with paints

How and how to paint the bath?

Many owners of cottages and private houses erect a small wooden structure on their site, where they soar on weekends with family or friends. But it’s not enough just to build a bathhouse - to ensure its long service, proper care and protection are needed, because inside the walls are affected by high temperature and humidity, and outside there are adverse weather conditions. Correct painting of the bath will help to protect and extend the service life.

A man paints the exterior of the bath

When choosing paint and varnish mixtures and impregnation for wood, it is important to pay attention not only to their resistance to high temperatures and humidity, but to the type and quality of the wood on which they will be applied. As a rule, baths are erected from a bar of coniferous trees, more often spruce or larch.

  1. The use of larch is preferable: it is very durable, almost does not shrink, resistant to high temperatures and humidity, durable. The tree is resistant to decay, the occurrence of fungus, inexpensive chemicals can be used to process it.
  2. Larch is not available in all regions and more often spruce is used for construction. It emits little resin, easier to process, but very vulnerable to fungi, rot.
  3. It is undesirable to use a pine for construction because of its high tendency to crack. Pine bath will not last long.
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Choose paint

Important parameters when choosing will be moisture and heat resistance, environmental friendliness. Due to the fact that under the influence of high temperatures the paint will emit harmful chemicals, water-based varnishes and paints are more often chosen for interior painting of walls and other surfaces.

To protect the building inside and out, in addition to paint, it is very advisable to use antibacterial impregnations for wood.

Shelves in the steam room should not be painted: they will become very hot, it will be impossible to lie on them. But leaving them unprotected is also highly undesirable. Shelves can be covered with wax or oil impregnation, which is rubbed into their surface and protects the wood from darkening, drying out, mold, fungi.

Wax wood

The floor in the bath requires special attention, because all the water flows down on it, increasing the risk of fungus and rot. Before applying the varnish, the boards must be thoroughly coated with a protective flooring compound.

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Choose a material for coloring

Basic tools for painting:

  1. For painting walls and other surfaces inside, glazes, varnishes, impregnations are used, which protect the wood well from aging, have high vapor permeability, do not allow condensate to accumulate, and do not allow the fungus to start. Repeated staining with them can be carried out after 3 years. The old layer is optional.
  2. Waterborne acrylics form a protective film on the walls, protecting the tree from adverse effects. These paints do not need additional preparation of surfaces before their application, do not require special care, thanks to them, the service life of wood elements is significantly increased. Only the price of these funds is quite high.
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We prepare the surface

Before you start painting, surfaces must be cleaned of dust and dirt, carefully sanded. If this is not done, then the small fibers of the wood will rise when stained with water-based varnish, the ceiling or wall because of this will become like a hedgehog.

We prepare the surface for painting


It is necessary to grind so smoothly that, having passed a hand, it was impossible to drive a splinter. Then apply a primer antiseptic, which will serve as additional protection and will contribute to a more even application of paint.

After the primer dries, the grinding must be repeated to remove any remaining lint.

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Preparation for work

In order for the work to progress quickly, efficiently and without failures, in addition to the necessary paints and impregnations, you need to stock up on tools and provide yourself with free access to all corners of the room (you can use a stepladder, construction goats).

  1. For quick painting of surfaces it is better to use a spray gun, which, due to uniform spraying, allows you to get an even glossy layer, raises fewer wood chips, reduces the need for re-grinding. It is easy to operate, anyone with minimal paint skills can use it.
  2. It is better not to apply the first layer with an airbrush - for this it is better to use a brush. Of course, it will raise more woody hairs, but if there was dirt or dust on the surface, the varnish does not crack after drying, and when using a spray gun, such a nuisance is inevitable.

Variety of brushes for painting

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Start to paint

The sequence of processing the walls inside and outside is the same:

  • antiseptic;
  • flame retardant (fire treatment);
  • staining.

An antiseptic will protect the tree from rot, prevent the propagation of fungal spores. Fire retardant forms a layer-film, contains salts that prevent the occurrence of fire. The paint will protect against temperature extremes, moisture, for a long time preserve the useful properties of the first two layers.

If the bath is no longer new and the tree has changed color, then before you start painting, you can use special wood bleaches. After applying them, rinse the surfaces well, dry them and you can start painting.

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Useful Tips

  1. For the walls of the log house, it is advisable to take dark colors from the outside - this will help protect it from exposure to sunlight. On the street side, it is not at all necessary to take water-based paint, it can also be used with alkyd resins (based on a chemical solvent).
  2. It is better not to process the steam room with glazes and paints, because in this room the highest temperature and humidity. You can use water-resistant heat-resistant acrylic varnishes based on water for this purpose. Their use will protect and emphasize the structure of the tree, avoid the pungent odor, make it possible to touch the walls, without risk of burns.

  1. In the washing room, it should be borne in mind that here all surfaces often come in contact with hot water and steam. This makes them defenseless against rot and pests. This room must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic before painting.
  2. After impregnation, it is better to cover the remaining rooms inside the log house with varnishes or paints in water, and not on a chemical basis.
  3. When choosing a protective impregnation, it is better to give preference to the one that includes insect repellents.
  4. When painting walls from the outside, remember that the ends absorb paint more. They can and should be put on 1-2 layers more.
  5. Chemical compositions must be applied only to previously cleaned and dry surfaces.
  6. Before you start painting the floor, it should be treated in several layers with moisture protective and antibacterial impregnations.

These simple recommendations will help to easily cope with cosmetic repairs, significantly extend the life of the building. If you take care of your bathhouse in time and competently make a small repair, then it will delight the owners for a long time.

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