and designInteriors

How to make a false fireplace in a heating radiator

A fireplace is a beautiful decoration, accessible only to a few. Not everyone can afford such a luxury. The fireplace is available to owners of low-rise residential buildings, cottages, country cottages, but as for apartments, not all planning decisions allow the construction of a real hearth. Difficulties with the construction of a smoke removal system, as well as fire safety requirements, are affected.

However, there are many ways to help get a reliable, realistic imitation of the focus. We are talking about a false fireplace, in which there is no real flame. Instead, an illusion of tongues of fire is created with:

  • rags of thin scarlet fabric, fan-blown - outdated technology;
  • a steam generator and LED backlight - as a result, reflections are projected on the clouds of steam, recreating an imitation of a real flame.

The second option looks more realistic, natural, beautiful. The downside of the steam generator is its high cost, but even this problem can be solved. Specialized stores are ready to offer customers a lot of technical solutions to create an inexpensive and effective false fireplace.

3D steam fireplaces
3D steam fireplaces

In addition to aesthetic appeal, this device has a practical component. A false fireplace can be used as a decorative screen covering the heating radiator. An artificial hearth completely hides the battery from the eyes and at the same time:

  • provides normal heat dissipation;
  • does not create a risk of overheating;
  • helps to maintain the integrity of the radiator, protecting it from mechanical damage.

The design look is the main advantage of such an idea. Not everyone can boast that he has a fireplace in his apartment - beautiful, safe, economical. Realizing this idea is easier than it might seem at first glance.

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Portal Dimensions

The artificial hearth should mask the heating radiator, but it is necessary to leave a slot for the outflow of warm air. The internal niche, which plays the role of a furnace, can correspond to the size of the battery itself, and here it is necessary to take into account the number of sections of the radiator.

Old battery

When collecting the portal, take into account its external walls. On average, a raised fireplace is larger than the heating radiator by about 10-20 cm on each side.

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Material selection

You can make a false fireplace from a variety of materials. Best suited for this:

  • drywall sheets;
  • plywood;
  • wooden slats.

For the exterior design of the portal, you can use both thin boards and moldings. In the second case, a false fireplace will be cheaper, in addition, the polypropylene decor is simple, reliable, durable and affordable. The stucco molding is suitable as an additional decor. It will help create an imitation of antique columns or luxurious gypsum patterns.

The exterior design of the portal boards

For spectacular decorative finishes, it is recommended to use artificial stone, and you can use epoxy products, since they are much lighter, which will help reduce the weight of the screen structure as a whole. In addition, artificial stone helps create an imitation of real brickwork.

Decoration with a plastic decorative panel with a picture of bricks

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Precautionary measures

Make sure that the materials you purchase are resistant to high temperatures and that they can be used in close proximity to heating elements.

When constructing a false fireplace, do not try to firmly fix it to the wall. If an emergency occurs (the pipe bursts, the connection opens, the radiator leaks), you will have to disassemble the entire structure. You can build a removable false fireplace and put it on one side on hinges or any fasteners.

Be sure to think through the slot through which warm air flows. If you block the outflow, then when the hot water is supplied, the false fireplace will be very hot, and there will be no sense from the heating itself.

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First you need to make a frame. When working with plywood, it will require wooden slats, and when using drywall, metal profiles. The second option is preferable because:

  • supplies are cheaper;
  • all components are commercially available;
  • work with profiles is extremely simple, does not cause any difficulties;
  • a minimal set of tools is required.

Assemble the portal of the decorative hearth using the hydraulic level. It will help to ensure the accuracy and evenness of the fastening of each element. Then install the walls and process the joints. For this, an ordinary plaster putty is quite suitable.

Do-it-yourself fireplace from the boards

Build an imitation of the hearth by installing a steam generator in it. For greater safety, a glass shutter can be installed in front of the device. Check the operation of the steam generator and make sure that the backlight is correct.

It is recommended to lay out the internal space of the hearth with a decorative stone. This will help create an imitation of natural masonry and enhance the effect. Outside, the portal is decorated with stucco, which can be planted on liquid nails. At the final stage, paint and additional decor are applied to the surface of the raised fireplace, including moldings.

DIY fireplace

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Last few tips

If you want to make the portal more natural, you can lay artificial logs on a steam generator. Some models support this, while ensuring safe operating conditions. It is not recommended to use natural wood, as it can become damp from constant contact with moisture.

As an additional decor, next to the fireplace, you can install a poker or even forged woodpile. On top of the portal you can decorate with souvenirs brought from abroad, pots with fresh flowers or a small aquarium, but first make sure that the surface itself is not very hot from the heating battery.

If the purchase of a steam generator does not fit into the budget, then you can use an ordinary Christmas tree garland. We wrap it in a ball and lay it in the hearth, and on top we impose a few logs. After connecting to the outlet, you can adjust the intensity of the glow using the built-in remote control. It will also help create simulated smoldering coals.

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