and designInteriors

Why a round table is more practical than a rectangular one - the pros and cons

When choosing a kitchen table, customers have to make decisions regarding the shape of the product, its functionality and the material of manufacture. Most often on sale there are round and rectangular tables, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Designers argue that under a number of conditions a round table will serve much better than a rectangular one, and it is precisely in this form that you need to take a closer look.

Types and advantages of round kitchen furniture

Kitchen tables can have different sizes. Their diameter is from 60–80 cm to several meters. Depending on the design, they are stationary and sliding: the latter are laid out, increasing the area of ​​the working surface. The material of manufacture can also be the most diverse:

  • MDF;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • a rock;
  • glass.
MDF kitchen table
MDF kitchen table

Round tables are now very popular. Due to the increase in the size of modern apartments, they fit perfectly into the kitchen space. It is round pieces of furniture that look stylish, attractive. Tables are sold everywhere, there is a list of products of most manufacturers. Tables of this form are considered universal - suitable for apartments, offices, cafes, restaurants. They are suitable for all interior areas, only worse combined with clear, graphic lines of techno-style.

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Reasons for choosing a round table

When choosing furniture for the kitchen, you need to consider:

  • number of residents in the apartment;
  • room dimensions;
  • layout;
  • a number of other important factors.
Wooden table in the interior of the kitchen
Wooden table in the interior of the kitchen
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Small family

Round tables are ideal for a family of 3-4 people. With a large diameter of the countertop (from 130 cm), even 6 people can be seated for them, however, there may be problems with the arrangement of devices. Also in the middle of the overall countertop will remain an empty area. Reaching her will be quite difficult.

If the item is purchased for a family with 1-2 children, a tabletop size of at least 120 x 80 cm is recommended. In general, each person sitting at the table should have 60 cm of width and 40 cm of horizontal space depth. With this approach, eating, relaxing, maintaining a conversation will be comfortable.

Round table for a small family

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Small room

When the table does not have corners, it is easier to sit behind it. For a small kitchen or dining room, a round table is perfect. The product will appeal to those who do not like to place devices in the corners. Unfortunately, it is impossible to push round furniture to the wall, which must be taken into account when planning a purchase.

Use of a round table in a small kitchen room
Use of a round table in a small kitchen room
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The round shape of the table will reduce the risk of domestic injuries, which is especially common in babies. The absence of corners will facilitate the task for parents who are trying to keep track of the students walking the child. The corners of the table do not have to close anything, use special plugs.

Room Features

The layout of the kitchen also affects the decision to purchase a table. If the shape of the room itself is square, they put a round table in the middle, while leaving a lot of room for a headset and chairs. For an elongated kitchen, rectangular furniture is considered optimal. When installing a table at the exit, it is more convenient to round a round product, as when placing it in a closed space (niche, bay window).

Kitchen table in bay window
Kitchen table in bay window
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Choice of table for chairs

Round-shaped kitchen chairs can be purchased in advance. For a harmonious look, you have to choose the appropriate table for them. For example, chairs on one leg look stylish, which can spin around its axis, complete with a “one-leg” table.

When to choose a rectangular table

In some situations, the decision to purchase furniture for the kitchen is the exact opposite. Rectangular or square tables are acquired in such cases:

  • regular feasts for 6-10 people and more;
  • the large family;
  • the need for table zoning (for work, lunch);
  • a large number of chairs in the house;
  • lack of space for stationary furniture (folding is purchased);
  • features of the layout.

Each design has its pros and cons. Before going to the store, you need to think about the features of the room and the wishes of the family. Then the purchase will bring only joy and comfort.

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