with paints

Choice of paint, preparation and coloring of the chair (stools)

Things keep memories of the events of our lives, and each of them has its own unique history of existence. And although the chair as an interior item is not animated, it is often dear to us as a memory. And all the more sad, when over time it breaks down or its worn out appearance requires immediate action.

And here you have to choose: either send the stool for long storage to the balcony or to the garage, or even take it to garbage containers, or try to somehow fix the situation.

old chair before and after
Professionally painted chair - looks like new and can be a great addition to any interior

You can always throw away a stool, but it is better to try to update its appearance first. How and how to paint the chair to restore its former attractiveness or even transform beyond recognition, making the highlight of the interior?

Painting a chair with your own hands, if desired, can turn into an interesting and fascinating activity, so doing this is best in a fun company of friends or family.

To begin with, it’s worth choosing options for decorating with paint. On the Internet there is a large selection of original ideas and decorative solutions, for the implementation of which it is not at all necessary to contact the designer and or the master finisher. It is enough to include imagination, to purchase all the necessary tools, materials and accessories and act!

If there is not a single chair in the apartment that needs to be restored (sometimes it happens), but there is a great desire to test your talents, then by the way, a new seat bought in a store will also have to be completely.

An important point: it is much easier to paint the chair without soft upholstery. If there is one, it would also be a good idea to update it.

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The choice of paint and tools

So that painting a stool or chair does not cause unnecessary trouble, you should take care of acquiring high-quality paint and varnish solutions, especially if you have to paint for the first time.

Various paints
The choice of paint is not an easy process, which should be taken very seriously

The choice of paint is determined by the material of the furniture. The chair can be wooden, metal, plastic or combine several types (for example, a plastic chair with metal legs). You can buy specialized paints for wood, metal or plastic, but, since there is no fundamental difference in the composition of the paint, the tips for selecting paint below are useful in any case.

You can paint a chair or stool with the following finishing agent:

  • spray cans (better falls on the metal);
  • acrylic paint in a jar (it better fits on a tree);
  • Alkyd paint in a jar (fits equally well on any surface).

For beginners, the traditional way of dyeing is most suitable - with a roller, so you should first work with ordinary paints in a jar.

Another point: try to choose from water-based paints.So the chair will be protected from moisture, which will extend its life.

To preserve the texture and just as an additional protective layer, it’s nice to get a good transparent paint. Polyurethane-based furniture varnish is designed to protect the surface from abrasion and various adverse effects, especially if the chair is often located outside the house. In addition, the coated surface is easy to clean.

The working tool kit depends on the staining method. In addition to those used for surface pretreatment, the procedure directly applies brushes of various sizes, a narrow roller and a spray gun, or a spray gun.

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Surface preparation

Preparing a chair for painting
First you need to remove the old varnish or paint from the chair

Before starting restoration work, you should prepare a chair and thoroughly clean it from the old paint layer. To do this, you will need such tools and devices as:

  • metal washcloth, sandpaper or electric grinder;
  • clean rags;
  • a bucket of soapy water;
  • gloves, mask and glasses;
  • old newspaper or magazine sheets as bedding;
  • film;
  • screwdriver (depending on the type of chair);
  • hammer or nail gun;
  • primer (depending on the type of stool);
  • roller;
  • firming wax or wax balm;
  • putty;
  • wood spatula (depending on the type of chair).

Pre-treatment of the chair is carried out in several stages of manipulation:

  1. Wash the entire surface of the stool with soapy water and rags. The back, sitting on top and bottom, legs, connecting elements to clean from cobwebs, debris and accumulated dust. Allow to dry.
  2. Check furniture for cracks, chips, crevices and loose bolts. If necessary, the connection must be strengthened with self-tapping screws. Small cracks and chips should be repaired by applying putty and putty knife on wood, but the composition will not work to close up large cracks or irregularities, otherwise the putty will simply fall off during operation. This finishing seam will not be visible under the paint, so it will not spoil the appearance.
High-quality repair of chairs
If necessary, you need to fix the chair, for example, you can use the "liquid nails"
  1. Remove the old trim from the back and seat. Turn the chair upside down, unscrew it with a screwdriver or separate it with a nail clipper from the frame. Then gently tap with a hammer.
  2. Thoroughly clean old coatings. Using sandpaper or a washcloth, remove the worn layer of paint or varnish from the stool. Paint thinners are not recommended for use on wood or plastic because of the corrosive substances they contain. Processing is continued until the old layer is completely removed. A grinder will speed things up a lot. Skinning work must be carried out with gloves and a mask. Periodic wiping with a damp cloth will simplify the process and remove dust. Do not be afraid of varnish, which will become viscous from moisture - this is completely normal.
  3. The primer (carried out on a wooden coating) will ensure uniform distribution of paint. It is applied in two layers to all the details of the chair. After the first coat, the surface is again slightly sanded, wiped and covered with a second coat of a colorless primer mixture. Next, a strengthening wax balm is applied to the stool, everything is polished with a brush.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth. Rinse the chair to avoid mixing the remaining debris with paint, which would make it difficult to apply with paint and would make the surface rough. Wait for complete drying.

After this treatment, the furniture is completely ready for the best perception of paint.

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Staining recommendations

Paint the chair in red
The final and most important point is the painting of the chair.

It would seem that the stages of preliminary preparation of the surface of the chair take so much time that there is practically no desire or strength for the further implementation of the main action - painting. But worries are superfluous, because the most difficult is already behind.

So, we proceed to the stage of staining a stool or chair. Here, too, it is worth considering a couple of recommendations:

  1. Cloth spreads on the floor, and the nearest household items are curtained with oilcloth. If there are decorative elements on the furniture itself that are not planned to be painted, they must be sealed with masking tape.
  2. The paint must be properly mixed. Prepare a suitable paint brush. For ease of painting, the chair is best turned upside down.
  3. To put the first thin layer, to process all hard-to-reach spots. Leave temporarily until completely dry.
  4. Walk on the surface with fine-grained sandpaper. Wipe with a damp cloth.
  5. Apply a second coat of paint. Allow to dry.
  6. Cylinder painting takes place according to the following technology: the spray is shaken and applied in several thin coatings to prevent smudges. The spray gun will significantly speed up the workflow.
  7. In conclusion, the chair is covered with two protective layers of colorless varnish with a small paint brush at intervals to dry the previous coating.

After 24 hours, you can check the readiness of the chair. If the paint does not stick to your fingers, then the furniture is ready for use.

Even the biblical king Solomon said that there is nothing better than the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of his labor. When an exclusive piece of furniture - a chair or stool painted by yourself - will decorate the apartment with one of its kind, only then will a clear realization come: the effort spent was worth the joy of owning this author's work of art!

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