with paints

Different ways of painting wood products

It happens that a car’s interior, front door or other interior item has lost its original appearance, but still looks strong. In this case, do not throw away good things in a landfill - you can give them a second life. To do this, there are many options for decorating, but the easiest way to give things an expensive and stylish look is to paint the wood.

Painting an aluminum profile under a tree

What can be decorated under a tree

A decorative finish imitating a wooden surface can be carried out on various objects from:

  • metal;
  • MDF;
  • Chipboard;
  • plastic.

The DIY technology for all materials is almost the same.

How to choose a dye

Wood-based paints can have any basis. It is selected taking into account the base on which the enamel will be applied. The main thing when creating a decorative finish is to choose the colors. To create an imitation of a wood structure, 2 tones are needed:

  • light (beige, light yellow, sand);
  • dark (dark brown, burgundy or even black).

Shades of paint under the tree

The choice of color combination will depend on what kind of wood it is planned to imitate when decorating the product, but dyes must be taken from the same brand. But it is always worth remembering that dark paint, which will be superimposed with a second layer, should be more liquid.

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Necessary tools

To prepare the surface of a thing for painting with your own hands, you need the following set of tools:

  • screwdrivers (they will be needed to unscrew removable parts that do not need to be painted, for example, door handles or a car dashboard);
  • "Skins" of various grain sizes;
  • sponges and brushes for cleaning the surface.
Tools and materials for painting
List of basic painting tools

To create your own "wooden decor" you will need:

  • any painting tool (brush, roller or spray gun), you can also use decorative paints in spray cans;
  • primer;
  • special rubber grater for decorative work (some of the following decoration methods allow you to do without this tool);
  • enamel of two colors;
  • colorless varnish for additional fixation of the pattern.

When all the tools, as well as the necessary enamels and varnishes, have been purchased, you can begin the preparatory work.

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Preparing things for coloring

Of course, the preparatory steps for metal, particleboard or plastic vary slightly depending on the basis, but there are general requirements:

  1. Remove the fixed structure and remove all additional parts from it. If it is planned to leave non-removable parts or some sections of the thing unpainted, then it is better to seal them with masking tape.
  2. Remove all dirt and remnants of the old finish.
  3. To smooth the surface with the help of “skins”, changing the grain from larger to smaller, you can do the processing using a grinding machine, it all depends on the structure of the material being prepared. This step is not necessary only for smooth plastic - on the contrary, it is recommended to scratch it a little to improve adhesion with a soft metal brush.
  4. For metal, if there are traces of corrosion, clean it and treat it with rust preparations.
  5. Remove all irregularities with a putty.
  6. Degrease the basics. For this purpose, often use white spirit or other degreasers, suitable in composition to enamel and soil.

White spirit solvent

After the degreaser has dried, the base is ready for decoration.

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Before starting decorative work, a primer is applied to the base with any paint tool and left to dry. Do-it-yourself wood-based decor on dried soil can be done in three ways:

  • when using a special grater;
  • by mixing liquid paints;
  • method of applying soot.

When deciding how to paint a door under a tree or decorate any other interior item with his own hands, everyone chooses the most convenient method for himself.

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Using a rubber grater

This is the easiest way to decorate with your own hands, it is preferred by most beginners. It consists of the following steps:

  1. The selected light enamel color is applied and left to dry completely.
  2. After the light paint has dried, a dark layer is applied on top of it, but you should not wait for it to completely dry. As soon as the dye is slightly dried up, a rubber grater is taken with a relief pattern imitating a wood cut cut on it, and with its help, while the paint is still liquid, characteristic traces are left over the entire surface in the form of stains and grooves. Light color passing through the dark layer creates the illusion of a woody structure. This drawing is left to dry completely.
  3. The finished object is varnished, preferably in 2-3 layers, dried and set in place.

Rubber grater for decorative coating

If you have doubts about your decorating abilities, then you can practice working with a grater on unnecessary grounds.

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Fluid mixing

This technique is a bit more complicated for beginners. Here you need an artistic flair and a sense of color, and to use this method is possible only on relatively large flat areas. But do not neglect this technique, because with its help you can create an amazing woody pattern. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Wood mix by liquid mixing

  1. Light enamel is applied and slightly dried. You do not have to wait long, because for the next stage, the basic dye is necessary for the dry.
  2. The brush is taken. If the first layer can be applied with any paint tool, then a brush is needed for the second. Using a brush, a dark layer is applied over the first, still liquid. Mixing paints while brushing gives stains that resemble a wooden cut.
  3. After drying, the resulting pattern is varnished.
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Soot application

This method is very simple and is most often used for decorating plastic in the car dealership, but other materials can also be painted in this way. This technique requires enamel of only one color, better than dark, and a plastic wand, many take a fork or spoon from a set of disposable tableware for this purpose. The work is carried out in the following way:

  1. Automobile plastic parts or other items intended for decoration are painted in the selected color and left to dry completely.
  2. A stick or any other thin plastic object is set on fire. As soon as the plastic product begins to be smoked, they can be painted by simply bringing it to certain areas of the surface. The arbitrary arrangement of dark uneven soot stains allows you to get an original decor.
  3. The result is varnished in 2-3 layers, and after complete drying, the item can be used for its intended purpose.

You can create the illusion of a wooden structure on any basis, thanks to the proposed methods, you can get a stylish and expensive looking front door or an original car interior, or just inexpensively update a boring interior and give new life to your old favorite things.

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