of primers

Characteristics and features of the application of the primer HS-059

Primer XC-059 - a material used as a protective layer. Applied under enamel, it allows you to make the paintwork resistant to mechanical stress and the negative effects of various substances.

This is a mixture of pigments in which a plasticizer is added (needed to give a suspension of hardness), epoxy resin and organic solvents. This composition is included in the group of paints and varnishes made on the basis of vinyl chloride copolymers.

Two-component primer HS-059

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HS-059 (GOST 23494 79) is used for painting industrial equipment, wagons for the transportation of goods by rail, concrete structures, metal products. It can be used at home when processing indoor spaces. The tool can be applied to the body of a car, motorcycle, boat. For this, a small power spray gun is suitable.

Features of the primer HS-059

The tool is resistant to adverse effects of various chemicals and good adhesion (adhesion to surfaces). Technical characteristics of the soil without any impurities are as follows:

  1. The color of the film is red-brown.
  2. The nominal viscosity is 30–65 s (at a temperature of 20 ± 0.5 ° C). It is determined by the device VZ-246 (viscometer), the nozzle diameter of which is 4 mm.
  3. Mass fraction of non-volatile substances (for enamels) - 36–40%.
  4. The degree of milling (an indicator that determines the size of the largest particles) is not more than 40 microns.
  5. The hardness of the obtained layer is ≥0.45 conventional units (according to the pendulum device M-3).
  6. Bending elasticity - ≤3 mm.
  7. Viability - ≥8 h (temperature 20 ± 2 ° C).
  8. Adhesion - ≥2 points.

Important! The coating is resistant to adverse external influences.

Characteristics and purpose of chemical resistant primer

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Before priming the material, clean it from the old coat of paintwork, traces of rust, oil stains. Thereafter:

  1. Prepare a homogeneous composition. To do this, connect the hardener to the base, and then mix for 10 minutes.
  2. Add solvent to achieve viscosity suitable for work (14–25 sec on VZ-246, nozzle 4 mm).

On a note! For mixing, you can use a drill with a mixer at low speeds or an ordinary stick.

The order of coloring:

  1. Dip a brush or roller in the ground and treat the surface so that there are no unpainted areas.
  2. Apply each subsequent layer of material so that it slightly captures the previous one.
  3. Do not use too much mixture - it should not collect in puddles or drip on the surface with drops.
  4. To paint large areas, use a spray gun (you should not forget about protecting your body and use a mask, glasses, gloves).
  5. Wait until the first layer is completely dry (this will happen after about 1 hour if the temperature is approximately +20 ° C).
  6. Start applying the next coat.

Application of primer XC-059 by spray gun

After completing work, clean the tool with a solvent so that it does not fail and is useful in the future.

The mixture can also cover a previously prepared surface by spraying, that is, by means of a spray gun.

On a note! The composition does not lose its qualities at temperatures from –10 ° С to +30 ° С.

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During the application of the soil, observe the following precautions:

  1. It is forbidden to carry out work in the immediate vicinity of an open flame, as well as in rooms without access to fresh air.
  2. Care should be taken to protect the body from contact with materials with gloves and other items of work clothing, and not to allow inhalation of toxic fumes.
  3. If the mixture gets on your skin, wash it immediately with warm, soapy water.
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Soil should only be in tightly closed containers. It must be placed in a place well protected from direct sunlight. The composition does not lose its qualities in the temperature range from –30 ° С to +30 ° С. Subject to these conditions, the product is guaranteed to be suitable for use within 6 months from the date of its manufacture.

Thanks to water resistance, frost resistance, resistance to the influence of various chemicals, XC-059 has found application in various fields. You will be able to purchase a quality product with a certificate of compliance with GOST, which is recommended to familiarize yourself with before buying.

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