
Detailed review of the popular KIM TEC sealant

KIM TEC is a silicone transparent sealant designed for a wide range of applications. Full name - KIM TEC 101e Silicon Acetat. It is successfully used in the professional field, but is also suitable for domestic needs. Easy to use, KIM TEC Sealant is suitable for any gun.

For ease of use, it comes in a 310 ml cartridge. The tube is equipped with a nozzle-nozzle, which allows squeezing silicone sealant even into small crevices and openings, filling them.

Description and basic properties

The one-component sealant KIM TEC is rubber based. It has the properties of glue, which expands the possibilities for its use.

One-component sealant

The polymerization of this composition occurs upon contact with the external environment. This contributes to the moisture contained in the air. Hardening, the product forms a rubbery seam, resistant to external influences.

Among the most important consumer properties of KIM TEC sealant are:

  1. Good adhesion. The tool perfectly grasps with various surfaces, holding on to them. We are talking about ceramics, glass, anodized aluminum. Due to the special composition, this sealant does not need a preliminary primer of the surface, which simplifies its use. It is also suitable for working with wood, plastic, polyvinyl chloride, and ceramic tiles.
  2. Thixotropic properties. The sealant is held on horizontal and vertical coatings without spreading and without deformation. The extruded seam retains its shape and practically does not shrink, and is also perfectly retained even on steep surfaces.
  3. Short stapling time. This increases the pace of work, which is important for particularly large volumes. For example, this sealant is indispensable in the processing of building facades, vast premises and various structures.
  4. Resistance to changes in ambient temperature. Due to this property, the sealant does not crack over time and provides the highest quality seal resistant to the negative effects of external factors.
  5. UV immunity. KIM TEC Sealant is not afraid of direct sunlight. It can be used for outdoor work.
  6. Resistance to bacteria and fungi. The environmental friendliness of this tool is achieved due to the inhibitory additives that make up its composition.

Sealants in the store on the shelves

These consumer properties show how simple, convenient, practical and effective KIM TEC sealant is for indoor and outdoor use. This explains the great demand for it. An important role is played by the low cost of this tool, making it available to a wide range of customers.

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Application area

As noted at the beginning, this tool is suitable for solving a variety of problems. For example, using KIM TEC Sealant, you can repair small cracks in the tiles in the bathroom.In the professional field, it is often used to reliably seal large joint seams between structural elements.


KIM TEC is suitable for sealing:

  • window and doorways;
  • cracks in the bathroom and in the kitchen;
  • restoration of flooring.

Sealant is indispensable for the installation of display cases and plumbing equipment. It is often used for ship maintenance and repair work. Due to its elasticity and good bonding, it is suitable for handicrafts and various crafts.

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The most important technical characteristics of KIM TEC sealant include:

  • operating temperature range - from –50 to +180 degrees Celsius;
  • bonding time - 20 minutes;
  • ultimate tensile strength - 1.8 MPa;
  • deformation - not more than 15%;
  • return ability - 95%;
  • hardening speed - approximately 3.0 mm per 1 day.

KIM TEC Silicon 101 E

It is recommended to apply KIM TEC sealant at a positive temperature (from +5 degrees Celsius). This will ensure good adhesion to the surface and prevent cracking of the seam.

The tool is widely known for its resistance to short-term exposure to open flames. Temperature resistant sealant KIM TEC is actively used in industry and in facilities with high fire safety requirements.

Weather resistance is another important property of this composition. It is not sensitive to precipitation. KIM TEC Sealant is not suitable for subsequent painting.

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Instructions for use

The use of this tool is not difficult. The cartridge (tube) is loaded into the gun with an open frame structure and then fixed. The tip of the nozzle is cut off at an angle of 45 degrees, after which you can begin to apply the sealant to the surface.

When the cap is tightly closed, the product does not dry out over time and is suitable for long-term storage. It is recommended to work with KIM TEC sealant with gloves, avoiding direct contact with the skin of the hands (it is difficult to wash off, leaving a greasy film and an unpleasant odor).

When working with this compound, it is recommended to keep a soft, lint-free cloth on hand. With it, you can remove excess sealant before the polymerization process. This will help to correct and correct the seam before it hardens and becomes dense.

Work with KIM TEC sealant

For maximum grip, it is recommended to degrease the surface by removing dust and small debris. This will increase adhesion and simplify sealant handling. To eliminate greasy stains, you can use household / industrial chemicals (the composition for removing the mounting foam is optimal).

To achieve the best result, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the seam and its thickness. It should be twice as deep. This will provide a durable seal.

If you plan to carry out the final grout, then this must be done before the film appears on the surface of the sealant. Otherwise, the seam can be damaged, which will lead to microcracks in its structure.

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Application restrictions

Do not use KIM TEC sealant when working with:

  • polyethylene;
  • plastic films.

Do not use in an environment in contact with food. The sealant is aggressive to surfaces that enter into a chemical reaction with acetic acid, which should be considered when working with the composition.

The possibility of abrasion, increased mechanical stress and prolonged contact with the liquid - these factors also impose a number of restrictions on the use of KIM TEC sealant. The product is not suitable for the restoration of natural stone surfaces.

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Storage and shelf life

To prevent KIM TEC sealant from losing its consumer properties, it should be stored at a temperature of –50 to +50 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to leave a refilled cartridge in sunlight. Shelf life reaches 24 months.The packaging must be intact, without any damage.

To prevent KIM TEC sealant from losing its consumer properties, it should be stored at a temperature of –50 to +50 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to leave a refilled cartridge in sunlight. Shelf life reaches 24 months. The packaging must be intact, without any damage.

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