and design

Ideas for combining pistachio colors in the interior

Natural delicate shades, close to the natural environment, are very popular in design. A special place of honor is the pistachio color in the interior. This warm shade, symbolizing spring, unity with the surrounding environment, is universal, perfectly in harmony with other tones and is suitable for most styles.

Features of color and influence on the psyche

Pistachio color has a positive effect on the central nervous system of a person, has a calming and relaxing effect. This gentle green shade in the muffled varieties gives a joyful feeling of purity, freshness and light, therefore it is ideal for interior decoration in houses where people live, who are experiencing constant nervous tension. Bright saturated shades will energize the whole day and are especially appropriate in the design of the kitchen or dining room for calm, balanced residents.

Light shades of pistachio soothe

Designers love to use pistachio tones due to their universal properties. Color does not change even under different lighting conditions, and the surface completely retains its hue. It is used in finishing materials, textile details, decoration, furniture.

On vertical surfaces, a light green shade of pistachios is pleasing to the eye, and individual small details with this color on furniture, curtains or sofa cushions create a bright accent and give the room a luxurious look.

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Style in the interior and pistachio color

Such tones are great for modern design and give the interior lightness. It harmonizes with glossy and plastic coatings, creates original compositions with chrome fragments. Light green tones are also combined with eco-style and effectively look in eclecticism and pop art in the form of splashes. For the Tuscan style, light green shades with wrought and wooden elements are often used.

Shades of green are a good fit for eco-style.

Gentle tones exquisitely complement the light ease and romance of Provence, especially when using pink, lilac, blue and gray additional details. You can give the elegant atmosphere of Paris to the room with floral motifs, wicker or artificially aged furniture.

In the classical style you can not overdo it: the pistachio color should complement, but not dominate. Use in conjunction with light tones will visually expand the space, and with dark ones it will remove possible flaws. Looks good in classic accents on the wall or patterns on textiles.

The Mediterranean style is a true favorite of light green colors. The combination with yellow, orange and blue colors, the use of different prints and the maximum exposure to sunlight in the room emphasize all the advantages of the interior.

Mediterranean style pistachio use

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Combination with natural materials

Pistachio color is in perfect harmony with any products made from natural materials or supplemented with individual elements:

  • a tree;
  • bamboo;
  • skin, fur;
  • jute;
  • rattan;
  • cork flooring;
  • reed and reed cloth.

Also, the shade of pistachios looks good on natural wallpaper, plaster, surfaces from sisal, siagrass, coconut fiber. Golden green tones give the walls a special unity with nature in combination with plant wallpapers of arrowroot, nettle, and goldflower.

Rattan armchairs with pistachio pillows

In compositions with wood, the color of pistachios is recommended to give a predominant place in the interior. Designers often use such combinations to emphasize the naturalness of the room.

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Wall decoration

Many owners of houses and apartments today resort to choosing a pistachio surface for walls. This is one of the few colors that does not conflict with other shades, but rather complements the individual design with its gentle romanticism, naturalness and spring freshness.

Light greens in the wallpaper can be of different tones and at the same time each shade fits well into the interior. It is recommended to select the opposite in tone saturation. Walnut-colored wallpapers look organically in various styles: hi-tech, minimalism, Provence, classic. The main attention should be paid to the rest of the elements in the interior, to properly combine the details and distribute the emphasis.

When buying wallpaper, you need to focus not only on the area of ​​the room in order to purchase the necessary number of rolls, but also the lighting in the room. This indicator is considered one of the main ones, because if you overdo it with strict tones, you can see after the repair a depressing, difficult atmosphere, spoiling the mood with its gloom. In the case of pistachio wallpaper, it is appropriate to combine with various, even daring options, and add brightness to the room using a different color scheme. Compositions can be included in patterns, drawings, and wallpaper ornaments.

Wallpaper pistachio color in the room

To achieve a harmonious combination in the interior, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Under pistachio wallpaper you need to choose textiles of other colors.
  2. Bright spacious rooms allow you to choose dark green wallpaper for the walls. The abundance of light softens the severity of the interior.
  3. The walls of small rooms with low light should not be done in dark colors. You can emphasize with a touch of pistachios on one side, and from the opposite wall - decorate the window with light curtains.
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Furniture and Textiles

Pistachio color radiates cheerfulness and warmth, which gives it a suitable option for textile decor. With the help of attractive elements, you can create a special cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house. It is used both in classic and modern design in any textile:

  • curtains;
  • upholstery of chairs and sofas;
  • throw pillows;
  • bedspreads;
  • carpets.

Naturalness and tenderness of color help to successfully fit into the most fashionable trends in design design. The choice of plain textiles or with prints depends on the specificity of the interior. The main thing is to achieve harmony and not overload the design with the same things. For example, in order to remove the facelessness and rigor of plain walls and floor surfaces, you need to add bright contrasting patterns and ornaments.

Using textiles, you can visually adjust the features of the room, for example, visually expand the space by hanging light curtains. A carpet of rich pistachio shades will reduce the discomfort in an overly spacious, seemingly empty room.

When choosing pistachio furniture, you need to adhere to the general style in the interior, for example, for hi-tech, choose the attributes of glass and plastic, for the classic style - a tree with additional forged elements. The main background in this case can be either monophonic pastel or bright, defiant. Pistachio furniture looks great in contrast to the general tone of the room. To enhance the emphasis, it is permissible to use convex textures and interesting intricate shapes.

Pistachio sofa in the interior

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Color combination

Typically, designers are not limited only to pistachio tones in the arrangement of the interior. Avoid merging surfaces and use other colors.


Universal white color can soften the saturation of the tone and make the room a calm, pleasant atmosphere filled with home warmth. For small rooms, it’s important to use pistachio furniture and white trim.

Combination with white color

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This color brings prestige in a classic style. Light gray in combination with pistachio elements will give a mysterious atmosphere, and dense rich gray will bring contrast and depth.

The black

The composition is not suitable for all rooms, as it looks bold, even a little aggressive. Black tiles or a sink in a pistachio kitchen will add rigor and originality to the design.


Gamma with cheerful “orange notes” will give the room a cozy and warm cheerful atmosphere. The color of the pistachio in this case serves to muffle the bright orange.

The combination of orange with light green tones

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Finishing materials made of brown wood in combination with pistachio naturalness emphasize the fusion with nature. Brown upholstered furniture looks good against the background of pistachio walls and the floor.


The uniqueness of the interior is given to the composition of violet, purple and pistachio. Such a memorable design seems to “breathe” pleasant coolness and envelops a mysterious atmosphere.


The turquoise color gives the room a unique, unusual and refreshing even the most dull interior. The success of the combination lies in the harmony between the passing cold notes of pistachios and turquoise.

Turquoise combination

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These two colors make it possible to achieve excellent results in interior design. In furniture and decor, pastel colors are best used.

Pistachio color in room interior design

The lightness and ease of the pistachio color allows you to harmoniously design the atmosphere in rooms for various purposes. With the help of natural shades, you can revive the interior, add originality and sophisticated style to it.

Living room

For a room in which the whole family gathers and hosts guests, an unobtrusive calm pistachio shade is ideal. Romantic guests can decorate the living room in Provence style. In this case, it will be appropriate to decorate the walls in light colors with soaring floral motifs in a yellow or golden palette. Fancy patterns look beautiful on the carpet, upholstery, sofa and curtains.

The walls of the living room can be painted in pastel colors, and revive the interior with the help of pistachio furniture attributes. Bright creative people will be comfortable in a room dominated by pistachio, white and orange shades.

Living room in pistachio colors

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For a room where people are forgotten in the sweet embrace of Morpheus, you need to choose calm shades. Furniture and decor should be made in the same design. A light pistachio bedroom in a classic style looks elegant.

In minimalism, accents on bright pistachio pillows, lamps, vases and other accessories will help to breathe life into design rigor. The main background is recommended to be performed in gray color of various tones.

Pistachio in the bedroom

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The color of the pistachio is great for a child’s room, makes it positive and pleases the eye of the kids. You can use bold decisions and combine pistachio with turquoise, orange, light blue.


Shades of green are perfectly combined with natural materials, therefore, if the design of the kitchen contains wood, stone, bamboo, then you can safely decorate the walls, kitchen set or tables in pistachio color. A real tenderness of spring will give a room decorated in white tones, where the pistachio apron and the opposite wall with a floral pattern are a bright accent.

Using light green kitchen facades

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The color of pistachios goes well in the bathroom with exotic raspberry or pink patterns that creep along the walls and illuminate spotlights. The alternation of pistachio and orange tiles looks unusual and bright.


The first impression is formed from the hallway, so it’s very good to choose a “welcome” pistachio color as the main background. Warm pastel colors are better suited, and for surfaces to last longer, you should buy vinyl or non-woven wallpaper.

Color suitable for decorating the hallway

Pistachio color is an ideal solution for creating a fashionable interior in any room. It is always pleasant to be in rooms with the presence of elements of such a palette, and the right combination with other colors allows you to achieve a special harmony in the design.

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