with paints

How and with what to wash surfaces painted with water-based paint?

Water-based paint in our time is used for repairs most often. The quality of this coating is compared with oil, which has long occupied its niche in the market of building materials. How to wash the ceiling, which is painted with water-based paint, it is interesting to know for everyone who loves cleanliness in the house.

Ceiling wash from water-based paint

In terms of operation, it is much easier to wash the ceiling plate painted with oil paint. She is not afraid of anything, and it is impossible to spoil detergents with such a coating. But when applying it, you will have to wait several days or even weeks until everything dries up, and the toxic smell disappears from the house. For these reasons, water-based paint is more common in modern apartments. But to wash such a ceiling is more difficult.

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Things to remember when starting to wash

No matter how long the general cleaning has to be postponed, this day will come anyway. No hostess likes to do such a thing, because it’s difficult, it takes a lot of time and effort, requires meticulous work. You can’t miss a single section, leave at least some speck, because it will immediately become noticeable, you just have to turn on the chandelier.

It is important to observe some rules:

  1. Only a mild soap solution (or a mild detergent) can be diluted to remove stains.
  2. Movements should be light and leisurely.
  3. It is better to use a stepladder to be able to wash the entire ceiling.
  4. Wear gloves to protect against the effects of detergents on hands.
  5. It is advisable to wear glasses so that particles of dust do not get into the eyes.
  6. It is better to wash the water-based coating with a rag, without using a mop or hard brushes.

Cleaning the painted ceiling

Due to the fact that covered water-based paint ceilings are “gentle” enough, these precautions must be observed.

In no case should:

  1. Wash the water-based coating using hard brushes, rollers or uncleaned rags - stains will remain.
  2. Use toxic detergents. The coating is easily damaged, it will definitely have to be changed, and the powder itself will eat, and it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell.
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How to protect yourself

Do not forget about caution:

  1. It is necessary to wash in parts, without rushing.
  2. It’s better to move the ladder behind you, moving in small steps.

Often people lean back, trying to grab a large area with a rag, and as a result fall. This can end with a little trouble and a couple of bruises if you have a wooden floor or carpet, but if you have tiles, you can get serious injury.

Washing the ceiling on a stepladder

Remember that spring cleaning is a procedure that does not require such victims, and take your time.

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All in order

For starters, you can try to remove the gray coating with a vacuum cleaner. In places above the stove or above the windows, an ashy gray coating always forms. If it is not cleaned, it will become larger and more noticeable. Despite the fact that cleaning the ceilings is a rather boring task, you need to regularly clean them so that the dirt does not become habitual.

Removing gray plaque from the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner

If you have not paid attention to the coating of grease over the stove for a long time, then forget about the uniform color of the ceiling - it is very difficult to get rid of this dirt without damaging the emulsion layer.Because of its ease of application and use, damaging it is just as easy.

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Work with walls

Walls covered with an aqueous emulsion are much easier to wash, but this has to be done more often, especially in apartments where there are children. They often play nearby, get their hands dirty, leave marks, even paint on the walls. Once you have to wash all these artworks.

If children's “cave art” is made with alcohol-based markers, it will be very difficult to get rid of them. Trying to wash away marks from the marker can easily damage the paint layer. Easier to re-paint.

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Where spots often appear

The most “popular” places for stains on the walls are the space around the switches and sockets. All family members touch these objects, and it is not surprising that they are polluted faster than others.

A regular white eraser will help get rid of the plaque next to them.

If there is no desire to wash the area around the switches and sockets, try erasing the stains with an eraser. In no case should you lean on the eraser and rub it too eagerly - there is a risk of “wiping” the water-based paint, and then everything will have to be repainted to get even coverage again.

White eraser to remove stains near sockets

But you should not experiment if you notice that the eraser leaves white spots: it is so easy to spoil everything, and you have to paint it again.

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Recommended and non-recommended remedies

If you do a full summer cleaning to get rid of dust, stains and other traces, dilute a mild soapy solution and wipe it with walls and ceiling, carefully squeezing a rag.

If the grayness has not disappeared - it's time for the old recipe:

  • dilute 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda in a bucket of water;
  • moisten the wall with this solution;
  • in ten minutes, rinse it off.

Soda solution for washing with water-based paint

Soda clears any raids. But if she didn’t help, you need to call a team of professional cleaners or repaint again.

In no case should you apply detergent or solution directly to the wall - then there will remain stains, and the coating will have to be changed. It is necessary to collect water with detergent first on a rag so that it is distributed and absorbed, and then wipe the surface with a rag.

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What to do after cleaning

After the general cleaning, it is necessary to open the windows so that the smells of soap solutions and other products will disappear and be replaced by freshness. It is better to carry out such cleaning of ceilings and walls in the summer so that the room can be easily ventilated.

It is possible to clean the ceilings from dirt, but it requires a lot of effort, scrupulousness and patience on the part of the owners.

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