of primers

Properties, purpose and application of the primer VL-02

Primer VL-02 is designed to protect metals during storage, as well as an alternative to phosphating and oxidation. The primer protects the metal surface for 2-3 weeks and is used to address the protection of the material in the interoperation period.

Polyvinyl butyral-based paintwork material is two-pack. The base material is mixed with a suspension of pigment substances and fillers, as well as an idol resin. The finished composition is an alcohol solution where there is phosphoric acid and an acid diluent.

Two-component primer with acid diluent

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Soil parameters

Technical characteristics of the primer are determined according to GOST 12707 77:

  • the treated surface must be uniform;
  • most often the coating is matte, but semi-gloss is also allowed;
  • material color - a mixture of green and yellow;
  • the percentage of non-volatile components in the total mass is up to 22%;
  • soil consumption - from 65 to 85 grams (depending on the type of material being processed and environmental conditions);
  • number of layers - from one to two;
  • Recommended surface temperature - at least 3 degrees above the dew point.

There is a primer close in its characteristics to VL-02 - VL-023. It is similar in composition, but differs in a greater viscosity and a more substantial proportion of non-volatile substances.

Primer VL-023 has a high viscosity

Soil retains its working qualities for a certain time after its preparation. The duration of this period depends on the temperature regime:

  • day, if the temperature is from minus 10 to plus 10 degrees;
  • 8 hours if the temperature is from 11 to 20 degrees above zero;
  • 4-6 hours at a temperature of 20 to 40 degrees above zero.
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Certification VL-02

Based on the results of the checks, the primer receives a hygienic conclusion from the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. This document is valid throughout the Russian Federation. The certificate complies with GOST R.

Note! The regulation allows the use of VL-02 in aggressive environments. For example, such compositions are used in the shipbuilding and ship repair industries.

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Before priming, remove dirt, dust and oil traces from the surface. Preparatory measures are carried out on the basis of the requirements of GOST 9.402. The document indicates the degree of purification from oxides (2) and the degree of degreasing (1). Also, as an instruction, the use of MS ISO 8501-1 is allowed.

The primer needs to be diluted. For this, solvents are used, RFG or P-6 are suitable. The proportion of solvent in the total mass should not exceed 1/5 part. The soil is stirred until uniform. Stirring must be very thorough - within 10-12 minutes. The resulting mass must be maintained for half an hour before being used for its intended purpose.

The hull of the boat covered with soil VL-02

The primer is applied using a brush or by spraying. Pneumatic or airless spraying is used.

The drying time of the surface is 15 minutes, provided that the air temperature is 20 degrees above zero.If necessary, apply additional layers of soil. The final stage of surface treatment is the application of paint and varnish material (paint or enamel). In some cases, the sole purpose of priming is to protect the metal during interoperational storage.

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Precautions and storage

VL-02 refers to fire hazardous materials. Priming is carried out only under condition of high-quality ventilation of the room and with the use of personal protective equipment. Do not allow the substance to get on the skin, mucous membranes or in the respiratory system.

It is necessary to store soil at a temperature from 10 degrees of a frost to 30 degrees of heat. It is allowed to reduce the temperature to 30 degrees below zero, but in this case, the primer storage period is reduced to 1 month. Direct sunlight or excessive humidity in the room is unacceptable.

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