dry (usually within 24 hours) and apply a second coat.

Note! If LKM is intended for front works, painting is allowed only in dry and warm weather, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve good adhesion.

On this painting can be considered finished. If the painting is done in compliance with the technology, the paint layer will last for several years.

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