and designInteriors

5 bad tips on keeping things in the kitchen from the Internet

Organization of the kitchen space is an important process that requires a thoughtful, competent approach. It directly depends on how convenient it will be to prepare a variety of dishes, how long it will take. There are many devices that help make the kitchen space comfortable, functional, ergonomic.

The Internet is literally full of similar ideas, solutions, life hacks. In fact, not everyone is suitable for everyday use, and some are completely impractical. How to figure out which solution for arranging the kitchen is acceptable? To solve the dilemma, we prepared a detailed analysis of the most disastrous ideas that did not take root in everyday life.

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Tip 1: use a perforated sheet on the wall to store dishes

This solution is often found in workshops. The perforated wall located above the workbench / worktable is extremely convenient: you can hang up hand tools, all kinds of devices. In the kitchen, it is assumed that on the canvas will be located:

  • pans
  • buckets;
  • pans
  • spoons.
Perforated wall panel
Perforated wall panel

At first glance, this seems attractive, since a perforated canvas helps to save space, not to force shelves to dishes and kitchen utensils. In fact, it turns out the opposite:

  • every time you have to clean the bottom of the pans clean, which is tiring and time-consuming;
  • dust / soot accumulates on the surface of the dishes;
  • any object can inadvertently be flicked on the floor;
  • you will need to constantly wipe the dishes dry so that water does not drip from it.

Storage of dishes on the wall

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Tip 2: storing dishes on open shelves

A similar solution looks spectacular in cafeterias. Open shelves flicker in films, TV shows, giving rise to a desire to make something similar in their own kitchen, but it is better to refrain from this idea.

Scandinavian-style kitchen with open shelves
Scandinavian-style kitchen with open shelves

Open shelves are a real magnet for dust. You have to constantly do wet cleaning, rearranging the utensils from place to place, which takes an incredible amount of time.

Please note that dishes in open shelves will always remain in sight. This will oblige you to get a beautiful service, made in a single style. If there are not enough plates or they differ in size, color, then there will be a repulsive sensation.

Dust accumulates on open shelves

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Tip 3: rods or magnetic strips above the stove

As soon as these tricky devices appeared on sale, people rushed to buy them. At first it looks convenient, but it is not always practical in everyday life. A magnetic stripe often cannot hold a heavy ladle or chopping knife with a massive wooden handle.As a result, kitchen utensils break down, falling onto a stove or cutting surface.

Kitchen rails above the stove
Kitchen rails above the stove

Another nuance. When cooking, soot rises above the stove. An extractor hood is installed in the apartments to help bring it out. But even the hood does not save knives and ladles from the formation of an unpleasant, sticky, badly smelling coating on the surface.

Magnetic knife holder
Magnetic knife holder
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Tip 4: use space to the ceiling

A similar solution is often found in small apartments: a headset located right up to the ceiling provides maximum usable area. In everyday life, the decision turns out to be inconvenient, since only a person with a high stature can get something from the upper shelves. Others will need to get up on a chair, which is a dubious undertaking.

To access the upper cabinets you will need a ladder
To access the upper cabinets you will need a ladder

Over time, objects that are almost never used accumulate on the upper shelves. You forget about them, and constant cleaning becomes a real routine, so the upper shelves gradually turn into a pantry with a century-old layer of dust.

Kitchen with high upper cupboards

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Tip 5: storing fruits and vegetables in open drawers

Advice seems harmless at first glance. It would seem, what inconvenience can open boxes that are suitable for storing vegetables?

Organizer for fruits and vegetables
Organizer for fruits and vegetables

Products in open space deteriorate much faster. This is facilitated by room temperature and direct sunlight, not to mention dustiness and a number of other factors. Open boxes do not interfere with the spread of unpleasant odors, which directly relates to garlic, onions and other "smelling" vegetables.

Fruit storage in the kitchen

Now you know much more about what mistakes should be avoided when arranging free space in your kitchen. If many of these ideas are already part of the interior, then you should think about changing them. Believe me, the freed space can be used with much greater benefit.

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