
The paint remover is a wonderful tool for removing paint

The paint remover is a special nozzle for a drill that helps quickly and without unnecessary difficulties remove old paintwork from walls, floors and ceilings. One of the main advantages of this tool is its versatility, because thanks to it you can easily clean any surfaces.

Alternative solution

The idea of ​​creating a paint picker came to its inventor during the search for ways for quick and safe cleaning of surfaces from the old finishing layer. Before this nozzle appeared, repair masters had to resort to a number of methods, most of which were ineffective:

  1. Putty knife - The cheapest, but ineffective tool.
  2. An ax - its tip helps to pry off a paint layer, but if the coating fits snugly against the wall, you can only damage it (in addition, there is the possibility of a break in the wiring).
  3. A metal brush on a drill - it is more effective than an ax, but it does not cut off the paint, but turns it into dust.
  4. Hot air gun - this building tool is used to heat the old paint layer, which is subsequently removed with a spatula, but when polymers decompose, toxic substances rise in the air, which can cause great harm to health.
  5. Power tools - grinding machines and a grinder with a special disk are supposed here, but their acquisition is associated with high costs.

Metal brush for drill

The “Paint pickup” nozzle has a number of advantages over these devices, due to which it has become in great demand in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

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Key Benefits

The paint pickup does not grind the old layer into dust, but gently removes it with large fragments. This greatly speeds up the work, and in just an hour you can clean from 1 to 4 square meters of surface. This method greatly simplifies cleaning after dismantling the old coating (there is no need to carefully collect dust with a wet rag or vacuum cleaner).

An important advantage of the Paint Pickup nozzle is the ability to process almost any surface in multi-storey buildings. Initially, the tool was created for paint stripping concrete, but practice has shown that it is also effective in grinding other materials:

  • brick;
  • cinder block;
  • a tree;
  • metal;
  • sandstone.

The chain nozzle allows you to remove paint in large fragments

This nozzle can be used to remove the old layer of varnish from floorboards for the purpose of their subsequent restoration, as well as remove paint from walls and floor coverings without any difficulties.

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Security for Communications

The paint picker carefully removes the polymer layer and does not create a risk of damage to power and low-current cable systems. An important role is played by its environmental friendliness.The lack of heat treatment does not lead to the breakdown of polymers and the appearance of toxic emissions.

This nozzle is also effective in cases where it is necessary to remove the old paint in houses built back in the 60s of the last century. Soviet paint is one of the most toxic (contains a large mass fraction of lead), so you need to remove it carefully using a special tool. Do not wash it to dust.

Suitable for removing toxic paint.

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Precautionary measures

Any dismantling is associated with a certain risk. Despite the high efficiency of the pickup, a slight dust emission is still observed when using it.Do not allow it to settle in the lungs, so it is recommended to work in a half mask or respirator, and plastic safety glasses should be worn on the eyes.

Which drill is suitable for this nozzle

The pickup is simple and practical: it is compatible with most models of modern power tools (Russian and foreign). To process old surfaces more efficiently, it is recommended to use drills:

  • with reverse, which will help to adapt to various conditions;
  • designed for long-term operation, including in vibration mode;
  • having a step or smooth speed control.

Reversible drill

Such a power tool will help to process the walls much faster and easier, without spending much effort.

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Main disadvantages

Like any other device for repair and finishing work, this nozzle has disadvantages. First of all, it is quick wear.

During grinding of rough surfaces, friction occurs, and the paint stripper is deformed. The cloves fly off over time, the processing efficiency decreases. The average resource of the nozzle is enough to remove paint in 1-2 rooms.

In contrast to this drawback, it is worth noting the low price of the paint remover, which is lower than that of modern power tools and solvents. This allows you to stock up on several nozzles for repairs throughout the apartment.

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Sanding walls

The paint picker processes not only the polymer layer, but also the remains of the tile and wallpaper glue. It is also suitable for removing minor concrete smudges and stucco on walls, which helps prepare the surface for subsequent procedures.

Patented paint remover for drill

This nozzle is a patented device, which confirms its effectiveness and practicality. It is equally well suited for the treatment of walls, floors and other surfaces, making it an indispensable tool for repairs.

Comments and reviews (7)
  1. Dmitriy

    cool, BUT drills after this Khan !! ))))))))))

  2. Alexander

    After that, Khan’s drill + besides, you’ll remove half of the bricks with such garbage.

  3. grandfather Vladimir

    And can you tear off the old paint from the car ?.

  4. Alexander

    My wife needs to buy - remove nail polish ...

  5. Evgeny

    Well, if your hands and face are not sorry ...

  6. Andrew

    2 days of work and vibration disease provided

  7. Andrew

    I made such an adapt, completely broke the cartridge with chains on drills

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