with paints

Acrylic paint consumption per square meter

When repairing an apartment or a house on their own, homeowners are trying to save on consumables. It is better not to rely on the advice of consultants, but to be able to calculate the consumption of acrylic paints on your own. This is the only way to save on the purchase of paints and varnishes, because any seller will want to sell as many products as possible, and therefore can exaggerate paint consumption.

Acrylic paint consumption
A correctly calculated amount of paint will avoid the lack of material for work and the need to buy it later

To buy exactly the amount of paintwork material that you need to repair, you will have to follow certain rules. In addition, a correctly calculated flow rate will avoid the lack of material for work and the need to buy more paint in the future.

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Normal flow

Traditionally, the consumption rate of acrylic enamel is from 170 to 200 grams per 1 m2. It should be borne in mind that for acrylic, the amount of material is measured in grams, and not in milliliters, as for water-dispersion paint.

Standard standards apply only to work with a smooth surface. That is, it can be a ceiling or walls, covered with finishing putty or an abrasive cloth with small particles. When working with a rough uneven surface, the flow rate may be greater than normal.

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Calculation of the amount of acrylic paint for wallpaper

If you want to paint non-woven wallpaper with acrylic, then the average cost will be from 200 to 250 grams per 1 m2.

To make wallpaper coloring more economical, it is first necessary to choose the right roller. Not only the expense of the product, but also the texture depends on the correct choice of the roller.

For example, if you need to paint a smooth surface of the wallpaper, then it is better to take a roller with a short pile up to 5 mm long. For economical painting surface you should take a roller with a long pile (5-25 mm), which will help achieve uniform staining.

Paint application by roller
For economical painting of wallpaper with acrylic paint, you need to choose the right roller
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Acrylic consumption for facade painting

For economical and at the same time high-quality painting of the facade, you need to choose the right tool and pre-treat the surface. Depending on the texture of the facade, the paint consumption can range from 180 to 200 grams per 1 m2. However decorative plastering may be more consumable and you need 220-250 grams of material.

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Consumption when using acrylic textured paint

If you want to make repairs using textured acrylic enamel, then the costs can be much more than usual. On the label, manufacturers indicate consumption rates, which range from 1 kg to 1.2 kg per 1 m2.

However, for high-quality painting, you should not blindly focus on the numbers indicated on the bank, since they are calculated taking into account work with an ideal surface. Therefore, ideally, it is better to purchase material with a certain margin of about 5% more than usual. This is necessary to compensate for the unusual texture.

For internal painting and priming, the acrylic composition for the first layer is best diluted with an aqueous base up to 5%. The time between paint coats should not be less than 4 hours. To reduce consumption, experts recommend painting with acrylic at a temperature of about +20 degrees against normal humidity.

Consumption when using acrylic textured paint
Using high-quality acrylic paint you can do with two layers of application
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Features of the consumption of water-dispersion paint based on acrylic

This type of paint is actively used not only for interior decoration, but also for facade work. A similar tool is distinguished by a matte appearance and the presence of color pastes in the composition. The paint has a wide range of colors, which does not fade under the influence of bright sunlight.

For acrylic-based waterborne paints, manufacturers typically indicate a consumption of approximately 1 liter per 8 m2 of surface.

However, in practice, the consumption is usually about 1 liter per 6-7 m2, that is, about 110 g per 1 m2. This is due to the fact that all norms are usually calculated for applying a thin layer under ideal conditions.

An important role is played by the method of applying paint. For example, the most economical way is to use a spray gun. However, even so, you need to calculate the amount of 5% more than ideally.

In addition, it should be noted that acrylic compositions are always applied on a clean and dry surface in several layers. If you use high-quality paintwork, you can get by with two layers. When using cheaper compositions will have to be painted in 3 layers. So, it is better not to buy a cheap paintwork, as in the end it can cost more.

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When applying acrylic paint, it is necessary to clearly know the consumption rate in order to correctly calculate the amount of paint material. At the same time, due to the economical application and use of the right tool, the amount of dye required can be reduced.

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