of paints

Features and types of spray paints in graffiti spray cans

Colorful and expressive images - graffiti - can become a very harmonious element not only of urban landscapes, but also of residential and office interiors. If you are interested in this art, and you want to transform the everyday environment, you need to know everything about aerosol paints - their types, features and methods of application. So, what is a spray can with graffiti paint, and what important properties does it have?

Graffiti spray paint can

Important features, advantages and disadvantages

Aerosol paints are produced in special cans, which makes them very convenient for creative processing of various objects: furniture, household appliances, metal and plastic automotive parts, glass, and much more.

Spraying of such a paint and varnish material is carried out with maximum uniformity, which makes it possible quite easily and quickly:

  • carry out restoration work;
  • create graffiti;
  • Perform spectacular stencil images
  • decorate a variety of objects;
  • paint surfaces of various types.

Spraying spray paint

Paints in cans intended for graffiti have many important advantages:

  • complete readiness for use - before you start working with paint, you just need to shake the can several times;
  • the ability to simply and easily stain even the most inaccessible areas;
  • excellent adhesion to surfaces made from various materials;
  • high drying rate;
  • non-exposure to the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • resistance to abrasion and external factors;
  • lack of need for auxiliary tools for drawing;
  • ease and convenience of transportation;
  • long service life;
  • a wide variety of colors and shades.

Variety of colors of spray cans

With all the many advantages, graffiti spray paint, unfortunately, has certain disadvantages:

  • in the fresh air you can work with such a tool only in absolutely calm and calm weather;
  • to get the perfect result when creating graffiti, certain skills and experience are needed;
  • adding solvents to reduce the thickness of the paint is impossible;
  • there is no possibility of mixing several colors and shades.

True, all these shortcomings are easily offset by undeniable positive properties.

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Main types

There are several varieties of aerosol products:

  • standard for metal surfaces;
  • double, consisting of a coloring material and a primer;
  • triple, with rust converter;
  • for decor;
  • heat resistant.
Spray paint can diagram
Spray paint can diagram

Each of these species has its own characteristics. Designed to work with metal surfaces, paints easily and accurately paint a thin layer of even the most inaccessible places, while providing reliable protection against adverse factors.

Paint in spray cans designed for decoration can create spectacular graffiti indoors.

To work with external surfaces, it is recommended to use aerosol paints with a heat-resistant effect - their most important characteristic is a long service life in conditions of any temperature changes and atmospheric phenomena. Graffiti created with such paint will retain their beautiful appearance for a very long time.

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Popular manufacturers

At present, many companies in different countries of the world are engaged in the production of spray paints for graffiti - mainly in Germany, Italy, America, Spain, Greece, Australia, Russia and China. The obvious leaders in this area are the following firms:

Graffiti paint MONTANA

  1. The German company MONTANA is the largest producer in Europe producing aerosol paint products of low-, medium- and high-budget classes. At an official level, the products of this brand are supplied to more than sixty countries.
  2. The famous Spanish brand Montana Colors is characterized by the highest quality control at each stage of the manufacture of its products. This company offers an assortment of spray paints with impeccable characteristics, counting more than two hundred shades to create exciting graffiti.
  3. The Russian company Standart makes Trane paint, which, due to its affordability, excellent density and high drying speed, has gained immense popularity among talented domestic writers.
  4. AVT Paints from Australia offers excellent Ironlak spray paints. Low cost combined with a bright and rich color palette attracts graffiti artists from around the world.
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Rules and application technology

Using aerosol paints to create graffiti, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of their application.

Before starting the design work, eye protection should be provided by wearing a special mask or glasses. A respirator designed to prevent poisoning by paint components.

The process of drawing graffiti spray can

The surface to be painted must be properly prepared - first remove all residual contaminants, and then rid the fat with alcohol or acetone.

For the treatment of porous surfaces, mandatory processing with a high-quality primer is required - for this purpose, both the aerosol version and the usual one can be used.

In order for the contents of the spray can to get the desired consistency, proceeding to coloring, it must be well shaken several times in a row.

For successful work in the fresh air, quiet cloudy weather, without precipitation and wind, is ideal. When spraying the can, keep it at a distance of 25 cm from the surface to be treated. For reliable fixing of the color, you can use a special acrylic varnish.

Modern spray paints are universal. They can be used both to create colorful graffiti, and for effective processing of various objects. Choose the appropriate option and follow all the rules of application - and then you will be happy with the result!

One comment added
  1. Vladimir

    Thank you very good informative article, much has been revealed

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