with paints

Consumption rates of water-based paint per 1 m2

Water based paint is mainly used for painting floors, ceilings and walls indoors. Although, there are certain types of this paint material intended for painting the facade. Today, this paint is considered one of the most popular and sought after. Therefore, many are interested in the consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2. It is indicated by the manufacturer on the label and serves to calculate the total amount of paint material that is useful to you for work.

Consumption of water-based paint
To protect your budget from unnecessary waste, you need to calculate how much paint is needed for a particular area
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Calculation of consumption when painting a room

As a rule, it is possible to calculate the consumption of water emulsion composition using a special calculator, which is available on many repair-related websites. In addition, you can calculate this figure manually.

To do this, you just need to measure the length and width of the surface and calculate its area by these indicators. Moreover, if there are any unpainted areas, then they should be subtracted from the total area. As a result, we get a clean surface area that needs to be painted. Next, we multiply the result by the estimated consumption per 1 m2.

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Ceiling paint consumption

Today on the market there are three types of water-based paints - for walls, ceilings, as well as universal products. Therefore, a special composition should be used to paint the ceiling.

Ceiling paint is less wear resistant than wall paint. The consumption of the paintwork for painting the ceiling is within 1 liter per 10 m2. In some cases, the amount of paint used for the ceiling can be reduced, and with one liter you can paint up to 15 m2 of surface.

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Consumption for wall covering

The calculation of the amount of funds for the walls is carried out as well as for any other surface. Here, the consumption is about 1 liter per 10 m2 of the wall surface. To minimize the amount of dye, it is better to apply it on an acrylic primer.

Paint the walls with a roller
A quality roller plays a big role in painting, with it you can save a lot of paint
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What determines the amount of coloring agent

The amount of paintwork used for painting depends on what surface you are going to process. For example, when applying the composition to a material with a high porosity or roughness, more paint will be consumed than expected. This is observed when working with untreated wood or concrete. But applying paint to well-primed or already painted surfaces will be less expensive.This must be taken into account when determining the total amount of paint. At the same time, it is recommended that at least one primer be applied to reduce the consumption of water emulsion. It is best to use an acrylic primer.

If you need to decorate the old surface, which was previously whitewashed, then the consumption of the water-based composition will depend on the level of contamination. That is, the greater the contamination, the more layers of paint you will need to use to obtain a high-quality coating. As a rule, in most cases, it is enough to apply two layers. All this will lead to a twofold increase in consumption.

In general, if the whitewash layer is too dirty, then it is better to remove it, which will reduce the consumption of paint material.

In addition to porosity and surface roughness, the type of tool that you will use to work also affects the flow rate. The greatest amount of paint is consumed when using foam or long-haired rollers. Therefore, it is advisable to use a tool covered with a wool cover with medium-sized villi.

Purchase of water-based paint
It is recommended to purchase better paint, its consumption will be less

Also, the amount of paint consumed will depend on its quality. That is, if you buy expensive paint, then it will be possible to limit yourself to two layers of paint. When buying a cheaper product, you may have to apply at least three layers.

The main factors that affect the consumption of water emulsion:

  • type of surface to be painted;
  • the right choice of tool;
  • quality paintwork.
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How to reduce consumption?

The use of a sprayer will minimize the consumption of a water-based emulsion dye. In addition, the skill of the master who performs the work plays an important role. Correctly and accurately performing staining, you will minimize paint consumption. Accordingly, it is important to know the most economical methods of applying paintwork.

The method of economical application of water-based paint

For economical painting of the ceiling, it is recommended to start by holding a wide strip around the entire perimeter, using an ordinary brush. The decoration of the walls also needs to start with holding two strips from the bottom and top. Smears should be done in the direction of the rays of light, namely from the window. After you have dipped the roller in the dye, it must be carefully rolled out on a cardboard sheet to evenly distribute the dye on the cover.

A second coat of paint is applied perpendicular to the first coat. The product should be rubbed evenly over the surface to get the best result and not to make too thick a layer. It is better to make two thin layers, which will be much more economical and accurate. When using an imported product, two layers are usually enough.

The second layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. This condition must be observed in any situation, because otherwise your surface will not look very smooth and high quality. As a rule, it takes no more than two hours to dry one layer of water-based paint.

Also, do not forget about the proper preparation of the surface, which will help avoid over-expenditure of the coloring agent. First you should align the walls and ceiling with plaster or putty. If the surface to be painted was previously painted, you need to clean it from the previous layer of dye.

It is important that the coating remains dry before painting itself. The application of paint itself should be carried out at a temperature of at least 5 degrees. Before starting work, you should carefully read the instructions.

For example, some manufacturers of water-based dye suggest additionally dilute it by 10%.In any case, you should carefully move the product in an open jar and only after that start work. In any case, it is better to take the product with a small margin so that you do not have to buy it later.

Thus, the consumption of water emulsion depends on many factors. To save paint, it is important to know how to properly apply and prepare the surface. Therefore, what kind of expense will be in your case depends on you.

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