and designInteriors

How to use wallpaper with a 3D effect in the interior

Photowall-paper with the three-dimensional image can become the real highlight of the house or apartment. They look amazing, immediately attracting attention, because when you look at them, you get a feeling of the volume of the picture. 3D-wallpaper in the interior - the embodiment of any fantasies of the owner, even the most unusual.

What is 3D Wallpaper

Wallpaper with the 3D effect is a canvas with a widescreen image, which is designed to be glued to walls or other surfaces. A feature of the material is the volume of the picture. When you look at the canvas, you get the feeling that the picture is "moving" from the wall to the room.

Wall mural in a small room

To create 3D-wallpapers using simple technology. The drawing is done on a computer using a special program, then it is printed. The difference is precisely in the type of image and the presence of special reflective particles that create the impression of volume.

The picture on 3D wallpaper has a height, width, volume and depth. It can "go" inside the room or seem remote, depending on the effect applied. There are drawings in which some details seem to be behind others, which looks very realistic.

In general, a variety of artistic techniques are used to create 3D wallpapers: black and white transitions, combinations of cold and warm tones, linear and tonal perspective.

A popular trick is to make the central object lighter than the main background. Subjects for wallpaper can be very diverse:

  • nature;
  • Landscapes
  • abstraction;
  • space;
  • town;
  • geometry;
  • Portraits
  • cartoons etc.

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Wallpaper printing methods and materials

Usually, a drawing already mounted in a computer program is applied to the selected basis for wallpaper. The following materials may serve as the latter:

  • paper - is the most environmentally friendly raw material, can be used in children's rooms, any room with a normal and low level of humidity, but has low strength characteristics;
  • non-woven fabric - durable, breathable material that does not violate the indoor microclimate, has a long service life, but is quite expensive;
  • vinyl is the most resistant, durable, water-resistant coating for wallpaper, it can be washed with household chemicals.

For rooms where walls are heavily and often dirty, it is better to choose vinyl wallpapers. For a drawing room, bedrooms harmless coverings on the basis of a nonwoven or paper are more suitable.

3D Wallpaper Printing

From the printing method depends on the period of preservation of the brightness of the pattern on the wallpaper. The type of ink determines the image quality, its juiciness and realism. There are these types of ink for 3D wallpapers:

  1. Ultraviolet. Perfectly convey shades and tones, create contrasts and interesting transitions. Freeze under the influence of ultraviolet light, firmly adhering to the canvas. The finished picture does not fade in the sun, is not afraid of water, chemistry, fat.
  2. Latex.These inks are created on the basis of latex, quickly solidify, become pleasant, smooth to the touch. They are safe, do not contain harmful chemicals. The ink is abrasion resistant and lasts a long time. The disadvantage is the low clarity of the picture.
  3. Eco-solvent. After gluing wallpapers with eco-solvent printing, an unpleasant odor may appear in the room. However, the vapors are non-toxic and quickly erode. Advantages are the ability to wash, no burnout, low price of wallpaper with an eco-solvent type of printing. Minus - long drying of the coating.

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Advantages and disadvantages of three-dimensional wallpaper

3D wallpapers are unique in appearance. They attract eyes, become the center of the room, completely transforming it. Other benefits of using wallpaper are:

  • the ability to choose an image for any interior;
  • huge assortment;
  • a chance to create wallpapers according to an individual sketch;
  • high wear resistance of wallpaper, long service life;
  • resistance to the influence of sunlight, the absence of burnout of paint over time;
  • ease of installation of wallpaper;
  • speed of work with canvases;
  • easy care, the ability to wash vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, the absence of dust deposition on the surface;
  • the presence of a protective coating that reduces the fire hazard makes the material non-combustible, heat-resistant;
  • the possibility of using in premises for various purposes;
  • safety for humans, the use of environmentally friendly materials.

3D Non-woven Wall Mural Journey into the Past

3D wallpapers can be used to zone space. This is very true for large rooms or studio apartments. Three-dimensional wallpapers immerse a person in a special world. They erase the boundaries of space.

Disadvantages of this type of coating are also available. Wallpaper with a 3D effect is quite expensive, especially in comparison with conventional canvases. Too bright, intrusive pictures can quickly get bored, and the repair will have to be redone, so it is better to immediately choose neutral images. The rest of the design should go well with 3D wallpaper, otherwise the room will not look harmonious.

If the room is small, too bright decor looks ridiculous. He can overload the room and emphasize its cons. With severe mechanical damage, the wallpaper cannot be restored - you will have to glue them again. In addition, before decal 3D-wallpaper you will have to carefully align the walls, otherwise all the pits and tubercles will stand out ugly from under the paintings.

3D non-woven large mural

Minus 3D-wallpaper - the difficulty of perceiving three-dimensional images. According to psychologists, up to a quarter of all people experience headaches, nausea and dizziness in rooms with a similar decor. It is better to check in advance how each member of the family evaluates the effect. You can do this by watching 3D movies: if they are perceived normally, then there will be no problems with wallpaper.

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Types of volumetric wallpaper

Wallpaper with 3D-pictures are sold everywhere. They differ in the transmitted effect and characteristics.

Wallpaper with 3D-pictures in the interior

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Standard wallpaper

This material resembles a simple roll of canvas. The difference is that 3D wallpapers depict three-dimensional drawings, although vinyl and non-woven are also the basis. With the help of unique wallpapers you can design:

  • the whole wall;
  • a separate area in the room;
  • the whole room.

When decorating the entire room with three-dimensional paintings, care must be taken - the room may look elaborate. It is not necessary to join the drawing when gluing the material, so even a beginner will cope with the work.

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Single wallpaper

Fragmented (single) 3D wallpapers are small in size. They finish only part of the wall. They can be glued as an independent decor, included in a larger composition, or even surrounded by a decorative frame and form a window, landscape, ocean view, etc.

Single 3D wallpapers in the interior

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Panoramic Wallpaper

Panoramic wallpaper is usually pasted over the whole wall or a significant part of it, go to neighboring walls. The meaning of their application is to recreate the effect of the reality of the decor, to "dissolve" the boundaries of the room. Drawing on these wallpapers forms a single picture - the jungle, the city landscape. Most often, the material is produced in huge rolls. It does not require complicated docking on the wall. Installation of panoramic wallpapers is best left to professionals. In any case, you have to work with a partner.

Panoramic 3D-wallpapers in the interior

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LED wallpaper

Such wallpapers are made of durable canvas and many LED elements. They are very strong and resemble panels, only wider. Simply put, LED wallpapers are LED panels with a three-dimensional image, which, like wallpapers, are glued to the wall.

The LED material has built-in mini-lamps and fibers that glow when current flows. They are powered by sockets or solar panels. The work of the material is regulated manually by remote control or through a mobile application. The user can turn on a picture, change brightness, blink frequency. Installation of such material is best done by a professional.

3D LED wallpaper in the interior

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Fluorescent wallpaper

On some parts of the fluorescent paintings, a special luminous paint of different colors with a phosphor is applied. It accumulates ultraviolet light and glows, but does not contain white phosphorus, therefore it is absolutely harmless. On the wallpaper canvases, individual contours, elements or objects can be highlighted, which looks very impressive. To make the glow brighter, special BLB lamps are installed behind the wallpaper, which make the image realistic.

3D fluorescent wallpaper in bedroom interior

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Stereoscopic wallpaper

A novelty in the world of 3D wallpapers combines LED and fluorescent technology. The most delicate aluminum panels with LEDs are mounted inside the material, providing a unique appearance. Typically, such wallpapers are used to depict the underwater world or the night sky.

Stereoscopic 3D wallpaper in the interior

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Where wallpapers are applied

Most often, wallpapers are used for pasting walls. Also, the material can become an ornament to other surfaces. They are suitable for:

  • partitions - paintings can go on adjacent walls or extend only to the partitions themselves;
  • ceiling - antique vault, sky, summer landscape suitable for a large room;
  • niches - using the three-dimensional effect, you can recreate the window effect or make a different image;
  • doors - old door leafs can be originally updated with the help of such material;
  • floors - 3D-pictures are great for use in the system of bulk floors;
  • stairs - special wallpapers are glued directly to the steps with a smooth transition, forming a waterfall, rocks, forest, etc.

3D wall-paper decoration remains the most sought after. When choosing paintings, it is worth considering the type of room and its features.

Wall mural expanding space

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The best theme for 3D wallpapers is neutral. Otherwise, falling asleep will be difficult, as well as relaxing. Images of forest, sea, floral motifs, architecture and modest geometry are great for a bedroom. Most often, they decorate the wall at the head of the bed with such a decor, but this is not an immutable rule.

Wall murals expanding the space in the bedroom interior

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Living room

In the living room, you can safely experiment with wallpaper. The picture should be written into the general interior and successfully combined with the rest of the decoration. You can use juicy shades, active drawings depending on the style:

  • classics - floristry, antique images, still lifes;
  • hi-tech - night city, a tunnel in black and white, abstraction;
  • Scandinavian style - winter drawings of different directions;
  • Provence - French landscapes, lavender fields;
  • Art Nouveau - views of large cities, night sky.

Photowall-paper in an interior of a drawing room

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In the kitchen, the wall with the dining table is often finished with 3D wallpaper, which looks amazing. Images of fruits, coffee beans, wine bottles, dishes will perfectly fit here. No less attractive and appropriate are city landscapes, reproductions of paintings, floral arrangements.

Light three-dimensional paintings visually make the kitchen bigger. Warm tones increase appetite, cold tones reduce it, and have a calming effect.

In the working area, you can also apply three-dimensional wallpaper, for example, instead of a standard kitchen apron.So that the material does not scum, it is covered with a layer of transparent glass on top. The best options will be sea pictures, plant photos, abstraction. If the dining room and kitchen are combined, the room can only have one zone with 3D wallpaper.

Wall mural in the interior of the kitchen

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Wall murals with a three-dimensional pattern in the children's room are often used. The canvases will create the feeling of being in a fairy tale, immerse the baby in the magical world. For children, thematic paintings with images of favorite cartoon characters and books are suitable. You can also use photos of animals, the sea world, space, taking into account the opinion of the child.

3D-wallpaper sea world in the interior of a children's room

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Hallway and corridor

In small hallways it does not always make sense to use 3D wallpapers, because you need to consider them from a certain distance, but this is not possible. If you want to use exactly three-dimensional wallpapers, it is better to choose canvases with a bright graphic pattern. Such decor will visually expand the space.

Another good solution is to stick panoramic wallpapers in the form of a series of columns, stairs to the sky, a forest road, which seem to lengthen the room. In large corridors, there are practically no restrictions on the use of three-dimensional wallpapers. Beautiful images of mountains, forests, natural landscapes.

3D wallpaper in the interior of the hallway

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In the bathroom, you can apply moisture-proof wallpaper, placing them on a wall remote from the bath. Mountains, waterfalls, sea pictures, stones and shells, space and clean air are suitable for this room. These wallpapers are ideal for decorating the bathroom.

3D wallpaper waterfall in the bathroom interior

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If the cabinet is large, you can use wallpaper with three-dimensional images. Accent wall can be located directly opposite the working area. Correct selection of the picture will increase efficiency, relieve stress. To keep yourself in good shape and increase energy, it is worth using abstract paintings, dynamic scenes. On the contrary, people of creative professions are more suited to relaxing motives - landscapes, vegetation, flowers, mountains.

3D wallpaper wallpaper with volumetric images

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The choice of wallpaper depending on the size of the room

When planning the decoration, it is important to take into account the overall dimensions of the room, because an error will lead to a distortion of the perception of space, difficulties with a long stay in it.

Small rooms

In small rooms, choosing a photo wallpaper is difficult. The brightest, most spectacular drawings will not look beautiful on the wall. Intrusive decor can cause headaches and irritability. You can also not use convex, embossed materials that visually reduce the size of the room. It is better to choose wallpaper in bright colors, stretching the space - stairs, sea, horizon. They should be located in the shaded areas of the room to relieve the pressure load and "push" the dark wall into the distance.

Wall mural sea in the interior

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Large rooms

In the overall premises there is room for imagination. Here you can arrange almost any 3D-wallpaper. It is important to be guided by the purpose of the room and the style of the decor. Well suited for large rooms, rich drawings, interesting textures. If you plan to make the picture the center of the room, it can be very bright, multicolor. When you want to focus on furniture, wallpaper, on the contrary, should be modest, restrained.

Wall mural in the interior of a large room

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3D Wallpaper Sticking Procedure

Self-sticking wallpaper is acceptable for simple fragmentary or roll paintings. In other situations, the professionalism of the master is required. Do not mount glossy paintings on the wall, which is opposite the window - due to glare, the picture will be lost. If it is planned to zone the room with the help of three-dimensional wallpapers, their combinations must be carefully thought out in advance.

3D Wallpaper Sticking Procedure

First you should prepare the walls well. They must be cleaned of old wallpaper, paint.Cracks are covered with putty, deep defects are eliminated with a cement or gypsum mixture. Too crooked walls are recommended to be sheathed with GKL sheets. Otherwise, 3D-wallpaper will fall uneven, ugly. After leveling, the walls are primed for 1-2 layers to improve adhesion to the finishing material.

As the primer dries, they proceed to the main stage of work in the following sequence:

  • lay out the cut parts of the roll or the components of the picture on the floor;
  • make a preliminary fit so that everything matches perfectly;
  • markings on the wall with a pencil mark the level so as not to make a mistake with sticking individual strips;
  • acquire high-quality glue for heavy wallpaper, diluted with water;
  • apply glue to the wall, starting from the lower left corner, glue a strip of wallpaper;
  • roll 3V-wallpaper with a rubber roller to expel air;
  • the next section of wallpaper is glued butt; for some materials, overlap gluing is provided, as indicated on the packaging;
  • the remaining bubbles are carefully punctured with a needle, release air and gently level;
  • give the finish to dry completely (usually during the day), while maintaining a constant temperature in the room and avoiding drafts.

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Coating care

Wallpaper with a three-dimensional image is easy to care for. Paper varieties should be carefully wiped with a dry cloth or just brush off the dust. Non-woven wallpaper can be washed, vinyl - washed with non-aggressive detergents (if required).

3D-wallpaper - an interesting and original version of the decoration. They immediately make housing memorable! Unique wallpapers will decorate any room, make it your favorite place for rest and relaxation!

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