
Adhesive for joining polymer clay parts - rules for working with compounds

Polymer clay (cold porcelain) is now very popular in creativity, products from it are in great demand. The substance was invented for sculpting heads for handmade dolls, but then it began to be used for other purposes. Plasticizers in the composition of this material give elasticity, but after baking the clay solidifies solidly and no longer changes shape.

To create original products you need to purchase high-quality glue for polymer clay, with its help it will be possible to firmly connect the individual elements.

Polymer clay sakura flower

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What is better to apply

Of course, it is not possible to glue polymer clay firmly with conventional PVA adhesives, using starch-based home remedies. Often, instead of glue, needlewomen use the liquid polymer clay gel itself. It is usually used to attach small parts to sculptures that have already been fired. To work with such a tool is not very convenient, because its solidification will occur only after repeated firing. You can also use professional gels with a plasticizer in the work with clay:

  1. FIMO Liquid. Thermoset gel or liquid plastic to be baked in a conventional oven. Allows you to glue finished and raw clay products, sold in color and transparent form. The price is about 700 rubles.
  2. Sculpey Translucent Liquid Gel. It is also thermoset, has similar properties. The cost of the tool is slightly higher - about 800 rubles.
  3. Glue latex Fleur. It is made in Russia, has a low cost (150 rubles). After drying, it becomes colorless. Reliably fastens clay, can serve to strengthen the frame of the product. Especially often used by needlewomen in ceramic floristry. In addition to clay, it is ideal for cardboard, paper, plastic.

FIMO Liquid Gel

Despite the high cost, epoxy glue is often used to connect clay parts. In quality, traction, it surpasses all other means. Cheaper epoxy adhesives have a significant drawback - a yellowish color. Transparent formulations cost from 1000 rubles per tube of 50-100 ml. With epoxy glue, you can attach the handle to the mug, glue jewelry, figurines, magnets, souvenirs. Before applying any glue, you need to prepare: connect the epoxy resin with the hardener in a certain proportion.

The most high-quality epoxy adhesives are considered compounds. They are crystal clear, give the highest strength of the seam. Examples include Love 2Art, PEO-510 KE. After hardening, the products will resemble glass.

Some masters use superglue (based on cyanoacrylate) for bonding polymer clay. Such tools are ideal for connecting small parts, because they have an instant grip, and there is no time for adjustment. With their help, parts are attached to the magnets for the refrigerator, glued jewelry. The expense is minimal, the price is low.The most popular superglue is “Moment”, which has medium viscosity and a comfortable elongated nose. He grasps literally in 5 seconds. Loctite 406 is also considered a high-quality super-adhesive; its adhesive seam is completely transparent and does not break for several years.

Means Loctite 406

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Adhesion of parts of clay products - an example of work

The technology of working with clay may vary depending on its type, but the principles for bonding parts remain the same. Glue is recommended to be used if there is a risk of losing the sculpture form, detaching large and heavy parts. Such elements should be fired separately, and then firmly glued to the main product. Do the same with too thin details - for example, with a tail in the mouse.

The procedure for working with clay products:

  • prepare all the details that have already been fired, check their exact fit in places of future gluing;
  • remove excess clay with sandpaper;
  • wipe the surface with alcohol, vodka;
  • mix two-component adhesives in the right proportion, apply one-component glues in finished form;
  • drip a little glue on each piece to be glued (you can’t apply strips, only drops are allowed);
  • wait for the time specified in the instructions until the composition dries out (with superglue this item is not relevant);
  • connect the elements, press tightly, hold for 2-3 minutes;
  • leave the product to dry until completely dry.

Work with glues should be carried out with gloves, a respirator, with good ventilation. If the product gets on your skin, wash it thoroughly with soap and water. If any glue gets into your eyes, it is important to rinse them well and consult a doctor. It is not difficult to work with polymer clay, the main thing is to get high-quality glue and act carefully, and then a beautiful result is guaranteed!

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