with paints

How to increase the temperature in the apartment: we improve the operation of radiators

In many old apartments, the air temperature in winter leaves much to be desired. Residents often have to install additional sources of heating: oil heaters, fan heaters - to make the microclimate more comfortable. As a result, increased electricity costs are added to the high heating charges.

There are several ways to optimize the heat transfer of a heating system, although not all of them bring real benefits.

Improving the efficiency of heating batteries
Improving the efficiency of heating batteries
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Causes of poor heat dissipation

Various factors influence the efficiency of the heating system in the apartment. Most battery efficiency depends on the following conditions:

  • material for the manufacture of pipes, radiators;
  • the size of each radiator in the room;
  • speed of circulation of hot water inside the system;
  • fluid heating temperature.

If the above indicators are optimal, and the heat transfer is still low, the cause may be pollution of the battery from the inside. This is due to the accumulation of rust, dirt, scale, plaque, solder. In old houses, professional flushing of pipes, batteries and risers often seriously increases their heat transfer.

Flushing cast iron radiators
Flushing cast iron radiators

In addition, the efficiency of the system can be reduced by closing the batteries with decorative boxes or coloring too often, as a result of which the metal remains covered with a very thick layer of paintwork. Risk factors are air congestion inside the pipes, as well as external pollution of radiators.

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Increase in heat transfer by paint

There are the simplest ways to optimize the temperature in a room that do not require a specialist call. An example is the coloring of radiators. According to the course of physics, heat transfer in dark objects is higher than in light ones. It is believed that coloring the white radiator in brown or dark bronze will increase heat generation by 20–25%. You need to choose the paint for the battery carefully - it is better to buy enamel with the lowest ability to insulate.

Alkyd enamel for heating radiators
Alkyd enamel for heating radiators
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Black coloring

The darkest paint among all possible is black, and it is recommended to use it for painting pipes and radiators. There is a physical concept of an “absolutely black body”, which absorbs and radiates energy most capaciously. Indeed, in the calculations, the radiation power of the white battery will be lower than that which is painted in matt black.

In practice, changing the color of the battery does not bring significant benefits, because all the calculations relate to ideal operating conditions. Since convective heat transfer is noted in conventional radiators, changing the appearance of the battery will hardly affect it. Moreover, it is not worth making a black battery for aesthetic reasons, because it will look hard and even repulsive. The only way out is to use a special dark aluminum casing, which is worn on the radiator.It slightly increases the heat transfer, although with poor heating of the coolant and clogged batteries it will also be useless.

Black paint improves radiator heat dissipation
Black paint improves radiator heat dissipation
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Removing excess paint and dust

Before taking drastic measures, you can try to improve the heat transfer of the battery in the least complicated way. Often on the surface of the product there is a thick layer of dust, which serves as a kind of heat insulator. First, it is worth rinsing the radiator thoroughly, removing dirt, and only then evaluate the quality of its work.

A dense layer of paint also affects the functional ability of the battery. During the heating season, coatings of paintwork materials reduce the release of heat into the air, so you will have to get rid of them. It is advisable to carry out all the work even before connecting the heating: grind the surface to rough metal and apply a new thin coat of paint.

Removing old paint from radiators
Removing old paint from radiators
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Other ways to increase heat transfer

The people came up with several non-standard solutions, how to improve the indoor microclimate by optimizing the heat transfer of radiators.

Using a reflector screen

Home-made reflector is a popular “invention” that helps to improve the quality of the heating system. Such a screen is designed to redirect heat flux into the room, eliminating its loss due to leaving on the external walls. As a result of mounting the reflector, the temperature in the room may increase slightly.

Most often, the screen is made of foil isolone - foamed polyethylene, one side of which is foil. In the absence of such material, ordinary foil can also be used, the main thing is that it be strong enough and not tear. A slightly larger reflector is cut from the base than the radiator itself, placed it behind the battery, secured to double-sided tape or glue. Before installing the screen, part of the heat warmed the wall, and now this amount of energy will begin to go inside the apartment.

Installing a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery
Installing a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery

If possible, then instead of foil behind the radiator, it is worth placing a ribbed shield made of shiny steel. It will not only reflect heat, but also accumulate it, giving up energy even in the case of a temporary short shutdown of heating. More expensive, but also highly effective, are aluminum basalt shields.

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Increased air circulation

The easiest way is to optimize the heat transfer in the room by simply improving the air circulation. It happens that there is furniture next to the batteries, or they are hidden by heavy curtains. So that such obstacles do not prevent heat from entering the house, they must be disposed of, because otherwise the speed of the air flow cannot be increased. If you release the battery from the elements that cover it, the heat will move more freely around the room.

Using a fan to improve air circulation
Using a fan to improve air circulation

In addition, some use a fan to improve heat transfer. This appliance accelerates the circulation of heated air, therefore, natural convection improves. Towards the room will go the maximum possible amount of heat that a specific radiator can generate. When buying a fan, it is better to pay attention to models that do not emit noise, as well as are economical in terms of electricity costs. Put the fan at a slight angle to the radiator and leave it to work for several hours.

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Blowing Radiators

If the battery does not work well due to clogging or air congestion, you will have to consult a specialist. It is categorically not recommended to fix the problem yourself, besides, this requires the use of special equipment.Different methods can be used for blowing pipes:

  • hydraulic purge;
  • pneumohydroimpulse flushing;
  • cleaning with chemical solutions.
Hydraulic cleaning of the heating system
Hydraulic cleaning of the heating system

The choice of method is carried out by a specialist depending on the severity of the problem. For some events will have to cooperate with neighbors. High-quality performance of work will help increase the efficiency of the heating system and improve the microclimate in the house.

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Conclusion: how to make the apartment warmer

In fact, it is impossible to really increase the amount of heat without changing the input parameters of the system (radiator material, its size, heating temperature). Using the above methods, there is a chance to use this heat more efficiently - in full, with maximum efficiency and optimal distribution in the apartment. For example, the screen will not allow thermal energy to be lost, the fan will evenly inflate the warm air stream.

If the apartment is cold, and this interferes with the normal life of the owners, more radical measures will have to be taken. These include:

  • replacement of old cast-iron batteries with modern bimetal radiators;
  • "Increase" the number of sections on the battery;
  • wall insulation behind the radiator and the installation of a powerful steel screen.

When overhauling a heating system, you need to remember: even the highest quality appliances need to be updated in 20–25 years, since their life is coming to an end. It is worth choosing batteries from the most “advanced” materials of a modern design - they are the most energy-intensive and will surely help to make the apartment warmer and more comfortable.

Comments and reviews (3)
  1. Sergei

    HELLO. Where in what law is the temperature chart in the heating system fixed depending on the outdoor air

  2. Sergei

    In MCD, the temperature difference in the coolant is 10-15 degrees and what it should be. I need to prove the Criminal Code

  3. Hope

    If the service company violates the temperature regime, then all your recommendations are useless. Verified personally. We are sitting cold and already tired of controlling the work of stokers. Above 50 degrees to the water supply do not heat.

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