of primers

How and how to process drywall before wallpapering?

Making repairs in the apartment, we all pursue a common goal - to make it good and for a long time. In the work we use various finishing materials. Fortunately, the building materials market offers a large selection for this. Recently, the installation of walls with drywall is very popular.

Priming of drywall walls

Firstly, the surface of the walls comes out more even, and you do not need to spend a lot of time on additional leveling. Secondly, lower consumption of plaster materials. And thirdly, then on top of drywall, you can then apply almost any decorative coating, such as wallpaper. An important stage of work is the processing of drywall before wallpapering. How and how to do it better?

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Material for processing

In order to keep the decorative coating better, and even the process of pasting went without a hitch, you need to use certain mounting compounds. Correctly selected glue for wallpaper plays an important role. Indeed, depending on the type of wallpaper, you need to choose the appropriate adhesive composition.

But another important point that many unprofessional repairmen miss out on is the intermediate wall treatment. That is, before applying wallpaper glue, it is necessary to cover the plasterboard surface with a primer.

A primer is a special mixture that has several basic properties:

  • improved adhesion of the base with the materials used in further finishing;
  • ensuring the protection of the surface of drywall from the influence of adverse factors;
  • reduction of consumption of finishing and assembly rasters.

Special primer for drywall

Many are interested in whether it is necessary to use primers precisely, because modern wallpaper adhesives mainly have good technical characteristics? Perhaps not necessary. But skilled craftsmen insist on using these materials. It must be understood that the proper preparation of the walls for wallpapering is the key to the longevity of the repair.

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Processing process

The primer is applied several times on the drywall surface. The first time - on a newly mounted structure, before sealing joints and putty. For work, a regular acrylic primer is suitable or you can purchase products where it says "for drywall". Acrylic mixtures are usually presented in the form of an aqueous dispersion, so they are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, and therefore applicable inside residential premises.

It is necessary to treat the entire surface of drywall so that the putty solution is better held. At the same time, the walls already receive some protection against the formation of fungus. The solution is applied with a nap roller or a wide paint brush. Rub the primer well over the surface.

If the solution is too concentrated, it can be diluted in the proportions indicated in the technical specifications. For acrylic primers, simple water is used as a solvent.

Putty walls are sanded to give the surface perfect smoothness. After this, you need to primer again.Here, the primer plays a very important role - ensuring adhesion of the substrate with subsequent finishing materials. And another important task is to minimize the absorption of wallpaper glue by the wall. To increase the protective properties, it is necessary to prime at least two layers.

The work also uses a roller or brush. The solution is thoroughly rubbed on the surface. Before applying the second layer, you need to wait for the previous one to dry.

From this it becomes clear why it is necessary to prime gypsum plasterboard walls before installing wallpaper materials. By the way, the primer solution not only improves the quality of wallpapering, but also simplifies their dismantling during subsequent repairs.

Comments and reviews (2)
  1. Videomaster

    In addition to sealing the joints, processing the walls of drywall for wallpaper also includes sealing the hats of self-tapping screws that secure the gypsum board to the frame. The screws are covered with smears of the usual starting putty, but at the same time it should be recessed 1-1.5 mm under the plane of the sheet, otherwise the solution will not close it properly and after gluing the wallpaper there is a high probability of rust spots on them.

  2. Azbuka-remonta

    Thus, plasterboard puttying is certainly a necessary procedure before wallpapering, and it is also very responsible. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to specially trained people. But gluing wallpaper on drywall is very simple. If the wallpaper is not the most lousy, then they themselves will lie on the wall. And you will only follow the pattern matching.

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