and design

What color is suitable for your zodiac sign?

When choosing a color scheme for a house, apartment, as well as clothes, astrologers advise taking into account belonging to a particular zodiac sign. Features of the character and worldview of different elements help to choose the optimal colors of the signs of the zodiac, which will positively affect the mood and provide emotional comfort.

What colors are suitable for a horoscope

Astrologers have long noticed that, depending on the zodiac sign, people subconsciously choose different shades that will surround them in everyday life. Psychological experiments have confirmed astrological research: colors do not equally affect well-being, emotional and physical health. For each zodiac sign, a suitable palette is indicated, the tones of which are in harmony with the character of the person.

Color spectrum of zodiac signs

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Aries colors

Red is the most successful tone for people born under this sign. This is the color of dynamism, fire, passion, it reflects activity, is a symbol of struggle, courage. Red strives for leadership, but is quite aggressive, so you need to use it in dosage. Aries-men are more suited burgundy, brown, women - scarlet, bright red, orange. In periods of illness, ill health, it is better to replace the purple, bringing calm, relaxation.

Negative shades for Aries:

  • white - dampens forces, makes a person silent, closed;
  • blue - increases stubbornness, greed, stinginess.

Aries zodiac sign

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Shades of Taurus

Representatives of this sign are talented, distinguished by a calm disposition, easily tolerate stress, and are patient. The best shade for a Taurus woman is blue, beige and brown are also good. Men of this sign prefer blue, brown.

Both ladies and the stronger sex like the green tone: it is ideally suited to their character, personifies harmony, goodwill, and helps to increase vital energy. Red is considered dangerous for Taurus, as it enhances negative emotions, leads to bouts of anger. But pink is acceptable, but without abuse.

Taurus zodiac sign

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Gemini Colors

The main color for Gemini is yellow. It stimulates communication, creative inclinations, self-expression, which exactly corresponds to the character of the sign, the main features of which are brightness, optimism, and energy. Women are recommended to combine yellow with green, gray-blue, men - with gray, tan. A peach tone is good for pregnant women, which relaxes and helps to calm down. Too gloomy tones Gemini should be avoided, as well as too catchy drawings, ornaments.


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Cancer Colors

Crayfish have developed intuition, they are sensitive, have a thin, vulnerable nature. Since the sign is controlled by the Moon, it is well suited for white, gray, silver tones. White is considered a passive color, symbolizes purity, purity, silver reflects a craving for freedom, soothes changeable emotions. Gray color is a shade of calm, stability. To dilute these shades, a Cancer woman can use orange or green, and a man can use green or purple. Cancers should avoid the blue, which does not bring them good luck.

Cancer zodiac sign.

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Colors of a lion

A lion is a sign of fire, so people born under it prefer warm, radiant shades. We give special luck a golden tone, which is associated with prosperity, beauty, generosity. For ladies, orange, red, yellow colors are no less successful, for men - light orange, light brown. Especially good these shades affect the body during stress.

Dark, oppressive colors are not suitable for Lviv, so purple, black, anthracite should be eliminated or used in minimal quantities.

Leo zodiac sign.

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Tones of the Virgin

The main shade for Virgo in astrology is green-yellow. Brown is no less good for the sign, because it is also related to shades of the earth, expresses practicality, hard work. Gray, olive, and mustard shades are also considered favorable for Virgo-men, for women - white, pale purple. Bright virgins should be avoided, because they can violate their calm harmony and peace.

Virgo zodiac sign

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Colors of Libra

Libra strives for excellence, sociable, peace-loving, but sometimes insecure. They adore the interior in pastel or austere cool colors, where they feel peace, security. Soft blue, blue, pale green tones will bring good luck to people born under this sign, and the latter have a tonic effect, help maintain the balance of body and soul.

Libra women can use a pink tone - a symbol of love, airiness, lightness. Men are suitable for light gray shades - strict and harmonious. Red and orange colors will have a negative effect on the body.


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Shades of Scorpio

The astrological colors of Scorpio are dark red as well as black. They are associated with the mystery, strength, power of this zodiac sign, and Pluto protects them. Such shades fully correspond to the heavy, controversial nature of people who are born under the sign, while increasing activity and protecting against negativity.

For men, brown is considered an additional favorable tone, for women - blue, purple, yellow. Negative colors for Scorpions - white, dark blue, pink.

Zodiac sign scorpio

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Shades of Sagittarius

Sagittarius react positively to the purple color, because they like to stand out from the crowd in everything. Purple tones emphasize activity, enhance leadership qualities. Turquoise is no less good for Sagittarius, which slightly softens their fiery character, calms, and at the same time increases self-confidence.

In addition, the Sagittarius man will like the interior in gray and purple, the woman in blue, blue, and purple. Do not just give preference to orange tones - they will create an emotional imbalance, provoke anxiety in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius zodiac sign

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Colors of Capricorn

Capricorns are prudent, practical, and at the same time have a rather complicated character. Earth tones are great for them - brown, black, dark gray, although women sometimes gravitate to dark blue, purple colors. All these shades are associated with the quality characteristic of Capricorn - restraint, and purple, as a combination of blue and red, also with stability, devotion. Negative tones for Capricorn - white, silver, orange.

Capricorn zodiac sign

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Tones of Aquarius

Shades of luck for Aquarius - blue, all tones of blue, purple and green. For men, white and silver are also suitable, for women - lilac. They help to realize dreams, stimulate thinking, reflect the desire for knowledge. People born under the sign of Aquarius suffer greatly from stress, sharply react to experiences, and these colors act soothingly, soothe. Unsuitable tones for Aquarius are black, orange, red.

Aquarius zodiac sign

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Fish Colors

Lilac and violet shades are perfect for all Pisces, and men gravitate also to the sub-tones of blue and blue. They personify the sensuality, emotionality of Pisces, their passion for change. Women, among other things, often prefer pink in its cool shades. Black, yellow, red, orange tones will have a negative effect on Pisces.

Pisces zodiac sign.

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Zodiac signs and color clothes

If you choose clothes that are perfect for the person of the shade, it will give him joy and aesthetic pleasure. Astrologers advise making a choice according to the horoscope.

Fire Zodiac Signs

For Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, all bright, fiery shades in the wardrobe - raspberry, red, yellow, orange, purple, are suitable. These clothes go well with golden accessories. Sagittarius is recommended to use slightly less juicy tones from the above, as well as dilute them with blue and purple details.

Fire Zodiac Signs

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Water signs

Crayfish, Pisces, Scorpions - signs of the elements of Water - will be pleased when things in green, purple, blue colors are included in the wardrobe. They will bring a sense of peace and harmony. You can make the look more stylish and mysterious with the help of silver or white clothes.

Water Zodiac Signs

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Colors in clothing for signs of the elements of the Earth

Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will help relieve stress, relax, find peace green - the most popular tone of the elements of the Earth. Other natural shades such as brown, blue, gray are also well suited to such people. You can occasionally include purple and red accessories in your wardrobe, but only without abuse.

Element Earth Zodiac Signs

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Shades of the elements of Air

For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, yellow and green shirts, blouses, as well as things of purple, blue, and purple colors will come in handy. Bright outfits are welcomed that will help to implement the plan, they will be liberated, they will give courage.

Air Element - Gemini Libra Aquarius

Color correspondence to the signs of the zodiac allows you to create real "color horoscopes" for each person. Following the advice of astrologers will make you feel comfortable, maintain a great mood and always shine with positive!

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